The 2022 cohort of the Generation Connect – Arab Youth Envoys (GC-ARB) aimed to provide a unique participative process for youth to contribute to the work of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the Arab region.

It offered the Arab youth a virtual platform to discuss opportunities and challenges related to digital technologies. Through this platform, youth were invited to share with the ITU membership their interests, concerns and perspectives on digital transformation, especially in the context of the ITU Regional Preparatory Meeting for Arab (RPM-ARB) for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) held in June 2022. The 2022 GC-ARB Youth Envoys aimed at the elaboration of a crowd-sourced document presented by the digital youth envoys after the RPM-ARB.

This 2022 cohort of the Generation Connect ARB Youth Envoys carried out their engagement in the context of the ITU Youth Strategy, in particular, within the framework of the “Generation Connect” global initiative. It also contributed to the implementation of digital inclusiveness in the Arab region.

Meet the Generation Connect – Arab Youth Envoys (GC-ARB) – Cohort of 2022

Tayma Abdelhadi

State of Palestine

Ali Al Tooblani


Ahmad Alkhadi

State of Palestine

Batool Alsulaibi

State of Palestine

Nora Altwaijri

Saudi Arabia

Zied Baccouch


Mohamed Amine


Ali Bouhedja


Wassila Chtioui


Omar Eid


Melissa El Feghali


Yara Gouth

Saudi Arabia

Majd Maree

State of Palestine

Mahasen Mudallali

United Arab Emirates

Omar Ramzi


Karmel Shehadeh

State of Palestine

Yomna Sherif


Seifallah Youssef


Raneem Zaitoun


Read the biographies of the Generation Connect – Arab Youth Envoys – Cohort of 2022 to learn more about their backgrounds and passion for digital development.