ITU's 160 anniversary

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Executive Summary

19-30 June 2017
ITU-T Study Group 15
Networks, Technologies and Infrastructures for Transport, Access and Home
Study Group 15 Chairman: Stephen Trowbridge

Study Group 15 held its first meeting of the 2017-2020 study period in Geneva from 19-30 June 2017, attended by 272 delegates representing 35 countries.
The meeting received 389 contributions and 483 TDs, an increase from the previous meeting. The meeting observed the 12-day contribution deadline of revised Recommendation ITU-T A.1, and nearly all of the contributions to this meeting were submitted using Direct Document Posting (DDP).
As this was the first meeting of Study Group 15 in the new study period, SG15 established a working party structure, appointed Working Party chairmen and vice-chairmen, and appointed Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs. In consideration of the questions assigned to Study Group 15 by WTSA, delegates agreed to the merger of the two questions on home networking studies (Q18/15 and Q19/15), and developed a merged question text for TSAG endorsement.
SG15 approved one revised Recommendation and one new Amendment, consented 52 texts (10 new Recommendations, 14 revised Recommendations, 20 Amendments, and 8 Corrigenda). Agreement was reached on one new and two revised Supplements, and on a revised Technical Report.

Some noteworthy items include:

SG15 authorized 13 interim face-to-face Rapporteur group meetings to be held prior to the second SG15 plenary of the 2017-2020 study period, 11 virtual meetings, and generated 38 liaison statements. The second plenary meeting of SG15 in the 2017-2020 study period is scheduled 29 January-9 February 2018 in Geneva.

In fulfilling its lead study group responsibilities, SG15 revised the Access Network Transport (ANT) standards overview and work plan, the Optical Transport Networks and Technologies (OTNT) standardization work plan, and the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan. No updates were made to the Smart Grid standards overview and work plan in this meeting.

Executive reports from WP Chairmen

WP1/15 – Transport aspects of access, home and smart grid networks
WP1 Chairman: Tom Starr
Q1/15 updated the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standards Overview and Work Plan as well as the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan.
Q2/15 worked on Passive Optical Networks (PON), producing one document for agreement and five for consent.  Work also progressed on G.RoF and G.989.3 Am1.  Future work is planned for an amendment of G.984.5, a supplement on 5G wireless requirements for PON, and PON transmission faster than 10 Gbps.
Q4/15 focused on, VDSL2 reach extension, operation of VDSL2 with strong crosstalk, and the related Recommendations.  Work progressed on the new G.mgfast project addressing transmission at rates well above 2 Gbps on metallic wires.
Q15/15 worked on Smart Grid Recommendations focused on G.9901, G.9903, G.9958.  
Q18/15 worked on the family of Recommendations and Visible Light Communication (G.vlc) and Optical Camera Communication (G.occ).  
The list of CIT activities in other organizations related to technologies based on Recommendations from WP1/15 was updated.  

WP2/15 – Optical technologies and physical infrastructures
WP2 Chairman: Noriyuki Araki
WP2 made good progress on the development of a number of Recommendations and produced three new and one revised Recommendations for consent, one supplement and one Technical Report on the L-series Recommendations for agreement at this meeting. WP2 produced 3 liaisons and agreed two new work items related to deployment of FTTH. WP2 also scheduled one interim meeting, one virtual meeting and a number of correspondence activities to progress the work.
Q5/15 worked on characteristics and test methods of optical fibres and cables and consented revised Recommendation G.650.3 Test methods for installed single-mode optical fibre cable links.
Q6/15 made progress on amplified multichannel dense wavelength division multiplexing for 100G applications focused on G.698.2. Q6 also made progress on G.metro and reached agreements on revising G.695 and G.959.1 following the generic IEEE specification methodology towards consent at the February 2018 meeting.
Q7/15 worked on optical component specifications and consented new Recommendation L.404 Field mountable single-mode optical fibre connectors.
Q8/15 worked on optical fibre submarine cable systems focused on the revision of G.sup.41 and open cable commissioning using GOSNR (Generalized Optical Signal to Noise Ratio).
Q16/15 worked on optical physical infrastructures and consented new Recommendations L.110 Optical fibre cables for direct surface application and L.206 Outdoor optical cross connect cabinet. Progress was also made on new Recommendations related to optical fibre cable construction, installation methods and optical infrastructures, such as optical fibre cables for in-home application and general outdoor application.
Q17/15 worked on network resilience and recovery and agreed L.sup.35 Framework of disaster management for network resilience and recovery. Progress was also made on L.wdc Water detection in closures/cabinets for maintenance of optical fibre cable networks towards consent at the February 2018 meeting.

