ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Ian Yarnold, Department for Transport, UK

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Ian currently leads the International Vehicle Standards Division within the Department for Transport.

He is a mechanical engineer with over 30 years experience across a varied career - encompassing heavy vehicle operation & maintenance, plus several years in the UK roadside enforcement agency - VOSA. He currently leads the development of policy on safer, cleaner and quieter road vehicles for the UK and oversees his Government’s involvement at the EU in Brussels and the United Nation in Geneva.

Ian is a recognised expert in the development of standards for safer road vehicles in Europe, and someone who continues to take a prominent role in international fora. He is the EU nominated Chairman of the UN-ECE Global Harmonisation group; chaired the UN-ECE technical experts group on accident avoidance technologies until 2011, and is the co-Chair on Intelligent Transport Systems.

During this time has overseen the implementation of many safety systems such as Electronic Stability Control, Emergency Brake Assist, and Advanced Emergency Braking for heavy vehicles. He is currently finalising agreement of a global harmonised regulation for tyres.

His responsibilities extend beyond regulation as he oversees UK involvement in the EuroNCAP programme at EU level, and the SHARP safety helmet programme for motorcyclists in the UK.