Gender equality in digital transformation
17 May is World Telecommunication & Information Society Day
On 17 May 2025, the annual celebration of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (#WTISD) will focus on gender equality in digital transformation. Coinciding with this, the upcoming 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing+30) provides a critical opportunity to accelerate the push for gender equality in digital transformation.
- The world is moving slowly towards gender parity in Internet use – An estimated 70 per cent of men use the Internet worldwide in 2024, compared with 65 per cent of women. Although there are 189 million more men than women using the Internet, the world has been moving towards gender parity except in least developed countries. Gender, geographic, and economic divides prevent equitable access to the Internet.
- Gender equality accelerates progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Achieving gender equality in digital transformation can advance multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with increased access providing greater educational, employment, and entrepreneurial opportunities. - Women should have opportunities to succeed in tech
Empowering women with digital skills and leadership roles is essential for their full participation in the digital economy. Policy-makers should integrate a gender and inclusivity perspective into their work and invest in enabling initiatives. - ITU is committed to inclusive digital transformation
ITU supports women as digital leaders and promotes gender equality among member countries and companies, with active networks of women in the Radiocommunication, Standardization, and Development sectors.
Celebrated every year on 17 May, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) marks the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – the United Nations Agency for Digital Technologies. In 2025, ITU will celebrate its 160th anniversary. Check out the campaign here.
Exhibit: “Not a woman’s job?”
Celebrating women who dare to lead, innovate and forge new paths in science and tech Learn more