ITU's 160 anniversary

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PP-14 Highlights: Issue No. 9

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Issue No. 9, 3 November 2014

Conference moves into top gear as it enters final week


The conference  began its third and final week on Monday, 3 November by approving  a number of revised and  new resolutions submitted for its endorsement by its Working Group of the Plenary (WGPL), Committee 5 (Legal and Policy), and Committee 6 (Administration and Management). 

Empowering youth through telecommunication and ICT

A major highlight in Monday's plenary was the approval of a resolution titled "Empowerment of youth through telecommunication/information and communication technology" – Resolution WG-PL/4 (Busan, 2014). Today, youth under the age of 25 account for 42.5 per cent of the world's population and constitute the most active population in terms of use of the Internet.

Under the terms of the new resolution, ITU will continue to engage with youth in outreach, through communications, capacity building and research, from the perspectives of digital inclusion. ITU will also promote innovation, entrepreneurship and skills development, in order to equip youth to participate fully in the digital economy and in all aspects of society. In addition, ITU should promote partnerships with academia for the purpose of youth development.

High priority will be accorded to integrating young professionals in the human resources and operations of ITU.  The work being done at ITU, particularly in its Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) will continue with the aim of helping empower youth through information and communication technologies by promoting policies that improve socio-economic conditions for youth.  In this context, some countries highlighted the importance of Resolution 76 (Dubai, 2014) of the World Telecommunication Development Conference, on promoting ICT among young women and men for social and economic empowerment.

ITU is called upon in the new resolution to maintain a youth perspective in the implementation of its strategic plan and financial plan for 2016-2019, as well as in the operational plans of the Bureaux and the General Secretariat. ITU will investigate and analyse the impact of telecommunication and information and communication technologies on youth. There is also a call to maintain the ITU-TELECOM World Young Innovators Competition on a yearly basis.  Age groups of youth shall be defined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of ITU activities.

The Council is instructed to build on the initiatives carried out over the past four years and to accelerate youth empowerment in ITU as a whole, within existing budgetary resources.  It should consider involving youth in the celebrations of ITU's 150th anniversary and in the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. It should also look into launching a special recognition award for young people who make outstanding contributions in the field of ICT.

The Secretary-General will bring this resolution to the attention of the United Nations Secretary-General in an effort to promote increased coordination and cooperation for development policies, programmes and projects that link ICT to the promotion and empowerment of youth.

Costa Rica took the floor to thank all Member States, who had supported the work on this resolution.

The delegation had this to say: "Costa Rica recognizes that digital inclusion is fundamental for constructing an integrated, inclusive society based on solidarity. So we need to promote actions to ensure that everyone has affordable access to information and communication technologies, and encourage collaboration.  We also recognize that there needs to be further impetus for international cooperation to ensure that new generations can have more forums in which young people can learn, create, participate in, and use digital technologies to continue promoting the development of affordable and accessible services in this field."

Conference Chairman Wonki Min said "this new resolution will open the door for many young people to have access to ICT and to make their dreams come true through ICT".  Many countries welcomed the resolution: Argentina, the United Arab Emirates (on behalf of the Arab Group), and Grenada, with Comoros thanking the ITU Secretary‑General for "his conviction and his policy initiatives for young people and women". Comoros expressed the hope that young people would be able to attend future plenipotentiary conferences and encouraged Member States to put in place a follow-up system that would continue to involve young people, who have had the privilege to participate in the Young ICT Policy Leaders programme at PP-14. Vanuatu joined other countries in praising ITU for initiating this programme. 


More new and revised resolutions

Following is the list of other resolutions approved in Monday’s plenary under Conference Chairman Wonki Min after their passage through the Editorial Committee (Committee 4).

Revised resolutions

New resolutions



The following resolution was suppressed: WGPL agreed to abrogate the following resolutions:

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