Page 17 - ITU Smart Sustainable Cities, March 2021
P. 17


                                                                                  Joint coordination
        Joint Smart Cities Taskforce                                              activity on IoT

                                                                                  and SC&C

        ITU, ISO and IEC, the three leading standards developing
        organizations, have spearheaded the creation of the Joint Smart           • Coordinates work on “Internet
        Cities Taskforce to:                                                        of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities
                                                                                    & Communities (SC&C)” within
        • build synergies on ongoing work in ITU, IEC and ISO related to            ITU-T.
          smart cities and communities;
                                                                                  • Supports collaboration and
        • maximize efforts to identify new areas of cooperation on smart            coordination with other SDOs on
          cities and communities;                                                   topics on IoT and SC&C.
        • develop a holistic view on smart cities and communities taking          • Maintains up to date
          into consideration the scope, areas of work and expertise of ITU,         Supplement 58 to the ITU-T
          IEC and ISO in this domain.                                               Y-series that presents the
                                                                                    Joint Coordination Activity
                                                                                    on IoT and SC&C roadmap,
        TM Forum                                                                    that contains a collection of
                                                                                    standards & guidelines related to
        In 2020, TM Forum invited ITU-T SG20 to transpose two TM Forum              IoT and SC&C.
        technical specifications which aim to provide a new set of essential
        API components and to further extend the cooperation for the re-
        use and deployment of standards across the industry.                          The IoT and SC&C standards

                                                                                             I nt e r n a t i on a l   T e l e c om m uni c a t i on U ni on

        The Collaboration between oneM2M and ITU-T SG20 was initiated
                                                                                             ITU-T     Series Y
                                                                                             TELECOMMUNICATION   Supplement 58
        in July 2015 to address the need for a common M2M Service                             OF ITU     (12/2019)
                                                                                             STANDARDIZATION SECTOR
        Layer that can be readily embedded within various hardware and                       SERIES Y: GLOBAL INFORMATION
                                                                                             INFRASTRUCTURE, INTERNET PROTOCOL ASPECTS,
                                                                                             NEXT-GENERATION NETWORKS, INTERNET OF
                                                                                             THINGS AND SMART CITIES
        software. The outcomes of this successful collaboration include:                        Internet of things and smart cities and
                                                                                             communities standards roadmap
        • 17 oneM2M technical specifications as ITU-T Recommendations
          (Y.4500 series); and
                                                                                             ITU-T  Y-series Recommendations  –  Supplement 58

        • 6 oneM2M technical reports as ITU-T Technical Reports.
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