78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Second Committee
Information and Communications Technologies for Sustainable Development
Statement by ITU Secretary-General
6 October 2023
Remarks delivered by Ursula Wynhoven, ITU Representative to the United Nations, New York
Mr. Chair, Excellencies, Delegates,
The Political Declaration recently adopted at the SDG Summit 2023 mentions the word “digital" 13 times, in areas as diverse and critical as women's empowerment, education, the economy, sustainability, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The SDG Digital Acceleration Agenda launched by ITU and UNDP at our SDG Digital event convened during SDG Action Weekend as a contribution to the Summit shows that digital can accelerate progress on 70% of the SDG targets — at a time when only 15% of these targets are on track.
As the UN agency for digital technologies, ITU is committed to making digital a central part of the global rescue plan for the SDGs called for by the UN Secretary-General.
This starts by bringing online the 2.6 billion people worldwide who are still unconnected.
Collaborative action among nations is essential to ensure no one is left behind in the second half of the SDGs.
Countries that have made significant strides in digital infrastructure and affordability have achieved greater success in SDG implementation.
ITU and UNDP are working together to coordinate the UN's High Impact Initiative on Digital Public Infrastructure launched during the General Assembly High-Level Week last month, which aims to empower 100 countries with safe, accessible, affordable, green, fully funded and future-ready DPI solutions.
We find ourselves in a moment of profound significance for technology, with new advancements in artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies — and what this means for sustainable development.
The Global Digital Compact, next year's Summit of the Future and the 20-year review of the World Summit Information Society provide crucial opportunities to recalibrate the digital agenda and prioritize it in collaboration with Member States in the face of a rapidly evolving digital landscape.
At stake is our vision of the future — one based on a common understanding and strategic framework that leverages technology for sustainable development.
When ITU Member States meet in Dubai in a few weeks for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023, they will shape digital development for this decade and well into the future.
This conference will take place at the same time as COP28, where ITU and its partners will organize a Green Digital Action track.
Now is the time to use digital to put the SDGs back on track.
Now is the time to build a prosperous, inclusive, safe and sustainable digital future for all.
Thank you.