FerMUN 2014: Opening Ceremony, 8 january 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
Maxime Uzimake, President, General Assembly, FerMUN14
Delegates and most distinguished guests; we are honored to
have you here today as we take our first step to opening this 2014 FerMUN
session Engaging Youth on Global Climate Issues.
Before we begin, I would like to introduce my fellow board
members, this year’s Secretary General Juliana Rademaker, Deputy Secretary
General Pauline Gordon and deputy President of the General Assembly Charlotte
Our world as we know it is in grave danger, we wouldn’t be
here if we didn’t agree. The entire world population knows it, however the
world laughs and ignores the truth, the truth that we must react quickly, or it
will be too late. As climate continues to change, we continue to lose what made
this earth so good, diversity. As humans, we are the main perpetrators of this
change and as such, can you really stand by and watch as your actions, the
actions you do every day, poison the air a little bit more, soil the waters a
little bit more and do nothing?
I know I can’t and I know you agree with me, this is why, this is why I am
currently facing a crowd of roughly 600 people, teachers, world organization
leaders and students.
As young adults, it is up to us to take action; it is up to us to rise up
against this evil. We are here to impress the previous generation, to show them
what determination is to show them what we can do!
At this year’s FerMUN we want our resolutions, your
resolutions to be taken seriously, to carry the voice of the future and for
that, I ask you all to help make this conference the best it can be by
participating to your fullest to the debates, thank you.