ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Compatibility of mobile phones and vehicle hands-free terminals

​​​​​​​List of mobile phones compliant with chapter​ 12
of ITU-T P.1100 and ITU-T P.1110

A mobile phone connected via short-range wireless communication (Bluetooth®) to a vehicle's hands-free telephone system must satisfy certain requirements to achieve high-quality voice conversations.

The phones listed are proven to achieve the desired quality of voice conversation by meeting the requirements of the 'Chapter 12 tests' of Recommendations ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband) and/or P.11​10 (wideband), standards for communications involving motor vehicles.

For a demonstration of the desired quality, listen to an audio sample of high quality in comparison with a sample of substandard quality.

More audio samples are available here.

Mobile phone Vendor Software Compliant with​ITU test event
Xperia XZ
​Sony​39.0.A.3.30 - Android 6.0.1ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
Third ITU test event (Nov 2016)
​Xperia X​Sony​34.0.A.2.301 - Android 6.0.1ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
Third ITU test event (Nov 2016)
​Xperia X Compact​Sony​34.1.A.1.205 - Android 6.0.1ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
Third ITU test event (Nov 2016)
​Xperia X Performance​Sony​35.0.A.1.297 - Android 6.0.1ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
Third ITU test event (Nov 2016)
Moto X ForceMotorolaLPK23.145.-5​​​ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
​Second ITU test event (May 2016)
​​One M9HTC​1.32.401.15 CL506785 release-keys​​​​ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
Second ITU test event (May 2016)
Z30Blackberry​​​​​​ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
Second ITU test event (May 2016)
One M8HTC​4.16.401.13 CL448934 release-keysITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
​​​Second ITU test event (May 2016)
Xperia Z1​Sony14.3.A.0.757ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
​First ITU test event (May 2014)
​W880iSony Ericsson​​R8BA024​ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)​First ITU test event (May 2014)
​Z30Blackberry​​ P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
​First ITU test event (May 2014)
​Q10​Blackberry​​​ P.1100 (narrowband)​First ITU test event (May 2014)
​Z10​Blackberry​​​​ P.1100 (narrowband)​First ITU test event (May 2014)
​Z10​Blackberry​​ P.1100 (narrowband)​First ITU test event (May 2014)
​Moto G​Motorola​KLB20.9-1.10-1.9ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)​First ITU test event (May 2014)
​Moto G​Motorola​KLB20.9-1.10-1.24-1.1ITU-T P.1110​
​First ITU test event (May 2014)
​G2LG​​D80210a-EUR-XXITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
​First ITU test event (May 2014)
​S5​SamsungK0T49H.G900FXXU1ANC9       ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)​First ITU test event (May 2014)
​One M8​HTC​1.12.1540.17 CL318414 release-keys​​ITU-T P.1100 (narrowband)
ITU-T P.1110​
​First ITU test event (May 2014)

There are two types of voice-communication mode between mobile phones in mobile networks:
(Phones listed did not all succeed in both modes)
