Page 7 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 4 – AI and machine learning solutions in 5G and future networks
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 4

               complexity  and  better  convergence  efficiency.  Performance  analysis  shows  the  quality-of-service
               improvement  in  terms  of  signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio  (SINR)  and  the  robustness  towards
               different environments.

               The paper “Enhanced shared experiences in heterogeneous network with generative AI” considers an
               environment where the participants can interact with each other through video conferencing by only
               sending the audio in the network. The authors propose a multi-modal adaptive normalization-based
               architecture (MAN) to synthesize a talking person video of arbitrary length using as input an audio
               signal and a single image of a person. The architecture uses the multi-modal adaptive normalization,
               keypoint  heatmap  predictor,  optical  flow  predictor  and  class  activation  map-based  layers  to  learn
               movements of expressive facial components and hence generates a highly expressive talking-head video
               of the given person.
               Digital representations of the real world are being used in many applications such as augmented reality.
               6G systems will not only support use cases that rely on virtual worlds but also benefit from the rich
               contextual  information  to  improve  performance  and  reduce  communication  overhead.  The  paper
               “Simulation of machine learning-based 6G systems in virtual worlds” focuses on the simulation of 6G
               systems that rely on a 3-D representation of the environment, as captured by cameras and other sensors.
               New strategies for obtaining paired MIMO channels and multimodal data are presented and tradeoffs
               between speed and accuracy when generating channels via ray-tracing are discussed.

               This special issue was made possible due to the tireless and selfless efforts by the Guest Editors. The
               leading Guest Editor – Chih-Lin I, China Mobile Research Institute, China – as well as the Guest Editors
               –  Akihiro  Nakao,  University  of  Tokyo,  Japan;  Aldebaro  Klautau,  The  Federal  University  of  Pará
               (UFPA), Brazil; Nuria González Prelcic, North Carolina State University, USA; and Albert Cabellos-
               Aparicio, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain – worked together as a team to guide the authors.
               The  insights,  expert  comments  and  recommendations  of  the  well  experienced  Guest  editors  were
               invaluable for bringing out the innovations behind the Challenge in the form of this journal. We also
               thank the numerous reviewers who worked hard to make sure that we have quality manuscripts for this
               special issue. Furthermore, we would like to thank the authors who not only submitted solutions to the
               Challenge but also took the trouble to document them and share them to our readers. Last but not least
               we are grateful to the Editor-in-Chief of the ITU Journal, Ian Akyildiz, for his enthusiasm and guidance.
               The second edition of the ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge is already underway in 2021. This provides an
               opportunity for partners, hosts and participants to collaborate on new problem statements, datasets and
               solutions. The call for papers resulting from the second edition of the Challenge provides a further
               opportunity for collaboration and learning for our hosts and participants.

               We invite you to enjoy reading the current special issue and to join us on our journey of the next one.

                Vishnu Ram                    Thomas Basikolo               Reinhard Scholl
                Independent Researcher        ITU                           ITU

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