This workshop will be held in conjunction with the 8
th European Conference of Antennas and Propagation (
EuCAP 2014).
ITU-R Study Groups develop the technical bases for decisions taken at World Radiocommunication Conferences and develop global standards (Recommendations), Reports and Handbooks on radiocommunication matters. ITU-R Study Group 3 deals with radio wave propagation in ionized and non-ionized media and the characteristics of radio noise, for the purpose of improving radiocommunication systems. It is structured in four working parties:
The objectives of the workshop are the following:
- Introduction to ITU-R Study Group 3, its structure and its working methods.
- Provide an overview of the most important ITU-R SG3 recommendations.
- Discuss the current workplan, the key areas for future study and the need for new contributions.
- Practical guidance on how to contribute to the work of SG3.
Mr Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg, Chairman Study Group 3
Ms Marlene Pontes, Chairman Working Party 3J
Mr Paul McKenna, Chairman Working Party 3K
Prof Les Barclay, Chairman Working Party 3L
Mrs Carol Wilson, Chairman Working Party 3M