Second Online Open Consultation on the Draft Guidelines for utilization of the GCA
New! All WSIS stakeholders are invited to provide further inputs on the Draft GCA Guidelines by 15 February 2021 and join a Second Online Open Consultation on 1 March 2021. Taking into account the inputs received at this Second Online Open Consultation, a revised version of the Draft Guidelines will be posted on the ITU website by 7 May 2021.
Previous consultations
Council Working Group for strategic and financial plans 2020-2023: Online Consultation
The Council Group for the elaboration of the Strategic Plan and Financial Plan for the Union for 2020–2023 (CWG-SFP) has developed, during its first 3 meetings from May 2017 to January 2018, a draft ITU Strategic Plan 2020-2023, and decided to hold a public and open consultation on the draft text of this plan.
Please provide your input, suggestions and feedback to the following elements of the preliminary draft of the ITU Strategic Plan for 2020-2023:
- Proposed ITU strategic framework: i) Vision, ii) Mission, iii) Values, iv) Strategic Goals, v) Targets, and vi) Strategic Risk Management
- Proposed ITU results framework: Objectives, Outcomes and Outputs / Enablers
- Linkage with the WSIS Action Lines and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Implementation and evaluation of the Strategic Plan
Please submit your contributions to the consultation by visiting the page 2nd consultation, or by email to the ITU Secretariat at . The closing date for contributions is March 16, 2018.
Council Working Group for strategic and financial plans 2020-2023: Online Consultation
Call for Contributions to the public consultation on the ITU Strategic plan for 2020-2023
June 2017: The 2017 Session of the ITU Council initiated the process for the elaboration of the draft Strategic plan for the Union for 2020-2023, by establishing the Council Working Group for Strategic and Financial plans for 2020-2023 . The group held its inaugural meeting on 23 May 2017, at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and decided to hold a first public and open consultation on the strategic priorities of the Union.
The closing date for content submission was on July 7, 2017. ...
Child Online Protection: Online Consultation
February 2016 : Through the ITU 2014 Plenipotentiary Conference Resolution 200 on 'Connect 2020 Agenda for global telecommunication/ICT development', ITU Member States committed to ensure the important role of ICTs as a key enabler and promotor to achieve the Post-2015 Development Agenda, and to acknowledge them as an important tool to achieve the overall SDGs...
Child Online Protection: Online Consultation
November 2015- January 2016 : As requested in ITU Plenipotentiary Resolution 179, the Group conducts online consultations for youth, prior to its meetings. In this regard, as agreed during the Tenth Meeting of the CWG-COP which was held on 30 September 2015, members and all relevant stakeholders decided to consult in order to suggest topics for the next online youth consultation to be held in 2016...
Consultation on ITU-Academia Collaboration
November - December 2015: This consultation on ITU-Academia collaboration will provide an opportunity to exchange views on what ITU can d o to best meet the needs and expectations of Academia...
#PP14Youth Consultation
July - October 2014: ITU is inviting young people around the world to share their thoughts and opinions on the scope and mandate of our future work related to youth. Through this online consultation, members of the public can provide input to the policy document which will be presented to ITU's upcoming Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-14) in Busan, Republic of Korea from 20 October - 7 November 2014...
ITU & UNICEF consultation on Guidelines for Industry on Child Online Protection:
Dec 2013- Jan 2014: Invitation for a consultation by ITU and UNICEF on Guidelines for Industry on Child Online Protection...