ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU-T/WHO Workshop on Safe Listening Standards for Personal Listening Devices and Systems

​​​Date and venue: The workshop was held at the WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, 9 June 2023, 09:30 - 13:00

It is estimated that more than one billion young people worldwide are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe listening practices. In response to this growing public health problem, WHO launched the Make Listening Safe initiative in 2015. The initiative aims to reduce the risk of hearing loss posed by unsafe listening behaviour. 

This ITU-T workshop was held on the 3rd day of WHO-ITU Consultation on Making Listening Safe 2023. The full recording of the workshop is available here

Workshop objectives: 

Moderator: Masahito Kawamori (Rapporteur, Question 28/16, ITU-T SG16; Keio University, Japan) 


Part 1 (0930-1030 hours CEST)

Coffee-break (1030-1100 hours CEST)

Part 2 (1100-1300 hours CEST)
