ITU's Strategic Communication Division supports media covering ITU's work, including its events, programmes and reports. All media are invited to participate in our online press conferences by completing the form at the bottom of this page and sending us the information listed below as proof that they are a bona fide member of the press,
at least 2 hours (8:30 CET, 12 November) before the press conference is scheduled to start:
1. An assignment e-mail sent directly to by the media outlet's Publisher/Assignment Editor, Bureau Chief or Editor in Chief, detailing and including the information of the journalist assigned to cover the press conference on behalf of their organization. When sending the e-mail, we recommend cc-ing the journalist. Alternatively, journalists may also send a copy of a valid press card (with a visible expiration date) instead of the letter of assignment. AND
2. Links to two different news stories authored by the journalist and published in the last year (online, audio, video, PDF or scans of print editions).
Freelance journalists:
Media working independently may send us a copy of a valid press card (with a visible expiration date) and links to two different news stories authored by them and published in the last year (online, audio, video, PDF or scans of print editions). Please attach a copy of your press credential when completing the form below.
If your credentials are deemed valid, you will receive a confirmation e-mail, and the link and password to the online press conference will be sent to you 60 to 30 minutes before it begins.
If you have any questions on the media accreditation process or technical problems with the online form, please email or call the ITU Press Lines:
+41 79 337 4615 &
+41 22 730 6039.
Please note that applications for accreditation are considered on a case-by-case basis and ITU reserves the right to request additional proof or documentation other than what is listed above. Media accreditation decisions rest with ITU, all decisions are final and based on the organization's
Media Accreditation & Registration Guidelines for on-site (physical) events and conferences.