ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Public Consultation on ITU's Strategic Plan for 2016-2019

Name : KHAN, Abu Saeed
Date : January 31, 2014
Organization : LIRNEasia
Country : Bangladesh
Contribution : Although 60% of the global population lives in Asia; only 38% of them have access to the Internet while fewer can afford broadband. Unlike North America or Europe, the Asian countries are solely interconnected through submarine cables. The undersea cables are very expensive to deploy and maintain. They are also vulnerable to natural disasters, accidents and suspected sabotage. Over-reliance on submarine networks, therefore, keeps Asia’s international bandwidth pricier. As a result, it hinders universal access to broadband. We believe a cross-border terrestrial networks, with open access, can bridge Asia’s digital inequality. And “Asian Highway” is the most suitable platform to achieve that goal. We also believe the initiative detailed in this report can form a vital part of ITUs mission to make ubiquitous and affordable broadband networks available across the world.

Attachments : 2014 January LIRNE asias response to ITU.docx
2014 January LIRNEasias response to ITU.pdf