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Executive Summary, SG12, September 2023

​​​Executive summary: Meeting of ITU-T Study Group 12 (Performance, QoS, QoE), Mexico City, 19-28 September 2023

ITU-T Study Group 12 held its third meeting in the 2022-2024 study period in Mexico City, 19-28 September 2023, as a physical meeting with remote participation.

​The meeting was attended by 172 participants from 43 countries. This included 89 participants in Mexico City and 83 delegates who exclusively used the MyMeetings web conferencing system to participate in the meeting.

​The meeting received 62 Contributions  and handled 158 TDs. Delegates reviewed 61 incoming Liaison statements and adopted 16 outgoing Liaison statements.

6 Recommendations were consented (3 new, 3 revised) by the meeting (see below for details). The meeting also agreed on 1 new Supplement and 2 new Technical Reports.

​Major accomp​lishments

Recommendations consented during closing plenary (AAP, Recommendation ITU-T A.8)

See last call in AAP-37

Rec. No. Title Status Q/1​2 Ref.
G.1092 (ex G.TeleMeTax)
Taxonomy of telemeetings from a QoE perspective
P.910Subjective video quality assessment methods for multimedia applicationsRev
19/12 TD415R1
P.1204Video quality assessment of streaming services over reliable transport for resolutions up to 4KRev

P.1204.5Video quality assessment of streaming services over reliable transport for resolutions up to 4K with access to transport and received pixel informationRev
P.1211 (ex P.DiaQoSE)Derivation procedure of contribution values for quality degradation of adaptive audiovisual streaming servicesNew
Y.1567 (ex Y.LUL)Latency Under Load metrics and methods of measurementNe​w17/12


​Te​​​​xts agreed during closing plenary

No. Type Title Status Q/12 Ref.
ESTR-NUITechnical Report
RF level based single-number indicator for mobile network usefulness for a given range of applications
13/12 TD443R1
GSTR-RQTechnical ReportRoadmap for QoS and QoE in the ITU-T Study Group 12 contextNew2/12 TD416R1
P.Sup30SupplementConsiderations on the automation of digital financial services testingNew20/12 TD454

​Recommendations proposed for deletion (WTSA Resolution 1)

Rec. No. Title Justification
P.862Perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ): An objective method for end-to-end speech quality assessment of narrow-band telephone networks and speech codecs
TSB Circular 141
P.862.1Mapping function for transforming P.862 raw result scores to MOS-LQO       TSB Circular 141
P.862.2Wideband extension to Recommendation P.862 for the assessment of wideband telephone networks and speech codecs TSB Circular 141
P.862.3Application guide for objective quality measurement based on Recommendations P.862, P.862.1 and P.862.2 TSB Circular 141
P.911Subjective audiovisual quality assessment methods for multimedia applications TSB Circular 147
P.913Methods for the subjective assessment of video quality, audio quality and audiovisual quality of Internet video and distribution quality television in any environment TSB Circular 147​


New work items

Ref. Type Title Q/12​ Editor(s)
RecommendationMeasurement setups for communication devices that make use of bone conducting technology5/12Lars Birger Nielsen (Hottinger Brüel & Kjaer)
P.UXVRecommendationUser experience of multimedia in videotelephony and videoconferencing services10/12 Vincent Barriac (Orange)
Mengying Liu (China Mobile)
Y.Suppl_LatCapMeasSupplementExample latency and IP-capacity measurements in data networks17/12Jens Berger (Rohde & Schwarz)

WTSA matters

Preparations for WTSA-24
WTSA-20 Resolution 95 (ITU-T initiatives to raise awareness on best practices and policies related to service quality)

​Regional Groups

SG12 Regional Group on QoS for the Africa Region (SG12RG-AFR)
SG12 Regional Group for the Americas (SG12RG-AMR)

Quality of Service Development Group (QSDG)​

​Future meetings and workshops

Meetings of Study Group 12

​Interim meetings

Please see here for updated information . Additional conference calls of Questions will be announced on the respective mailing lists.​

​Meetings of SG12 Regional for QoS for the Africa Region (SG12RG-AFR)

​Meetings of SG12 Regional for the Americas (SG12RG-AMR)

​SG12 Workshops

​Meetings of Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Quality Assessment (IRG AVQA)