ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU Strategic Plan 2024-2027

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​As the world looks for solutions to pressing global challenges, digital is taking centre stage. To leave no-one behind, ITU Member States have set two clear strategic goals for the Union going forward: universal connectivity and sustainable digital transformation - for an ITU that is fit-for-purpose and fit-for-the-future.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Strategic Goals ​

Universal connectivity​​

​Universal Co​nnectivity

Enable and foster universal access to affordable, high-quality and secure telecommunications/ICTs.
To advance universal connectivity, ITU will make efforts to achieve universally accessible, affordable, high-quality, interoperable and secure telecommunication/information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure, services and applications. ITU will coordinate efforts to prevent and eliminate harmful interference to radiocommunication services, facilitate the worldwide standardization of telecommunications, and leverage existing and emerging technologies, connectivity solutions and business models to close the digital divide in access in all countries, regions and for all humanity​.
sustainable digital transformation

Sustainable Digital Transformation

Foster equitable and inclusive use of telecommunications/ICTs to empower people and societies for sustainable development. By leveraging telecommunications/information and communication technologies (ICTs), ITU will strive to facilitate digital transformation to help build an inclusive society and economy for sustainable development. ITU will thereby work to close the digital divide in the use of telecommunications/ICTs in all countries and for all peoples, including women and girls, youth, indigenous peoples, older persons, persons with disabilities and persons with specific needs. ITU will work to promote and enable digital transformation across spheres of life and activity, to address the dual climate and environmental crisis, and to foster the advancement of science, sustainable exploration of Earth and space, and the use of their resources
for the benefit of all.

Thematic priorities 

To achieve our mission​​ and strategic goals, the outcome of our work will be focused on the following areas:


The targets represent the effect and long-term impact of ITU's work, providing an indication of progress towards achievement of the strategic goals of the Union, and its commitment to enabling the implementation of the WSIS action lines and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

ITU will work collaboratively with the full range of other organizations and entities around the world committed to advancing the use of telecommunications/ICTs for a connected world by 2030, by measuring. 

Strategic Plan 2024-2027

​Targets for Goal 1: Universal Connectivity – by 2030:
1.1: Universal broadband coverage
1.2: Broadband services to be affordable for all
1.3: Broadband access to every household
1.4: Ownership of and access to Internet-enabled devices
1.5: Access to the Internet for all schools
1.6: Improved cybersecurity preparedness of countries (with key capabilities:
presence of strategy, national computer incident/emergency response teams and legislation)
1.7: Universal access to the Internet by all individuals
Targets for Goal 2: Sustainable Digital Transformation – by 2030:
2.1: All digital gaps to be bridged (in particular gender, age and urban/rural)
2.2: Majority of individuals to have digital skills
2.3: Universal usage of Internet services by businesses
2.4: Majority of individuals accessing government services online
2.5: Significant improvement of ICTs' contribution to climate and environment action​