Chair of ITU Council 2017
Eva Spina, Director General for Planning and Management of Spectrum at the Ministry of Economic Development
Video: Interview with Council Chair
Eva Spina is Director General for Planning and Management of Spectrum at the Ministry of Economic Development since February 2014. She deals with frequency coordination at the national and international level and manages the national frequency register. She guides international activities affecting Italian use of the spectrum with a particular focus on spectrum policy relative to multilateral organizations, including the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications (CEPT,) and the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) in the European Union. She is the ITU national Focal point since April 2015.
In the last 3 years she was responsible for the solution of the problem of television interference to neighboring countries.
In 2015–2016 she promoted and organized in Rome, with the Joint Research Centre of EU and different European partners, a pilot project on the sharing of radio spectrum at 2.3 GHz band, based on the Licensed Shared Access (LSA), on a large scale to verify both the technical feasibility and the regulatory compliance of this technique applied to a real, live LTE network. Currently, she is working on the trial “5 Cities for 5G”, so that some major Italian cities will be "5G-enabled" in a few years, according to the goal of 5G Action Plan of European Union.
Previously, Eva Spina has been coordinator of the Regional and Provincial Task Force during the transition from analogue to digital television system.
Eva Spina has earned the qualification of Senior Civil Service in Fast Stream Programme in Italian National School of Government (SSPA) and graduated cum laude from Bari University, with a degree in law.