This ICT Security Standards Roadmap has been developed to assist in the development of security standards by bringing together information about existing standards and current standards work in key standards development organizations.
In addition to aiding the process of standards development, the Roadmap will provide information that will help potential users of security standards, and other standards stakeholders, gain an understanding of what standards are available or under development as well as the key organizations that are working on these standards.
The Roadmap was initiated by ITU-T Study Group 17 in 2006 and subsequently gained the support of other standards development organizations as well as a number of public sector organizations with an interest in security standards.
The Roadmap is in six parts:
- Part 1: ICT Standards Development Organizations and Their Work
Part 1 contains information about the Roadmap structure and about each of the listed standards organizations, their structure and the security standards work being undertaken. In addition it contains information on terminology by providing links to existing security glossaries and vocabularies - Part 2: Approved ICT Security Standards
Part 2 contains a summary catalogue of approved standards. It includes a searchable database that allows direct links to the information of participating standards organizations.
- Part 3: Security standards under development
Part 3 is structured with the same taxonomy as Part 2 but contains work in progress, rather than standards that have already been approved and published. Part 3 will also contain information on inter-relationships between groups undertaking the work and on potential overlaps between existing projects. - Part 4: Future needs and proposed new security standards
Part 4 is intended to capture possible future areas of security standards work where gaps or needs have been identified as well as areas where proposals have been made for specific new standards work. Part 4 includes provision for direct feedback, comments and suggestions. - Part 5: Best practices
Part 5 is a repository of security-related best practices contributed by our community of members. This section is based on contributions from the security community. Where possible contributions should refer to best practices relating to standards-based security but other best practices will be considered for inclusion. - Part 6: Identity Management (IdM) Landscape: IdM standards, organizations and gap analysis
Part 6 provides information about identity management-related activities and documents from the ITU-T and from other standard organizations.
It is important to note that the Roadmap is a work-in-progress. It is intended that it be developed and enhanced to include other standards organizations as well as a broader representation of the work from organizations already included. It is hoped that standards organizations whose work is not represented in this version of the Roadmap will provide information to ITU-T about their work so that it may be included in future editions.
Suggestions for additional entries, comments and suggestions may be submitted to: