ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU and Academia

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ITU is working together with 194 Member States, +​1000 companies, international and regional organizations, including over 170 academic institutions, to shape the future through standards, policies, regulations, and recommendations.​​​Picture3.png


ITU Academia can participate in the work
of all three sectors (ITU-R, ITU-T and ITU-D): 

Participation in ITU Activities

ITU promotes the advancement of Academia institutions in ICTs through numerous initiatives:
Universities can take advantage of our online participation in workshops and study groups to minimize travel and related costs

 The presentation is available

ITU Study Groups

Each Sector of ITU has a number of Study Groups related to the sectors’ specific field. This is where ICT stakeholders from around the world come together to develop new standards and approaches which shape the future of telecommunications. In Study Groups, Academia has the unique opportunity to influence the global ICT community’s thinking and common action on topics relevant to their area of expertise.
Study Groups: ITU-R  |  ITU-T  |  ITU-D


ITU Academy

ITU offers a wide and growing range of general and specialized courses on all aspects of telecommunications as experts, policy makers, and regulators meet to discuss emerging issues. ITU Academy is an ideal platform for professors and students to be involved with current changes in ICT, showcase their expertise, and use these courses as an integrated part of the curriculum.

ITU Kaleidoscope Events

Kaleidoscope 2024 - Innovation and digital transformation for a sustainable world is the fifteenth in a series of peer-reviewed academic conferences organized by ITU to bring together a wide range of views from universities, industry and research institutions. The aim of Kaleidoscope is to foster collaboration and discussion on emerging trends in technologies for a digital and sustainable transformation that can benefit humanity. ​



Publications & Research

The publications portal ​will give you an opportunity to find the research findings in the domains of Cybersecurity, Emergency Telecommunications, Climate Change, Spectrum and Satellite Management, Broadband, Digital Divide, Optical Fiber, Cloud Computing, Radiowave Propagation and others.

If you are interested to contribute to the research on the specific topic, please, contact us.