ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Historical Highlights: ITU Council

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The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is governed by the Plenipotentiary Conference and the ITU Council. The Plenipotentiary Conference is the highest policy-making body of the ITU, while the ITU Council serves as the Union’s governing body in the interval between plenipotentiary conferences. The Council ensures the smooth execution of ITU’s mission: it reviews policy and strategy issues, approves the budget and operational plans, and reviews financial and staff matters.

The origins of the ITU Council date back to a landmark conference held in Atlantic City in 1947. This was a time of transformation, as the ITU not only allied itself with the newly-created United Nations but also restructured itself. The Administrative Council was created to provide administrative coordination for the Union and to ensure operational continuity between plenipotentiary conferences.

In 1992, the ITU underwent another significant change. The Administrative Council became the ITU Council, reflecting a broader and more strategic role for the Council beyond administrative matters. The Council's responsibilities were expanded to include facilitating​​​​ the implementation of ITU's Constitution, Convention, and Administrative Regulations, as well as adapting ITU's activities to the ever-changing telecommunications landscape.


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Council Membership and Meetings 

The ITU Council is composed of ITU Member States elected by the Plenipotentiary Conference. The number of Council members has increased from 18 in 1947 to 48 today, distributed proportionally among the ITU’s administrative regions, which span the globe.

Council meets annually in an “ordinary session” at the ITU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Extraordinary sessions may be convened to address specific issues. ​The chair and vice-chair of the Council are elected at the first meeting of each ordinary session on the basis of geographical rotation. They serve until the next ordinary session. These leaders play a crucial role in guiding the work of the Council. 

The Council adopts resolutions and decisions which are subsequently published in the annual edition of Resolutions and Decisions of the Council

The ITU Council's function and duties are detailed in the Constitution and C​onvention of the International Telecommunication Union​.

​Use the boxes below to explore interactive lists of information about Council membership, meeting dates, and the names of the chairs. 


Explore an interactive list of the ITU Member ​States elected for each Council term​.​ 


Explore an interactive list of the dates and chairs of all Council sessions​.​