Page 11 - Case study: Air quality management in Southern California, USA
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On this platform, cloud computing techniques are applied in order to transform the data into usable
and actionable information that facilitates pollution mitigation actions.
2.2. Implementation
Two unique approaches are used during the implementation phase. 1) Sensor data are integrated
with real‑time information on wind speed, wind direction and the variability in wind direction to
provide a real‑time designation of the likely area that a measured value has originated from. With
clever design, users of the system can immediately see which industry or other source is the likely
cause of air quality incident. 2) Three‑dimensional, non‑steady state meteorological modelling
techniques (commonly used in advanced dispersion modelling) are re‑engineered and reprocessed
and displayed in a way to provide an immediate reverse trajectory display of the likely source of
elevated sensor value or complaint in the community.
Figure 2: Illustration of Source Identification 5
In response to Assembly Bill (AB) 617 , the California Air Resources Board (CARB) established
the Community Air Protection Program which focuses on reducing exposure in the communities
most impacted by air pollution. The BAAQMD was the first district to roll out a Community Health
Protection Program under AB617.
The following entities have been involved during the implementation: California Air Resources Board
(CARB), South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Bay Area Air Quality Management
District (BAAQMD).
Air quality management in Southern California| California, USA 5