WP3/15 – Transport network characteristics
WP3 Chairman: Malcolm Betts
WP3/15 agreed to start work on a new Technical Report (TR) GSTR TN5G on Transport network support of IMT-2020/5G. The objective of GSTR TN5G is to rapidly document the best current view of a reference model for the IMT 2020/5G transport network and a set of deployment scenarios. GSTR TN5G will provide guidance that will allow the other Questions to work efficiently in the development of new, revised or amended G series Recommendations that will enable the Transport Network to support IMT 2020/5G. It is anticipated that, where necessary, the corresponding work items will be added to the work programme in February 2018.
Q3/15 Updated the Optical and other Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan. 
Q9/15 consented new Recommendations G.873.3 (OTN protection switching - Shared Mesh Protection) and G.8132 (MPLS-TP shared ring protection), a revision of G.873.1 (OTN: linear protection), and a corrigendum to G.8032 (Ethernet ring protection).  New work was initiated on a new Recommendation on MPLS-TP dual homed protection, a revision of G.808.2, and amendments to G.8031 and G.808.
Q10/15 consented G.8112, G.8113.2 and G.8121 amendments and progressed work on Ethernet and MPLS-TP equipment. Future work is planned to align G.8021 with Q11/15's new G.8023, correct G.8013/Y.1731, and revise G.8011 and the G.8121 series.
Q11/15 consented a G.798 revision, corrigenda to G.709 and G.806, and agreed revised G.Sup58 (OTN Module Framer Interfaces).  Much of the meeting was dedicated to IMT2020/5G transport topics, including work in coordination with Q12/15.  Work progressed on stable text for the new long-reach OTU4 and FlexO interface Recommendations.  Further extensions were considered for both G.709 and G.709.1.
Q12/15 continued its work on architecture for SDN control of transport networks jointly with Q14/15. Future work is planned on architecture for media networks and generalizing management architecture.
Q13/15 Work at this meeting concerned continuation of investigating future networks synchronization needs (e.g., 5G) and solutions for accurate time synchronization delivery (e.g. enhanced synchronous Ethernet). Thirteen documents were consented, among these, new Recommendations on Transparent clock (G.8273.3), Partial timing support network limits (G.8271.2) and enhanced Primary Reference Clock (G.811.1). A new work item (technical report on GNSS) was agreed.
Q14/15 consented three revisions and one amendment for the Recommendations (G.874, G.7714.1, G.8051 Amd.1, and G.8151). It continued its existing works and initiated three new work items to study management of synchronization networks (G.sync-mgmt), media (, and information/data models for Ethernet transport OAM (G.8052.1). Q14/15 plans to hold two interim meetings in September and December in 2017.

Decisions (ITU-T SG15, June 2017)
WP1/15 – TAP Approval

Recommendations N=new
Title Text in Doc(s)
G.9700 (2014) Amd.2NFast access to subscriber terminals ( - Power spectral density specification (2014) Amendment 2 TD109/P
G.9901RNarrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing power line communication transceivers – Power spectral density specificationCOM15-R34

WP2/15 - TAP Approval

Recommendations N=new
Title Text in Doc(s)

WP3/15 - TAP Approval

Recommendations N=new
Title Text in Doc(s)

WP1/15 - AAP Approval

(links to AAP pages)
Title Text in Doc(s)

WP2/15 - AAP Approval

Recommendations N=new
Title Text in Doc(s)

WP3/15 - AAP Approval

Title Text in

WP1/15 - Determination

Title Text in Doc(s)

WP2/15 - Determination

Title Text in Doc(s)

WP3/15 - Determination

Title Text in Doc(s)

WP1/15 - Consent

Title Text in Doc(s)
G.9903RNarrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing power line communication transceivers for G3-PLC networksTD50 R1/P
G.996.2 (2009) Amd.5NSingle-ended line testing for digital subscriber lines (DSL) Amendment 5TD49R1/P
G.993.2 (2015) Amd.3NVery high speed digital subscriber line transceivers 2 (VDSL2) (2015) Amendment 3TD62R2/P
G.993.5 (2015) Amd.2NSelf-FEXT cancellation (vectoring) for use with VDSL2 transceivers (2015) Amendment 2TD63R2/P
G.9977 (2016) Cor.1NMitigation of interference between DSL and PLC (2016) Corrigendum 1TD68R1/P
G.9701 (2014) Amd.4NFast access to subscriber terminals ( - Physical layer specification (2014) Amendment 4TD78R1/P
G.9701 (2014) Cor.4NFast access to subscriber terminals ( - Physical layer specification (2014) Corrigendum 4TD79R1/P
G.994.1 (2012) Amd.9NHandshake procedures for digital subscriber line transceivers (2012) Amendment 9TD85R1/P
G.997.1 (2012) Amd.7NPhysical layer management for digital subscriber line transceivers (2012) Amendment 7TD86R1/P
G.997.2 (2015) Cor.3NPhysical layer management for transceivers (2015) Corrigendum 3TD87/P
G.997.2 (2015) Amd.4NPhysical layer management for transceivers (2015) Amendment 4TD88R1/P
G.998.4 (2015) Cor.1N

Improved impulse noise protection
for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers Corrigendum 1

