ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Question 7

​Characteristics of optical components and subsystems

(Continuation of Question 7/15)

The increasing complexity of optical networks has brought about an increasing diversity of active, passive and hybrid or dynamic/adaptive optical components and subsystems. These components and devices find applications in local access networks, metropolitan and long distance networks, and in submarine networks. Functions differ with the application. This Question addresses the high level need for specifications expressed by the system Recommendations and network operators. It serves as an interface to the component level standards generated outside of ITU-T in organizations such as IEC.

The following major Recommendations, in force at the time of approval of this Question, fall under its responsibility: G.661, G.662, G.663, G.665, G.666, G.667, G.671, G.672, L.12, L.31, L.36 and L.37.

What components aspects and desirable characteristics need to be specified to support local access networks, metropolitan and long distance networks, and submarine networks in the OTN?

What enhancements should be made to existing draft or published Recommendations to reflect technological developments and requirements?

Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
Specific tasks include, but are not limited to:
NOTE − An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG15 Work Programme at:


Standardization bodies, forums and consortia: