ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Executive Summary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Executive Summary of the SG11 meeting (virtual, 1-10 December​ 2021)​

ITU-T Study Group 11 “Signalling requirements, protocols, test specifications and combating counterfeit products” meeting was held fully virtually from 1 to 10 December 2021 and was attended by 116 delegates from 32 countries.

All the sessions were supported by ITU MyMeetings remote participation tool. Interpretation was available in English, French, Chinese and Russian at the opening plenary. Remote participation guideline was available on the SG11 webpage for Delegates and Moderators. Additional remote participation guidance is contained in SG11-TD1688/GEN​​.

Back-to-Back and parallel events:

1     Draft Recommendations for (TAP) Determination (Resolution 1)
None at this meeting​.

2     Consented Recommendations (ITU-T A.8)
The following table shows the 'Consented' draft Recommendations.

# Q WP Draft new/revised Rec. No. Title Final TD A.5 justification
ITU-T Q.3631

Interworking between ISDN and the IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem
ITU-T Q.3646

Framework and protocols for signalling network analyses and optimization in VoLTE
1/11​​ITU-T Q.3061
(ex Q.SFPtr)
​Signalling requirements for service function paths load balancing traceroute in service function chaining
ITU-T Q.5024
(ex Q.IMT2020-PIAS)​
​Protocol for providing intelligent analysis services in IMT-2020 network
​ITU-T Q.5003
Signalling requirement and architecture for federated multi-access edge computing​​SG11-TD1839/GEN
ITU-T Q.4102
(ex Q.HP2P-pp)
Hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) communications: Peer protocol​ SG11-TD1791/GEN
ITU-T Q.4103
(ex Q.HP2P-omp)
​Hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) communications: Overlay management protocol

Supplements, Handbooks, Technical Papers, Guidelines and Corrigenda

​ITU-T SG11 agreed the Supplement below:

​Final TD
ITU-T Q.Suppl.75 (ex. Q.Sup.CFS-Use-Cases) “Use Cases on the Combat of Counterfeit ICT and Stolen Mobile Devices”

3.2  Guidelines
No Guidelines were agreed at this meeting.

3.3  Handbooks
No Handbooks were approved at this meeting.

  Technical Papers / Technical Reports
ITU-T SG11 agreed the Technical Report below:​

​Final TD
ITU-T QSTR-USSD (ex TR-USSD) “Low resource requirement, quantum resistant, encryption of USSD messages for use in financial services”

3.5  Corrigenda
No Corrigenda were agreed at this meeting.​

Recommendations/Technical reports/Supplements deleted
None at this meeting.

5     SG11 Structure and Management
There were no changes to the structure of SG11.

6     Questions
There were no changes to the Questions texts at this meeting.​​

Liaison officers and Rapporteurs
It was decided that, due to other commitments, the Associate rapporteur of Q13/11, Mr Xu Lu (CAICT, China) and the Rapporteur of Q14/11, Mr Xiaowu He (China Telecom) would step down. Mr Liu Yongsheng (China Unicom) was appointed as Associate Rapporteur of Q13/11 and Ms Linze Wu (China Telecom) will replace Mr Xiaowu He as Rapporteur of Q14/11.

Mr Xu Lu and Mr Xiaowu He were thanked for their active work with ITU-T SG11.

At the opening plenary, three Acting Rapporteurs and two Acting WPs Chairmen were nominated for the duration of the meeting in order to assist SG11 leadership to conduct Questions and WPs sessions remotely in case of connectivity issues. The final list of Rapporteurs, Associate Rapporteurs and Acting Rapporteurs can be found in SG11-TD1683-R1/GEN.

Mr Cheng Li (CAICT, MIIT, China) will replace Mr Rustam Pirmagomedov (SPbSUT, Russia) as liaison officer to JCA-IdM. The final list of Liaison Officers and representatives can be found in SG11-TD1684-R1/GEN.​

8     Conformity Assessment Steering Committee
The thirteenth meeting of the ITU-T Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (CASC) was held virtually on 3 December 2021 during the ITU-T SG11 virtual meeting.

