ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU Focal Points for other WSIS Outcomes relevant to ITU

ITU Focal Points for other WSIS Outcomes relevant to ITU

Activity Focal po​int ​Comment
Coordination of Action Line Facilitators Mee​tings (Cluster of WSIS related events)​
Ms Sah
Organization of Action Line Facilitators/ Moderators meeting (para 108-110 + Annex​ of Tunis Agenda)​​​​​
Ms Sah
WSIS is working in close coordination with UNESCO and UNDP.
WSIS Stocktaking and Golden Book (​​​para 120)​
Ms Sah
WSIS​​ is assisted by other ​Sectors.​
Creation of Internet Governance Forum (paras 67, 72-79)​
Mr Maloor
ETD is assisted by TSB (Mr Euchner) and BDT​​ (Mr Obiso).
Public Policy Development Process (paras 68-71)
Mr Maloor​​
ETD is assisted by TSB (Mr Euchner) and BDT (Mr Obiso).​​
Multistakeholder partnership ​(para 98)
Ms Kim​​​
ITU is organizing regional Summits wit​​​​h partners to mobilize resources for ICT development projects.
Evaluation and measurement (paras 113-119 of Tunis Agenda and para 28 of Geneva Plan)​​
Mr Zavazava​
(Supported by Ms Magpantay)
ITU actions related to other paragraphs of the Tunis Agenda - 26(g) and 90: actions to bridge the standardization gap:
Mr Huseinovic
(Supported by Mr Bozsoki)

Mr Mauree

Issue taken up in PP-06 Resolution 123 (Rev. Antalya) and WTSA Res 44 (rev)
Issue taken up in PP-06 Resolutions 36 and 136.
BDT to be assisted by BR (Mr Vassilie​v) and TSB (Mr Campos)
ITU actions related to other paragraphs of the Tunis Agenda - 91: Emergency Communications, disaster early-warning systems, Disaster Relief:
Mr Zavazava
Issue taken up in PP-06 Resolution 123 (Rev. Antalya) and WTSA Res 44 (rev)
Issue taken up in PP-06 Resolutions 36 and 136.
BDT to be​ assisted by BR (Mr Vassiliev) and TSB (Mr Campos)
ITU actions related to other paragraphs of the Tunis Agenda - 59: work on QoS and network management:
Mr Huseinovi​c​
​(Supported by Mr Bozsoki)

Mr Euchner

Issue taken up in PP-06 Resolution 123 (Rev. Antalya) and WTSA Res 44 (rev)
Issue taken up in PP-06 Resolutions 36 and 136.
BDT to be assisted by BR (Mr Vassiliev) and TSB (Mr Campos)
ITU actions related to other paragraphs of the Tunis Agenda - 93: Technology Watch:
Mr Scholl​​
Issue taken up in PP-06 Resolution 123 (Rev. Antalya) and WTSA Res 44 (rev)
Issue taken up in PP-06 Resolutions 36 and 136.
BDT to be assisted by BR (Mr Vassiliev) and TSB (Mr Campos)
ICT Success Stories Portal (Plan of Action para 28e)​​
Mr Stankovic
Ongoing work to develop and promote ICT Success Stories, including trough website and regular column in ITU News.
World Telecommunication and Information Society (para 121)
Mr Marinescu​​
Remote Participation​​​
Mr Faugier

ITU Focal Points for WSIS-specific activities requiring coordination among UN agencies

Activity Focal Point ​Commen​t
Oper​ation of UN Gro​up on the Information Society (UNGIS) (para 103)​ WSIS​ 
Ms Sah

Mr Castro Grande​​

ITU chaired the Group for its first year. UNESCO is chairing until July 2008. ITU to continue to play an active role in 2007-2008 as Vice-Chair. 
WSIS ​​to be assisted by BDT (To be determined)​​​
Report by UN Sec-Gen to ECOSOC on modalities of system-wide coordination (para 104)
Ms Sah

Mr Castro Grande​
WSIS to be assisted by UND and Sectors​​​​
CSTD (para 106)​​
 Mr Castro Grande​
UND to be assisted by CSD (Ms Sah).
ECOSOC: WSIS follow-up
Mr Castro Grande​​
UND to be assisted by CSD (Ms Sah).​​​
Partnership for Measuring ICT for Development (para 114 of Tunis Agenda and para 28 of Plan)
Ms Magpantay

Core set of indicators developed by Partnership.​​​​
UN Global Alliance
​BDT​ BDT assisted by UND (Mr Castro Grande).
