Technovation Challenge – USA
Since 2010, thousands of girls between the ages of 10-18 in 64 countries have participated in the mobile app entreprenership competition and completed an online curriculum program which allows them to learn: coding, problem solving skills, business skills, team work and benefit from a unique mentoring experience. Girls in the program identify a problem in their community and leverage technology to solve it. The Technovation Challenge program simultaneously offers professional development opportunities for female professionals to serve as mentors. It's base of 3,500 volunteer women mentors, teachers and regional ambassadors help provide high quality support to each girl at a low cost. 5,000 girls across 64 countries have finished the entire 3 month program and developed apps and business plans that address local challenges such as access to clean water, early marriage, education and employment, and health care. Additionally, many women mentors have gone on to launch their own startups.
The Research Center of Communication and Development Knowledge Management (CCDKM) – Thailand
CCDKM has been a leader in reaching specific groups of women that are often significantly left out of the digital world and its associated benefits. The establishment of the first SMART GLOCAL ACADEMIES for marginalised people in Thailand, created a platform for marginalized homeworkers to co-develop e-service Action Plans that would extend the benefits of technology to: enhance their local businesses, expand their networks in ASEAN, and trade online through e-commerce solutions. CCDKM has trained 100,000 marginalised women and girls from Thailand on digital literacy who now have access to health care services, benefit from educational programs and have become financially independent and competitive in the labour market. Outreach to women farmers on use of technology, and to telecentre networks on matters of promoting gender equlity, has helped to bridge important gaps around women's meaningful use of technology. Based on its scucess, CCDKM's work has been expanded throughout ASEAN states.
The Senegal Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has instituted a broad ranging programme designed to reduce the gender digital divide and create a policy environment and investments that support digital equality. The Ministry established a Gender Unit responsible for overseeing the institutionalization of gender dimensions in the ICT sector and strengthening the participation of Sengalese women in public and private intitutions of the ICT sector, particularly in decision-making bodies. Training on digital skills, entreprensership and leadership has led to greater confidence and motivation amongst young women to pursue careers in the ICT sector. Importantly, women policitcal leaders have also been targeted as key digital leaders and supported to take on this role. Programmes around e-business, health and reproductive rights, and competitions to address socio-economic challenges have also been supported by the government, ensuring that relevant content is being developed by and for women. The role of boys and men in supporting gender equality in the technology sector has been a unique feature of the programme.