Due to lack of proposals on joint certification schemes taking into consideration the financial implications presented by IECEE, CASC decided to discontinue collaboration with IECEE on the TL recognition procedure and on joint certification scheme for the time being.

Following previous SG11 meeting and CASC decision, it was noted that ITU recognizes the Testing Laboratories (TLs) which are accredited by an Accreditation Body that is a signatory to the ILAC MRA for testing, which scope of accreditation contains ITU-T Recommendation(s).

Following request of previous CASC meeting, TSB presented a new ITU Testing Laboratory Database. The application needs to be submitted through online form which is available on ITU C&I Portal ( The recognized testing laboratory will be listed in the ITU Testing Laboratory Database accordingly.

Any TL including non-ITU members, which expresses its interest to be accredited against ITU-T Recommendations to be further recognized by ITU, needs to approach Accreditation Body (AB) that is a signatory to the ILAC MRA. The list of ABs is available at: Afterwards, once the accreditation is given to the TL and relevant application form submitted to ITU by TL, the TL can be recognized by ITU accordingly.

All ICT products tested against ITU-T Recommendation by TLs recognized by ITU may be registered in the ITU Product Conformity Database, based on the request. The relevant requests need to be submitted via online form accordingly.

More details are available in the ITU-T CASC Report.

The next CASC meeting is planned for 8 July 2022 (TBC). It will be held during next SG11 meeting (6-15 July 2022, TBA). More information is available on the CASC webpage​.

9     Signalling and protocols, including IMT-2020 and P2P communications related issues​​

In December 2021, SG11 consented the following draft new Recommendations:SG11 started new work item Q.IBN-SA “Signalling architecture of Intent-Based Network for network evolution”.

In total, there are 13 ongoing work items on signalling aspects.

With regard to IMT-2020 related aspects, in December 2021 SG11 consented draft new Recommendations, as follows:SG11 started two new work items on IMT-2020 aspects, as follows:Currently, there are nine ongoing work items on IMT-2020-related issues.

Regarding managed P2P communications, SG11 consented two draft new Recommendations:SG11 continues progressing ongoing work item ITU-T Q.HP2P-dss “Hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) communications: Data streaming service”.

More information about these results is available in the WP2/11 and WP1/11 reports (SG11-TD1733-R1/GEN, SG11-TD1732-R1/GEN).​

10     Signalling of Computing Power Networks (CPN)​
SG11 has made progress on:More information about these results is available in the WP1/11 report (SG11-TD1732-R1/GEN).​

11     ​QKDN protocols
SG11 has made progress on Q.QKDN_profr “Quantum key distribution networks – Protocol framework” and started four new work items on QKDN protocols, as follows:
ITU-T Study Group 13, ITU-T Study Group 17, ETSI ISG-QKD, ETSI TC Cyber WG QSC, ISO/IEC JTC1-SC27 were informed accordingly.

Based on received iLS (SG11-TD1777/GEN), with a view to ensure a smooth and efficient transfer of its deliverables to the Study Groups, FG-QIT4N organized information session during SG11 and SG13 meetings in December 2021. The objective of the session was to present FG-QIT4N deliverables and suggestions for the way forward for QIT-related standardization. The session was held fully virtual on 6 December 2021 (0800-0930 hours, Geneva time). The presentations are available in SG11-TD1818/GEN.​

12     Security issues of SS7 and other protocols
In December 2021, SG11 agreed a new Technical Report ITU-T QSTR-USSD (ex TR-USSD) “Low resource requirement, quantum resistant, encryption of USSD messages for use in financial services”.

