Page 48 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 48
2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference
This pilot experience presents a model for extending the
early warning system using ICT in deep sea.
We are thankful to Dr. Arun Pande to conceptualize this
entire initiative. We will like to thank TCS management
comprising of Dr. Srinivasu Pappula, TCS CTO K. Ananth
Krishnan and VP K padmanabhan and NAIP and World
Bank leaders, especially Mr. Ranjan Samantaray for his
support. We are also greatful to our partners Dr. S.S.C.
Shenioi, Mr. Nagaraja and others at INCOIS and Mr. N.
Figure 13. Signal quality Srinath and Neeraj Dindore from Tata Teleservices to
provide required support for the testing.
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Figure 14. Data Speed
the customer connectivity experience. Airtel data speeds are [5] “Safety for Fishermen: The Way Forward”, FAO, Rome,
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[6] Anabel, Nancy. "Enhancing Lives and Livelihoods of Fisher
Above comparison is based on the boat drive test covering folk through Innovative Technology applications." 2013.
only 3 sectors (out of total 19 sectors) installed by TTL. A
periodic test drive can help optimize the signal strength [7] Chaturvedi, Sanjay, and Vijay Sakhuja. Climate Change and
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[8] Nayak, Shailesh, T. S. Kumar, and M. N. Kumar.
"Satellitebased fishery service in India." The Full Picture,
From the comparative study it was observed that the pilot pp. 256-257, 2007.
provided a good quality mobile signal coverage upto 30-
35km in deep sea and a high data rate. This provided an [9] Kimbahune, Sanjay, V. V. Singh, Arun Pande, and D.
extended accessibility to the ICT network which helped Singh,. "ICT for fisheries—Environment friendly way: Pilot
enable a better use of the technology for a better livelihood experience in Raigadh." In 2013 Annual IEEE India
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signal to call for help when a boat was overloaded with the
catch and could have toppled in the sea. This helped in [10] Dineshkumar Singh, Veerendra Veer Singh, Arun Pande,
and Sanjay Kimbahune, “Approach and challenges for deep
arranging another empty boat and transfering the excess sea communication for fishermen –an experiment”, 1st
load thus creating a shared opportunity for all. In another World Ocean Science Conference 2015, Mar 2015.
instance, fisher with the large catch quantity, could connect
with the local traders at the landing center and negotiate the [11] “Can't force operators to give coverage in sea: DoT to
price. This helped to preserve the quality of the fish and Defence “, Economic Times, India, 2012.
adequate ice, labor and truck could be arranged, even
before the catch landed at the sea. A combination of the
wireless VHF sets and mobile phones provided a further
extended extension in deep sea, upto 60-70 km.
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