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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

                                               Fig. 1 – Flow chart of proposed method.

          topology as an undirected graph   (  ,   ), where   
          denotes network switches and    represents  ibre links
          (edges) connecting the switches. This is followed by
          the extraction of the geographic location data using
          the input data set.  Next, the Harvesine approach is
          applied on the location data to generate the distance
          matrix. To determine edge weights, an adjacency matrix
          is implemented between all connected switches. Then,
          computation of the number of controllers that minimize
          intra‑cluster latency is carried out using the Silhouette                   (a)
          algorithm as described in Section 4.2.1, Algorithm 1.
          To verify the results from Silhouette, Gap Statistics is
          implemented as described in Section 4.2.2, Algorithm
          2.  This is followed by computation of the shortest
          path matrix by applying Johnson’s algorithm outlined in
          Algorithm 3. The results from Silhouette, Gap Statistics
          and Johnson’s algorithm, are used as inputs to the
          PAM algorithm discussed in Section 4.3.2, Algorithm 4,
          which is used to  ind the best locations that minimize
          propagation latencies, namely the average latency and
          worst‑case latency de ined in Section 4.3.2 (Eq (6) and
          (7)). The key factor in our mathematical formulation                        (b)
          is the distance (under the assumption of constant
          bandwidth across all  ibre links).  Therefore under
          constant bandwidth, propagation latency is directly
          proportional to distance.

          6.  RESULTS        FOR        MATHEMATICAL

          This section presents and discusses the results obtained
          after applying the approaches described in Section 4.
          6.1 Optimal number of controllers

                                                               Fig. 2 – Silhouette analysis to determine optimal number of controllers
          6.1.1  Silhouette analysis                           for (a)    = 2(b)    = 3(c)    = 4.
          In order to determine the optimal number of controllers
          to deploy on the SANReN backbone, we applied our     These plots show the clustering quality when a different
          enhanced Silhouette algorithm with propagation latency  number of SDN controllers are deployed. For instance,
          as our key performance indicator. The results from our  Fig.  2 (  ) illustrates the clustering quality when 2
          Silhouette analysis are as depicted in Fig. 2.       controllers are deployed. The metric used to measure

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