Also, SG11 continues improving signalling-based services and protocols to be used for calling party identification presentation/restriction (e.g., basic calls, supplementary services such as CLIP/CLIR, USSD, etc.) for all types of networks. Currently, SG11 develops:​

Following the progress made so far, SG11 in close collaboration with SG2 and SG17 organized ITU Workshop on “Improving the security of signalling protocols” (virtual, 29 November 2021, The key takeaways are available in SG11-TD1874/GEN.

More information about these results is available in the WP1/11 report (SG11-TD1732-R1/GEN).​

13     VoLTE/ViLTE and IMS-related signalling issues

In December 2021, SG11 consented draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3646 (ex. Q.VoLTE-SAO-FP) “Framework and protocols for signalling network analyses and optimization in VoLTE”.

SG11 has made progress on three ongoing work items.

More information about these results is available in the WP1/11 report (SG11-TD1732-R1/GEN).

14     Testing specifications, monitoring and implementation of ITU C&I Programme
SG11 started two new work items on testing and monitoring aspects, as follows: In total, there are eight ongoing work items on testing aspects.

ITU-T SG11 maintains the reference table of ITU-T Recommendations suitable for C&I testing and list of pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recommendations (, Following the received updates from different SGs, SG11 updated both lists. The outputs are available in SG11-TD1817/GEN and SG11-TD1816/GEN respectively. Both lists are updated on the ITU C&I Portal.

More information about these results is available in the WP3/11 report (SG11-TD1734/GEN).​

ITU Workshop on Improving the security of signalling protocols

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) organised the Workshop on Improving the security of signalling protocols. This workshop took place virtually on 29 November 2021.

The event focused on measures on how to cope with different types of attacks (e.g., spoofing number, telephone spam, etc.) from signalling perspective.

SG11 revised Q.731.3-series, developed ITU-T Q.3057 and continues developing a set of standards (e.g., Q.Pro-trust, Q.CIDA) that allows to tackle such issues by inserting digital signatures into signalling exchange, which will be further validated by the Trusted Signalling Certification Authority (TSCA). This approach may significantly decrease the number of such attacks giving customer the trust of connected applications and services.

The main objective of this workshop was to exchange views on different measures to cope with the vulnerabilities of existing networks, services and protocols. Among other issues, the brainstorming session discussed the need to standardize the identity verification process of a party requesting a certificate, its issuance process and the distribution of the issued certificate to the operators. The representatives of the SG2, SG11 and SG17 gave an overview of their related activities.

According to the key takeaways of the Workshop, there is a need to build a hierarchy of trust, country/regional first, then global where each local regulator will have to determine how to implement the certification depending on their local forms of identification and rules. It was noted that the digital certificates must be interoperable across domains (SIP, SS7, etc.). Finally, it was highlighted that the trust anchor needs to be a globally trusted SDO, preferably one already in charge of numbering and this anchor must interoperate with existing repositories. Therefore, it was pointed out that there is a need to formulate a way to standardize these local/regional certification processes in order to keep the bad actors out. This standardization process should involve as many countries as possible in order to improve its applicability on the global scale.

The key takeaways of the Workshop are available at:, posted as SG11-TD1874/GEN​.

16 Combating counterfeit telecommunication/ICT devices/software and mobile device theft

In December 2021, SG11 agreed a new ITU-T Q Supplement 75 “Use Cases on the Combat of Counterfeit ICT and Stolen Mobile Devices”.

SG11 continues progressing four ongoing work items on this subject matter.

More information about these results is available in the WP4/11 report (SG11-TD1735-R1/GEN).

17     New ITU-T Focus Group on Testbeds Federations for IMT-2020 and beyond (FG-TBFxG)

SG11 established a new ITU-T Focus Group on Testbeds Federations for IMT-2020 and beyond (FG-TBFxG) on its virtual plenary on 10 December 2021 based on received contributions and outcomes of ad-hoc meeting. The report of the ad-hoc meeting is available in SG11-TD1838-R1/GEN. The agreed ToR of the FG-TBFxG are available in SG11-TD1804-R1/GEN.

The Focus Group will serve as a platform to harmonize testbeds specifications across SDOs/Fora. The FG-TBFxG will develop the required application program interfaces (APIs) aligned with the Testbeds Federations Reference Model defined in Recommendation ITU-T Q.4068, developed in collaboration with ETSI TC INT, and define a set of use cases for Federated Testbeds and APIs.

The Focus Group will play a role in providing a platform to share views, to develop a series of deliverables and it will also offer a platform to different stakeholders to share their initiatives and projects aligned with the outlined vision and the desired Ecosystem on Testbeds Federations. The Focus Group will develop technical specifications that may become a basis for further standardization in the area of Testbeds Federations.

The first meeting is scheduled to be held fully virtually from 4 to 7 April 2022 (TBA).

The FG-TBFxG encourages collaboration with SDOs/Fora, Research Communities, Researchers on IMT-2020 and beyond, Industry Users of Testbeds, Testbeds Suppliers for IMT-2020 Testbeds and other Testbeds, CSPs (Communications Service Providers), Network Operators, Infrastructure Vendors/Suppliers for ICT and Verticals, Open Source & Open Hardware Projects, Regulators.

All interested parties are encouraged to subscribe to the Focus Group mailing list ( here (see instructions here).
More details are available on the Focus Group webpage at:
18     Preparation for WTSA-20
ITU-T Study Group 11 finalized preparations for WTSA-20. According to SG11 decision:​
​TSAG was informed by oLS (SG11-TD1869/GEN).

19     Outgoing Liaison Statements

The following table shows the list of the 32 agreed outgoing liaison statements, including seven outgoing LSs (SG11-TD1775/GEN; SG11-TD1675/GEN; SG11-TD1691/GEN​; SG11-TD1679/GEN; SG11-TD1678/GEN; SG11-TD1677/GEN; SG11-TD1676/GEN) agreed by the Management Team by correspondence between July and September 2021, which were noted at the SG11 opening plenary.

The full list of oLSs is available in SG11-TD1695-R2/GEN​.

​Q (s)
ITU-T Study Group 13,
​LS/o on new work item Q.IBN-SA “Signalling architecture of Intent-Based Network for network evolution
ITU-T Study Group 2​LS/o on draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.Pro-Trust “Signalling procedures and protocols for enabling interconnection between trustable network entities in support of existing and emerging networks”​SG11-TD1691/GEN
​LS/o on the agreement of Technical Report ITU-T QSTR-USSD (ex. TR-USSD) "Low resource requirement, quantum resistant, encryption of USSD messages for use in financial services"
​LS/o/r on progress of ongoing work item ITU-T TR-USSD (ISO/IECJTC1/SC27/WG2-N2883)
​ITU-T Study Group 2
​LS/o on draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.Pro-Trust and Q.CIDA
​ITU-T Study Group 17
​ITU-T Study Group 17
​LS/o/r on Coordination for Identity Management (SG17-LS313)
​ITU-T Study Group 2​
​LS/o/r on new work item TR.SPN, "spoofing using national numbers" (SG2-LS222)
ITU-T Study Group 13,
ITU-T Study Group 17,
​LS/o on new work items of QKDN protocols for interfaces at Ak, Kx, Kq-1, and Ck
ITU-T Study Group13,
​LS/o on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3061 (ex. Q.SFPtr)​
​ITU-T Study Group 2,
ITU-T Study Group 12,
ITU-T Study Group 20
​LS/o on new work item Q.TSRT_IoT "Test specifications for remote testing of Internet of Things using the probes"
​ITU-T Study Group 16
​LS/o on the creation of a new work item Q.PIS “Monitoring Parameters for Intelligent Speech Service in Future Networks”
​ITU-T Study Group 2
​LS/o/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (SG2-LS244)
​ITU-T Study Group 13
​LS/o/r on initiation of new work on ITU-T Y.ccmm-reqts: "Cloud computing - Framework and functional requirements of micro-service monitoring" (SG13-LS215)
​LS/o/r on new ITU-T SG11 terms and definitions (SCV-LS36)
​ITU-D Study Group 2 Q4/2
​LS/o/r on Assistance to developing countries for implementing conformance and interoperability (C&I) programmes and combating counterfeit ICT equipment and theft of mobile devices) (ITU-D Q4/2-2/444-E)
​ITU-T Study Group 5
​LS/o/r on updates on the progress on the combat of counterfeit and stolen ICT (SG5-LS203)
​ITU-T Study Group 17
​LS/o/r on coordination for identity management (SG17-LS286)
​ITU-T Study Group 5,
ITU-T Study Group 20
​LS/o/r on new work item L.GDSPP "Requirements for a global digital sustainable product passport to achieve a circular economy” (SG20-LS218)
ITU-T Study Group 5,
ITU-T Study Group 9,
ITU-T Study Group 16,
ITU-T Study Group 17,
ITU-D SG2 (Q4/2), APT,
​LS/o on the progress on the combat of counterfeit and stolen ICT
​All ITU-T Study Groups
​LS/o on reference table and pilot projects. Conformance and Interoperability testing

