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The companies listed in this section are included on the basis of their proximity to the ITU premises and their inclusion in no way implies any recommendation or preference on the part of ITU.Useful links
The companies listed in this section are included on the basis of their proximity to the ITU premises and their inclusion in no way implies any recommendation or preference on the part of ITU.
CICG branch office, 15 rue de Varembé:Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1200 and from 1400 to 1800 hoursSaturday from 0800 to 1100 hours. Montbrillant main office, 16 rue des Gares:Monday to Friday from 0800 to 2000 hoursSaturday from 0800 to 1200 hoursSunday from 1600 to 1900 hours.At the Post Office it is also possible to exchange EUR and USD.
CICG branch office, 15 rue de Varembé:
Montbrillant main office, 16 rue des Gares:
At the Post Office it is also possible to exchange EUR and USD.
UBS, 17 chemin Louis-Dunant (opposite the Tower building):Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1630 hoursCash dispensers are open 24/7 outside the bank.For money transfers to other countries, Western Union has branches in town, at the main railway station and at the airport.
UBS, 17 chemin Louis-Dunant (opposite the Tower building):
For money transfers to other countries, Western Union has branches in town, at the main railway station and at the airport.
SupermarketsCoop, 90 rue de MontbrillantMigros, 5 rue du VidolletShopping CenterBalexert (near the airport).Tax-free shopping at the SAFI store in the UN Office in Geneva campus Palais des Nations (for delegates and international organization staff): Monday to Friday from 1200 to 1830 hours.Normal shopping hours in Geneva:Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1830 hours (many stores remain open until 2100 hours on Thursdays)Saturday from 0830 to 1800 hoursSunday, closed (except for petrol stations, newsagents and the airport shopping complex).
Atelier Pressing Quotidien, 59 avenue WendtEn 5 Sec, in "La Tourelle" shopping centerPressing Inter, 37 rue de Moillebeau
Tribune de Genève20 MinutesLe Temps Online newspapers from around the worldOnline TV from many countries World Radio Switzerland (available live online)