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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

               Economic efficiency of spectrum allocation
               Pages 67–76
               Vadim Nozdrin
               Spectrum demand is rapidly expanding, driven by the developments of incumbent radio systems, as
               well as with the requirements of new technologies and market players to get spectrum access. In this
               regard,  one  of  the  fundamental  functions  of  the  state  spectrum  regulator  is  to  create  an  enabling
               administrative and legal environment to ensure efficient spectrum use and to mitigate scarcity of this
               valuable natural resource. This paper analyses the economic value of spectrum use and suggests an
               extension of the spectrum's traditional technical boundaries, in order to take into consideration energy,
               environmental, sanitary and bio-geotechnical limits. The study reviews the phenomena of increasing
               transaction  costs  and  negative  externalities  of  spectrum  access  requiring  economic  criteria  and
               assessment to achieve optimum resource allocation with a spectrum's demand growth. Results develop
               an  input-output  matrix  as  an  allocation  instrument  to  achieve  spectrum  efficiency  and  optimum
               equilibrium  based  on  analysis  of  the  economic  effects  from  different  band  utilization  scenarios,
               supplemented by currently used technical criteria. Practical application of proposed economic methods
               should improve the existing spectrum management system.
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               Performance  of  a  parallel  Hamming  coding  in  short-frame  OFDM  sensor's
               Pages 77–88
               Raouia Masmoudi Ghodhbane, Jorge Fernandez‑Mayoralas
               In this paper, we focus on the most relevant Error Correcting Codes (ECCs): the Hamming code and
               the Reed-Solomon code in order to meet the trade-off between the low implementation complexity and
               the  high  error  correction  capacity  in  a  short-frame  OFDM  communication  system.  Moreover,  we
               discuss and validate via simulations this trade-off between complexity (Hamming is the easiest to code)
               and error correction capability (Reed-Solomon being the most effective). Therefore, we have to either
               improve the correction capacity of the Hamming code, or decrease the complexity cost for the Reed-
               Solomon code. Based on this analysis, we propose a new design of parallel Hamming coding. On the
               one  hand,  we  validate  this  new  model  of  parallel  Hamming  coding  with  numerical  results  using
               MATLAB-Simulink tools and BERTool Application which makes easier the Bit Error Rate (BER)
               performance simulations. On the other hand, we implement the design of this new model on an FPGA
               mock-up and we show that this solution of a parallel Hamming encoder/decoder uses a few resources
               (LUTs) and has a higher capability of correcting when compared to the simple Hamming code.
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