ITU-T Study Group 9,
ITU-T Study Group 12
​LS/o/r on the new version of the reference table and pilot projects on Conformance and Interoperability testing (SG9-LS155)

​ITU-T Study Group 9,
ITU-T Study Group 16​
​LS/o on the progress on the Combating counterfeit or tampered telecommunication/ICT software activities on Q17/11 [to ITU-T SG9, SG16]
​LS/o on new ITU-T SG11 terms and definitions
​LS/o/r on requesting all ITU-T study groups to provide an update on Recommendations related to WTSA-16 Resolution 73 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) (TSAG-LS45)
​All ITU-R, ITU-T and ITU-D Study Groups, ITU-R WP5A, ITU-R WP5D, all ITU-T Focus Groups, BBF, CableLabs, ETSI TC INT, IEEE FNI Testbeds WG, IEEE INGR Future Networks, NGMN, NIST Advanced Networking Technologies Division (ANTD), O-RAN, TIP, TaM Forum
​LS/o on establishment of a new ITU-T Focus Group on Testbeds Federations for IMT-2020 and beyond (FG-TBFxG) and first meeting (virtual, 4-7 April 2022)
​LS/o on status of ITU-T SG11 preparation for WTSA-20 (virtual, 1-10 December 2021)
​LS/o on new ITU-T SG11 terms and definitions (SG11 meeting, virtual, 1-10 December 2021)
​LS/o/r on Invitation to update the information in the IMT2020 roadmap (JCA-IMT2020-LS10)
​ITU-T Study Group 13​
​LS/o/r on invitation to review "Big data and data handling standardization roadmap" and provide missing or updated information (SG13-LS211)
All ITU-T Study Groups,
ITU-D Q4/2,
​LS/o on ITU Testing Laboratory Recognition Procedure
​ITU-T Study Group 16
​LS/o/r on the approval of HSTP.CONF-H870 "Testing of personal audio systems for compliance with ITU-T H.870" (SG16-LS249)
​ITU-T Study Group 20
​LS/o/r on Status on joint ITU/IECEE recognition procedure and joint certification scheme (SG20-LS204)

20     Approved new work items
20.1  New work items initiated during ITU-T SG11 meeting (virtual, 1-10 December 2021)
The following table shows the list of the nine new work items. See SG11-TD1697/GEN​.

