Page 4 - BDT Year in Review 2019 - On the road to digital transformation through meaningful connectivity
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                                EMERGENCY TELECOMMUNICATIONS

                                ITU Guidelines for national   Joined Crisis Connectivity
                                emergency telecommunication plans  Charter (CCC). To make satellite-based
                                newly developed. The guidelines will   communications more readily available to
                                assist countries with the     humanitarians and affected communities in
                                development of national emergency
                                plans                         times of disaster

                              ITU Emergency Roster
                              initiative launched. The initiative trains ITU
                              staff to be deployed when disasters strike

                                Launched                        Regional E-waste
                                through the Global E-Waste Statistics   Monitor. Improved the
                                partnership. A website that visualises e-  collection of e-waste statistics in
                                                                Arab States and Latin American
                                waste data and statistics globally, by   countries
                                region and country

                                 NETWORKS & DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE

                                  Business Planning            ITU Broadband Maps. To promote
                                  for Infrastructure           understanding and investment opportunities of
                                                               network infrastructure to take stock of
                                  Deployment toolkit.          worldwide connectivity. Represent information
                                  Assists Member States in     from more than 440 operators and 24,000
                                  evaluation of proposed       access points worldwide
                                  broadband projects

                                  STATISTICS                          POLICY & REGULATION
                                  Launched the new
                                  Measuring Digital                    GSR-19 adopted Best
                                  Development Series                   Practice Guidelines on
                                  in support of harmonizing and        fast-forwarding digital connectivity
                                  disseminating world data. The first   for all. The guidelines support
                                                                       spreading last mile networks and
                                  publication in the series - Facts    services to fulfil last mile
                                  and Figures 2019 was launched in     connectivity
                                  November 2019

                            Strengthened capacity of 75             Quantified the positive impact of
                            countries on ICT statistics
                                                                    broadband, digital transformation and
                                                                    the interplay of ICT regulation on national
                                                                    economies using new-generation, mature
                                                                    econometric modelling techniques, applied
                                                                    at the regional level

               BDT 2019 Year in Review: On the road to Digital Transformation through Meaningful Connectivity
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