The timely identification and study of technology, policy and regulatory, social and economic aspects of emerging telecommunication/ICT trends is under way through several initiatives in all three Sectors and the General Secretariat.
Intersectoral Group on Emerging ICT Trends
Since its creation in November 2013 as the internal ITU-wide mechanism for identifying and evaluating emerging trends, the Intersectoral Group on Emerging ICT Trends has met regularly (four times a year on average) and discussed various topics, including, big data, digital finance, drones, blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), quantum computing, Li-Fi (“light fidelity”), and ICT forecasts for 2015, 2016 and 2017. It also contributes to identifying potential new industry and Academia members and inviting them to join ITU.
Briefing on Emerging ICT Trends
ITU launched a new series of briefings to permanent missions in Geneva and New York. The first briefing was held at ITU headquarters in November 2016 and provided an overview of the emerging trends, challenges and opportunities relating to 5G, followed by a series of briefings on various emerging technologies, including IoT, AI, and the role of ICTs in accelerating the achievement of SDGs, among other topics.
AI for Good Global Summit
The 2nd edition of the AI for Good Global Summit was organized by ITU in Geneva on 15-17 May 2018, in partnership with XPRIZE Foundation, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and 32 sister United Nations agencies and bodies. See section T.5-1
[101] PP Res. 200; WSIS Action Lines C2, C4; SDG Target 9c.