Work item
(Draft Recs)
​Signalling architecture of Intent-Based Network for network evolution
Xin Zhang
China Telecom, China
China Telecom, China
Qiong Sun
China Telecom, China
​Protocols for Ak interface for QKDN
​Hongyu Wu
QuantumCTek Co., Ltd., China
Zhangchao Ma
CAS Quantum Network Co., Ltd., China
Kaoru Kenyoshi
NICT, Japan
Mariko Honda
NICT, Japan
Junsen Lai
CAICT, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China
​Protocols for Kx interface for QKDN​
​Hongyu Wu
QuantumCTek Co., Ltd., China
Zhangchao Ma
CAS Quantum Network Co., Ltd., China
Kaoru Kenyoshi
NICT, Japan
Mariko Honda
NICT, Japan
Junsen Lai
CAICT, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China
Q.QKDN_Kq-1​Protocols for Kq-1 interface for QKDN
​Hongyu Wu
QuantumCTek Co., Ltd., China
Zhangchao Ma
CAS Quantum Network Co., Ltd., China
Kaoru Kenyoshi
NICT, Japan
Mariko Honda
NICT, Japan
Junsen Lai
CAICT, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China
​Protocols for Ck interface for QKDN
​Hongyu Wu
QuantumCTek Co., Ltd., China
Zhangchao Ma
CAS Quantum Network Co., Ltd., China
Kaoru Kenyoshi
NICT, Japan
Mariko Honda
NICT, Japan
Junsen Lai
CAICT, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China
​Protocol for supporting computing and network convergence in fixed, mobile and satellite convergence in IMT-2020 network and beyond
​Tangqing Liu
China Mobile, China
Nanxiang Shi
China Mobile, China
Lu Lu
China Mobile, China​
​Signalling requirements and architecture to support AI based vertical services in future network, IMT2020 and beyond
​Jongmin Lee
SK Telecom, Korea (Republic of)
Yangjung Kim
KPU, Korea (Republic of)
Kwihoon Kim
Korea National University of Education, Korea (Republic of)
Byung Jun Ahn
ETRI, Korea (Republic of)
​Test specifications for remote testing of Internet of Things using the probes
​Alexey Borodin
Ruslan Kirichek
Eugene Makarov
(A.1: SG11-TD1726/GEN)
​Monitoring Parameters for Intelligent Speech Service in Future Networks​
​Yongsheng Liu
Cancan Huang

  Work items initiated during the interim Rapporteur meetings
The following new work item was agreed at the Q15/11 interim Rapporteur Group Meeting. It was further approved at the SG11 meeting (virtual, 1-10 December 2021). The details are available in SG11-TD1693/GEN and WP4/11 report (SG11-TD1735-R1/GEN​).

​Work Item
​Base text
Common approaches and interfaces for data exchange between CEIR and EIR
Dmitry Nikitin, Svyazcom
Evgeny Zababurin, Svyazcom
Biren Karmakar

Work plan for interim Working Party and Rapporteur Group e-meetings
The following table represents the interim Rapporteur Group meetings plan as agreed at the ITU-T SG11 closing plenary (virtual, 10 December 2021). Also available in SG11-TD1698/GEN.

​Place / Host
​Terms of reference
​Email reflector
​19-21 January 2022
​– Progress on-going work items Q.SCC and Q.SD-DCI
– But not limited to
​Ying Cheng
China Unicom
​19-21 April 2022
​– Progress Q.telemetry-VBNS and Q.CPN to be ready for consent in July meeting
– But not limited to
Ying Cheng
China Unicom
​16-18 March 2022
​– Prepare work item of Q.PMUPF for consent
– Progress the ongoing work items
– Consider any other new work items
– But not limited to
​Dan Xu
China Telecom
​18-19 May 2022
​– Progress the ongoing work item Q.GDC-IoT-test
– Progress the ongoing work item Q.TSRT_IoT
– Consider any other new work items
– Review the incoming liaison statements and prepare oLS as needed
– But not limited to
​Ruslan Kirichek
​24-25 March 2022
– ​​Progress ongoing work items
​Minrui Shi
China Telecom

22     Regional Groups meetings
23     Promotion of ITU-T SG11 work

24     ​Next Study Group 11 mee
It was noted that next SG11 meeting is planned for 6-15 July 2022, TBC.
The dates and venue will be confirmed at a later stage​​.