Page 6 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 6

Figure 1 - Standardization scope of big data in ITU-T

            Based on the above two standards, ITU continues     infrastructure and platform), etc. There is also a
            to contribute to the development of companion       need  to  standardize  on  big  data  management,
            standards  for  big  data.  The  standards  currently   quality  identification  and  evaluation,  and
            under  development  are  Y.bdi-reqts  (Big  data  –   protection  of  personal  information.  These  ITU
            Functional  requirements  for  data  integration),   standardization  efforts  are  expected  to  play  an
            Y.bdm-sch  (Big  data  –  Conceptual  model  of     important  role  for  data  sharing  and  recycling,
            metadata),  Y.BD-arch  (Big  data  –  Functional    analysis and various application services soon.
            architecture),   Y.BDDP-reqts   (Big   data   –     Any  of  member’s  idea  related  to  big  data
            Requirements for data preservation), Y.bDDN-req     standardization  is  welcome  and  can  serve  as
            (Requirement  of  big  data-driven  networking),    valuable  information  for  future  standardization
            X.GSBDaaS (Guidelines on security of big data as a   efforts.
            service), X.sgBDIP (Security guidelines for big data

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