Page 5 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
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As stated in Recommendation ITU-T Y.3500, the This flipbook offers a detailed overview on today’s
cloud computing is a paradigm for enabling ITU-T deliveries related to cloud computing. It
network access to a scalable and elastic pool of aims to give an introduction and guidance for the
shareable physical or virtual resources with on- understanding of cloud computing concepts, eco
demand self-service provisioning and system and principles.
administration. Users have quick access to such
resources as for example hardware and software
platforms or applications in the context of the 1 November 2019
different cloud deployment models as public,
private and hybrid. Furthermore, investments in
own hardware and software are reduced, in
particular, when considering their rapid changes
because of high pace of innovations. Aside from
cost savings and promoting innovation, the
integration of cloud computing changes
architecture and management of
telecommunication networks. Cloud computing is
considered to be one of the key capabilities of
currently deploying IMT2020/ 5G networks.
ITU-T has been developing Recommendations on
cloud computing since 2011.
Given that cloud computing is based on the Dr Leo Lehmann, Chairman for ITU-T Study
concurrence of a variety of resources of Group 13 "Future networks, with focus on
telecommunication networks and IT IMT-2020, cloud computing and trusted network
infrastructure, ITU-T standards enabling infrastructures"
consistent end-to-end, multi-cloud management
and monitoring of services exposed by and across
different service providers’ domains and
technologies have been and are still published.
ITU-T Study Group 13 (SG13) has published to this
day 24 ITU-T standards related to cloud
computing. In addition, other 14 cloud computing
standards have been published by other ITU-T
Study Groups. Such standards, which have to
some extend been jointly developed with other
SDO’s such as ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38/WG 3, focus in
detail on, inter alia, requirements and functional
architectures of the cloud computing ecosystem,
covering inter- and intra-cloud computing and
technologies supporting XaaS (X as a Service). This
work includes infrastructure and networking
aspects of cloud computing models, as well as
deployment considerations and requirements for
interoperability and data portability.
Furthermore, studies orient toward cloud service
and infrastructure management as well as the
management of composite cloud services and
components that use a variety of telecom and IT
infrastructure resources.