RR5 Table of Frequency Allocations Software
In this issue
A standalone application that does not require a network or Internet connection, the software provides a way to electronically query and analyze the Table of Frequency Allocations and its associated footnotes, as they appear in the Article 5 of Radio Regulations, as well as a few related texts such as some ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) Resolutions, Recommendations and Rules of Procedure.
Built around a relational database model, the software enables users to extract and modify the National Table of Frequency Allocations for a given geographic area (country), based on the corresponding “International Plan” which results after combining the information contained in Article 5.
Table of Frequency Allocations Software now incorporates the relevant Rules of Procedure 2021, and it is available at a cost of CHF 300 for a single-user license (up to 3 personal devices), or CHF 600 for a 2-10 user license. To order, please see this title’s legacy page here.