Page 19 - Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2016
P. 19
1 Investment strategies for broadband
deployment and access to the digital
Iqbal Singh Bedi, Nuno Afonso and Dr Matt Yardley, Analysys Mason
1.1 Introduction The chapter highights global investment trends
and considers regional and industry variations.
This chapter identifies strategies that private and It also examines public-private partnership
public investors have implemented to support (PPP) investments and alternative, innovative
deployments of broadband infrastructure and approaches to funding.
greater access to the digital economy. Based on a
review of investment cases from around the world, The chapter has been prepared using secondary
this chapter identifies best-practice investment research based on publicly available information.
strategies and variations from different regions and Unfamiliar investment cases have been selected
service markets. It also identifies key lessons for deliberately to provide a fresh perspective,
governments, regulators and investors to stimulate and familiar examples that have already been
investment in broadband networks. researched extensively have not been used. The
investment cases provided do not represent an
The purpose of the chapter is not to focus on any exhaustive list of examples, but they have been
single investment approach or example, but rather selected carefully to present a wide a range of
to provide an overall view of the best practices cases from around the world, allowing investment
used to encourage investment in the digital trends to be identified.
Table 1.1: Case studies covered in the chapter by type of investment strategy and region
Types of investment/activity Developing regions Developed regions
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) • National ICT Broadband Backbone • Mobile Infrastructure Project
(NICTBB), Tanzania (MIP), UK
• Johannesburg Broadband Network • National Broadband Scheme
Project (JBNP), South Africa (NBS), Ireland
• Metroweb, Italy
• Qatar National Broadband
Network (QNBN), Qatar
Alternative approaches • Google Fiber, Uganda • MGTS, Russia
• Seacom, Africa • Google Fiber, USA
• Asia-Pacific Gateway, Asia • SIGFOX, France
• Community broadband,
Financial innovations • mexBT, Mexico • Star Citizen, USA
• Aentropico, Colombia • Pebble, USA
• Shyp, USA
• Hipcom, UK
Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2016 1