Page 8 - U4SSC Verification Report, Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands, June 2020
P. 8

1.      Introduction and Verification Background

            This report contains the verification results for the KPI submission by the city of Krimpen aan den IJssel
            to the requirements of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) Key Performance Indicators
            (KPIs) as described within the ‘Collection Methodology for Key Performance Indicators for Smart
            Sustainable Cities’�  1

            John Smiciklas, who is certified as a U4SSC Key Performance Indicators for Smart Sustainable Cities
            Verifier, completed the verification in November 2018.

            The verification assessment activities included:

            •  Collecting and reviewing KPI data.

            •  Interviewing city stakeholders.

            •  Verifying  that  the  data  submitted  is  in  conformity  with  the  requirements  of  the  Collection
                Methodology for Key Performance Indicators for Smart Sustainable Cities.

            •  Preparing the Verification Report.

            The verification was conducted using the information made available during the onsite visit and the
            information presented during follow-up activities. It was planned and performed in order to obtain
            limited assurance with respect to the information examined.

            There were no limitations that impacted the completion of this verification.

            1  https://​www​.itu​.int/​en/​publications/​Documents/​tsb/​2017​-U4SSC​-Collection​-Methodology/​index​.html

              2  Verification Report | Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands | June 2020
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