ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Media Advisory

Innovating together: using technologies in disaster management

Global Forum on emergency telecommunications to convene from 6-8 March in Balaclava, Mauritius

Geneva, 27 February 2019


Media registration is now open to all journalists who wish to cover ITU's Global Forum on Emergency Telecommunications (GET-19), 6-8 March 2019, which will high​light the role of technologies in disaster risk reduction and management.

ITU assists countries in disaster risk reduction and management through the design of national emergency telecommunication plans and the setting up of early warning and monitoring systems. Public-private partnerships and synergies have helped to increase the effectiveness of disaster management.

Discussions at GET-19 will focus on how the use of information and communication technologies in disaster risk reduction contribute to the achievement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

GET-19 will include breakout sessions on “Innovating to save lives" and a natural disaster simulation exercise. The Forum will also feature a leaders' dialogue on disaster management and risk reduction; a high-level debate on information and communication technologies for saving lives with case studies from the Caribbean region, which has experienced devastating hurricanes in recent years; and a discussion on how technologies can help address humanitarian crises.  A pre-event workshop on the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)—a standard for public alerting and hazard notification in disasters and emergency situations—will take place on 5 March.

GET-19 is organized by ITU and hosted by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority of Mauritius (ICTA). The Forum brings together delegates from all over the world, including Government Ministers, Heads of national ICT regulatory authorities, private sector CEOs, Heads of UN agencies, representatives from non-governmental and humanitarian organizations, development banks, Regional Disaster Management Organizations and Academia.​​​

Journalists are encouraged to register now to attend this global event. Please note that for security reasons advance registration is essential to obtain a badge to enter the venue.

WHAT: Global Forum on Emergency Telecommunications (GET-19)

​WHEN: 6 to 8 March 2019

WHERE: Intercontinental Hotel, in Balaclava, Mauritius. Webcast available here.

WHY: When disasters strike they have devastating effects on people's lives and on the economy. Information and communication technologies play a critical role in disaster risk reduction and management. They deliver early warnings and in the immediate aftermath of disasters they ensure a timely flow of vital information.

WHO: Ministers, regional disaster management organizations, non-governmental organizations, CEOs of private sector companies and international experts. Meet the Speakers

Follow the event on Twitter at #ITUGET
For more information, please visit the event website.