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Conformity Assessment Steering Committee

​​​​​​​The Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (ITU-T CASC) was established in April 2015 by ITU-T SG11 to elaborate detailed procedures for the implementation of a test laboratory recognition procedure in ITU-T.

​​The ITU-T CASC works in accordance with the ITU-T Guideline “Test​ing laboratories recognition procedure” which describes the procedure for recognition of Testing Laboratories that have competence for testing against ITU-T Recommendations.

Terms of Reference


The ITU-T CASC (Conformity Assessment Steering Committee) is working under the auspices of ITU-T SG11 with the participation of ITU-T experts from all ITU-T SGs.
The ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) will provide secretariat and facilities as required by ITU-T CASC.
The ITU-T CASC will collaborate with existing conformity assessment schemes in order to implement the ITU-T testing laboratory (TL) recognition procedure that are competent to testing against ITU-T Recommendations. 

The main objectives of the ITU-T CASC are:
1) to provide the ITU-T view and position to the management organs of the established Conformity Assessment Systems and Schemes such as ILAC;
2) to appoint ITU-T’s technical experts to perform relevant TL’s assessment against ITU-T Recommendations through:
    • defining criteria, rules and procedures for the appointment of ITU-T technical experts by working with ILAC aiming for a common testing and conformity assessment schemes​;
    • processing applications from candidate experts from ITU-T membership;
    • appointing the ITU-T technical expert(s);
    • recommending to ILAC accreditation bodies (signatories to the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement) the relevant ITU-T technical experts with respective competence who may join assessment team to provide technical expertise to assess Testing Laboratories.
Note 1: any expert from ITU-T membership can be appointed by CASC as an ITU-T technical expert according to the requirements and detailed instructions defined in Guideline “ITU-T CASC procedure to appoint ITU-T technical experts” (2019)​. The list of ITU-T technical experts is available and will be updated accordingly.

Note 2: Bearing in mind that the ITU-T CASC cooperates with international accreditation bodies, the ITU-T technical experts appointed by ITU-T CASC can work directly as part of the accreditation body teams.

3) to develop a procedure to recognize Testing Laboratories that are competent to test against ITU-T Recommendations
4) to collect a list of ITU-T Recommendations from ITU-T SGs, which could be candidates for the certification scheme, taking into account market needs.

Working Method
The ITU-T CASC will work mostly using electronic working methods and have face-to-face meetings which will normally occur concurrently with SG11 meetings. Meetings will be held as determined by the Chairman of ITU-T CASC as soon as a pool of applications have been gathered and will be announced to its participants. The ITU-T CASC will follow the working rules and procedures which are applied to a Working Party.

The ITU-T CASC will report its activities to ITU-T SG11.

The ToR are available in ​SG11-TD153/GEN​ (15 July 2022).