Due to the growing number of areas of mutual interest, the Secretary-General has delegated to the Deputy Secretary-General the implementation of intersectoral coordination strategies and mechanisms to facilitate collaboration and coordination of activities within the Union, through inter-Sector teams, in order to achieve the ITU's strategic goals, as well as organizational excellence.
The Inter-Sectoral Coordination Task Force (ISC-TF), comprising the Focal Points from the General Secretariat as well as from the Bureaux, responsible for specific areas, and chaired by the Deputy Secretary-General, continues to report on the implementation of Resolution 191 (Rev. Bucharest, 2022); and to liaise with the Sectors' Advisory Groups and with the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG), with the objective of identifying the membership's needs and providing options to improve cooperation and coordination with the secretariat.
The Terms of reference of the ISC-TF are specified in
Service Order No.24/06. The areas of mutual interest are identified from PP-Resolutions calling for intersectoral coordination and/or whenever there is a PP-Resolution and a resolution from at least one Sector on a same theme. See the
List of Themes and Focal Points appointed by the three Sectors and the General Secretariat.