ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Previous H.810-H.850 editions

CDG 2016 ​​/ "Iris"

 ​​ITU-T H.810-H.819 - Personal h​ealth systems

​ITU-T H.820-H.859 -​ I​nteroperability compliance testing of personal health systems

ITU-T H.830-subseries: WA​​N-related testing specs

ITU-T H.840-subseries: P​AN- and LAN-related testing specs

CDG 2015 / "Ge​​nom​​e"

ITU-T H.810-H.819 - Personal health systems​

​ITU-T H.820-H.859 -​ I​nteroperability compliance testing of personal health systems

ITU-T H.820-subseries: Health rec​​​ord network-related testing specs

ITU-T H.830-subseries: WAN-related te​​sting specs

ITU-T H.840-subseries: PAN- and LAN-relat​​ed testing specs

CDG ​​2​​013 "Endorphin"

​​ITU-T H.810-H.819 - Personal health systems

​ITU-T H.820-H.859 -​ I​nteroperability compliance testing of personal health systems

​ITU-T H.820-subseries: ​He​alth record network-related testing specs

ITU-T H.830-subseries: WAN-related t​esting specs

NOTE - H.831-H.838 were renumbered as H.830.1-H.830.8 after approval and initial publication.

ITU-T H.840-subseries: PAN- and LA​N-related testing specs
