The Internet of Everything (IoE) is the interconnection of people, processes, data, and things. It was conceptualized by CISCO as the natural evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), in the aim of including the entire realm of information sources and destinations in one paradigm.
Although the IoE concept has attracted the increasing attention of the scientific community since its introduction, the research results achieved so far have only just scratched the surface leaving the very fundamental questions regarding the IoE unanswered. In fact, the IoE has characteristics in terms of scale, heterogeneity of involved entities, sensitivity of the information managed and user expectations that pose novel questions requiring a radical rethinking of several core communication and networking concepts.
In the spirit of the ITU J-FET journal, the objective of this special issue is to contribute to the technological and theoretical advancement in the IoE domain by stimulating novel research contributions covering the main IoE research issues.
Network architecture, protocols, Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks
Suggested topics (but not limited to)
Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) in the Internet of Everything
Interaction models for the Internet of Everything
Big data management for the Internet of Everything
Cloud and edge cloud services for the Internet of Everything
Transport protocols for the Internet of Everything
Network architectures for the Internet of Everything
Software defined Internet of Everything
Naming for the Internet of Everything
Security and privacy issues
Scalability issues
Fragmentation issues for the Internet of Everything
Traffic models for the Internet of Everything
Standardization issues
Internet of Everything application pilots and experimentation
FULL call for papers here.
Leading Guest Editor
University of Catania, Italy
Guest Editors