Page 6 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1


               The ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies
               is  the  latest  initiative  to  contribute  to  the  growing
               strength of ITU’s relationship with academia.
               Researchers  participate  alongside  policymakers  and
               industry-leading  engineers  in  ITU  expert  groups
               responsible  for  radiocommunication,  standardization
               and  development.  Contributions  from  research
               communities bring greater strength to the work of ITU,
               and  participation  in  ITU  helps  these  communities  to
               increase the impact of their research.
               Researchers play a key part in ITU’s Primetime Emmy
               winning  standardization  work  for  video  coding.  They
               are  also  an  important  driving  force  in  ITU
               standardization  work  in  fields  such  as  network
               orchestration, AI and machine learning, video gaming,
               blockchain, digital finance, digital health, autonomous
               driving, and quantum information technology.
               We are entering new frontiers in information and communication technology (ICT) and supporting ITU
               standardization work. Research communities are integral to this movement and this movement is certain
               to grow stronger with the support of the ITU Journal.
               I would like to thank all contributors to this first issue of the ITU Journal as well as our Editor-in-Chief,
               Ian F. Akyildiz, for creating a first issue that addresses topics of great strategic importance to ITU.
               I am very glad to welcome Professor Akyildiz to the ITU community. We share a vision focused on the
               future and a firm belief that the ITU Journal will deliver unique value to readers and authors worldwide.
               Isaac Newton famously said that if he had seen further, it was by standing on the shoulders of giants.
               Academia is helping the ITU community to see further. I thank you with all my heart for your support.

               Chaesub Lee
               ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

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