ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Terms of Reference

​​​​​​​​Terms of Reference of the Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet)

T​he terms of reference for the CWG-Internet are:
  1. identify, study and develop matters related to international Internet-related public policy issues, and including those issues identified in Council Resolution 1305 (2009);
  2. work in accordance with decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 stipulated in Resolution 102 (Rev. Dubai, 2018);
  3. ​disseminate its outputs throughout ITU's membership and the ITU secretariat and to all relevant international organizations and stakeholders actively involved in such matters for their consideration in their policy making processes;
  4. consider and discuss the activities of the Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux in relation to implementation of Resolution 102 (Rev. Dubai, 2018), and to prepare inputs into these activities, as appropriate;
  5. consider and discuss the report prepared by the Secretary-General for Council related to Internet activities of the Union and provide comments if necessary;
  6. decide on the international Internet-related public policy issues for open consultations in accordance with Council Resolution 1344 (Rev. 2015);
  7. organize and conduct open online and physical consultations with all stakeholders on the International public policy issues in accordance with Council Resolution 1344 (Rev. 2015); Physical consultation meetings should, to the maximum extent possible, provide remote participation, webcasting and captioning facilities (including transcript captioning) so as to support the participation of persons with disabilities;
  8. relevant inputs received from stakeholders will be submitted to CWG-Internet for consideration of the issues chosen for its next meeting;
  9. encourage all stakeholders to submit their national and international experiences and best practices on Internet-related public policy issues in order to enrich the existing repository for the benefit of all Member States;
  10. provide an annual report to the Council on CWG-Internet activities.

As set out in Document C16/120, the Rules of Procedure of the Council shall be applied by the CWG-Internet. In this context, the Council instructs the CWG-Internet to:​

  1. ​​​Brief Summary of the Open Online Consultation and Physical Open Consultation Meetings:
    • ​​​​​a) ​ITU secretariat should prepare a brief draft summary of the written contributions to the online open consultation and the discussions during the physical open consultation meeting,
    • b) Stakeholders present at the physical open consultation meeting should agree on the brief summary,
    • c) Submit brief summary, without edits, to the next CWG-Internet for inclusion as an Annex to the Chairman's report.
    • d) ​CWG-Internet should consider and discuss the open consultation brief summary.
  2. ​​​​​The CWG-Internet Chairman's report should reflect consensus views and in the case where consensus cannot be reached, include the differing views on contributions and discussions of Member States, the open consultation including the brief summary, and report as appropriate to Council.  ​

Council Resolution 1336 (Mod. 2019) decided the modality of the open consultation with all stakeholders for CWG-Internet. 

Council Resolution 1305 (Mod. 2019)​ ​invites Member States to recognize the scope of work of ITU on international Internet-related public policy matters, represented by the list of topics in Annex 1 which was established in accordance with decisions of ITU membership at the Plenipotentiary Conference, Council and world conferences; and to elaborate their respective position on each of the international Internet-related public policy issues referenced in the list of topics and to contribute actively to the work of ITU on these issues.​​