G.987.2 (2016) Amd.1N10-Gigabit-capable passive optical networks (XG-PON): Physical media dependent (PMD) layer specification Amendment 1TD56R1/P
G.988RONU management and control interface (OMCI) specification TD57R1/P
G.989.2 (2014) Amd.2N40-Gigabit-capable passive optical networks 2 (NG-PON2): Physical media dependent (PMD) layer specification Amendment 2TD58R2/P
G.9807.1 (2016) Amd.1N10-Gigabit-capable symmetric passive optical network (XGS-PON) Amendment 1TD59R1/P
G.9807.2N10-Gigabit-capable symmetric passive optical network (XGS-PON): Reach ExtensionTD60R1/P
G.9961 (2015) Cor.4NUnified high-speed wireline-based home networking transceivers – Data link layer specification: Corrigendum 4TD81R1/P
G.9978NSecure admission in networkTD75R1/P
G.9961 (2015) Amd.3NUnified high-speed wireline-based home networking transceivers – Data link layer specification: Amendment 3TD104/P
G.9973RProtocol for identifying home network topology

A.5 in TD110/P

WP2/15 - Consent

Title Text in Doc(s)
G.650.3RTest methods for installed single-mode optical fibre cable links TD89R2/P
L.404 (ex. L.fmc)NField mountable single-mode optical fibre connectors TD52R1/P
L.206 (ex. L.oxcon)NRequirements for Passive Optical Nodes: Outdoor Optical Cross-Connect Cabinet TD67R3/P
L.110 (ex. L.dsa)NOptical fibre cables for direct surface application TD71R1/P

WP3/15 - Consent

Title Text in
G.873.1ROptical Transport Network (OTN): Linear protectionTD41/P
G.873.3 (ex G.odusmp)NOptical Transport Network (OTN) - Shared Mesh ProtectionTD42R1/P
G.8032 (2015) Cor.1NEthernet ring protection switching Corrigendum 1TD98/P
G.8132/Y.1383NMPLS-TP Shared Ring ProtectionTD35R1/P
A.5 in
G.8112/Y.1371 (2015) Amd.1NInterfaces for the MPLS Transport Profile layer network: Amendment 1TD36R1/P
G.8113.2/Y.1372.2 (2015) Amd.1NOperations, administration and maintenance mechanisms for MPLS-TP networks using the tools defined for MPLS: Amendment 1TD43R1/P
A.5 in
G.8121/Y.1318 (2016) Amd.1NCharacteristics of MPLS-TP equipment functional blocks: Amendment 1TD38/P
G.709 (2016) Cor.1NInterfaces for the optical transport network Corrigendum 1TD106/P
G.798RCharacteristics of optical transport network hierarchy equipment functional blocksTD70R1/P
G.806 (2012) Cor.3NCharacteristics of transport equipment - Description methodology and generic functionality: Corrigendum 3TD51R1/P
G.781RSynchronization layer functionsTD77R1/P
A.5 in
G.811.1NEnhanced Primary Reference ClockTD53R1/P
G.8263/Y.1363RTiming characteristics of packet-based equipment clocksTD66R1/P
G.8264/Y.1364RDistribution of timing information through packet networksTD90R1/P
G.8271/Y.1366 (2016) Amd.1NTime and phase synchronization aspects of telecommunications networksTD82R1/P
G.8271.1/Y.1366.1RNetwork limits for time synchronization in Packet networksTD83R1/P
G.8271.2/Y.1366.2NNetwork limits for time synchronization in packet networks with partial timing support from the networkTD84R1/P
A.5 in
G.8272.1/Y.1367.1 (2016) Amd.1NTiming characteristics of enhanced primary reference time clocks Amendment 1TD96/P
G.8273.2/Y.1368.2 (2017) Amd.1NTiming characteristics of telecom boundary clocks and telecom time slave clocks - Amendment 1TD64R2/P
G.8273.3/Y.1368.3NTiming characteristics of telecom transparent clocksTD65R1/P
G.8275/Y.1369RArchitecture and requirements for packet-based time and phase deliveryTD76R1/P
G.8275.1/Y.1369.1 (2016) Amd.1NPrecision time protocol telecom profile for phase/time synchronization with full timing support from the network: Amendment 1TD91R1/P
G.8275.2/Y.1369.2 (2016) Amd.1NPrecision time Protocol Telecom Profile for time/phase synchronization with partial timing support from the network: Amendment 1TD92R1/P
G.874RManagement aspects of optical transport network elementsTD72R2/P
G.7714.1/Y.1705.1RProtocol for automatic discovery in transport networksTD40R1/P
A.5 in
G.8051/Y.1345 (2015) Amd.1NManagement aspects of the Ethernet Transport (ET) capable network element: Amendment 1TD45R1/P
G.8151/Y.1374RManagement aspects of the MPLS-TP network elementTD39R1/P

WP1/15 - Agreement

Doc. #/
Title Text in Doc(s)
G.sup.51RPassive optical network protection considerationsTD61R1/P

WP2/15 – Agreement

Doc. #/
Title Text in Doc(s)
L.sup.35 to L-300seriesNFramework of disaster management for network resilience and recovery TD44R3/P
 RITU-T Technical Report "Guide on the use of ITU-T L-series Recommendations related to optical technologies for outside plant" TD74R4/P

WP3/15 - Agreement

Doc. #/
Title Text in Doc(s)
G.Suppl.58ROptical transport network (OTN) module frame interfaces (MFIs)TD46R1/P