Executive Summary of the WP3/11 meeting (virtual, 4 December 2020)
Working Party 3/11 “Conformance and interoperability testing, combating counterfeit ICT and mobile device theft” meeting was held fully virtual on 4 December 2020 and was attended by 24 delegates from 11 countries. The meeting was preceded by SG11 Rapporteur Group meetings of Questions 9/11 and 15/11.
Following decision of the SG11 closing plenary meeting which took place on 31 July 2020, five interim Rapporteur Group meetings were arranged for Q9/11, Q12/11 and Q15/11 before this Working Party plenary meeting. Due to lack of contributions, the Q12/11 RGM (28-29 October 2020) and joint Q12/11-Q15/11 (10 September 2020) were cancelled.
Q15/11 interim Rapporteur Group meetings were held on 8-10 September 2020 and 1-2 December 2020 respectively. Joint Q9/11 and ETSI TC INT meeting took place on 1 December 2020.
There were no interim Rapporteur Group meetings planned for Q10/11, Q11/11, Q13/11 and Q14/11 prior to this particular Working Party 3 meeting.
The meetings were supported by
ITU MyMeetings remote participation tool.
1 Consented Recommendations (ITU-T A.8)
The following draft Recommendation is proposed for Consent:
| Question
| Recommendation
| Status
| Title
| Reference
| A.5 justification
| 15/11
| ITU-T Q.5053 (ex Q-BL-Audit)
| New
| Mobile device access list audit interface
| | -
2 Supplements, Handbooks, Technical Papers, Guidelines and Corrigenda
3 Reports of Rapporteur Group meetings
WP3/11 approved the reports of interim RGM meetings, as follows:
- Report of joint Q9/11 Rapporteur Group e-meeting and ETSI TC INT
(1 December 2020, SG11-TD56/WP3);
- Report of interim Q15/11 Rapporteur Group e-meeting
(8-10 September 2020, SG11-TD48/WP3);
- Report of interim Q15/11 Rapporteur Group e-meeting
(1-2 December 2020, SG11-TD59/WP3)
4 Report of WP3/11The report of WP3/11 is available in
5 Highlights of WP3/11
At this particular meeting, WP3/11 achieved the following outcomes:
- Consented a draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.5053 (ex Q-BL-Audit) “Mobile device access list audit interface” (SG11-TD58-R1/WP3);
Note: several changes were made during the WP3/11 meeting. Among them were revision of acronyms, deletion text highlighted in convention and some editorial changes in cl.6.4.1. The relevant changes are highlighted in SG11-TD58-R1/WP3.
- Approved four outgoing liaison statements:
- LS/o on QSTP-TEST-UE-MS "Guideline for general test procedure and specification for measurements of the LTE, 3G/2G user equipment/mobile stations (UE/MS) for over-the-air performance testing" [to ITU-R WP5D] (TD50/WP3);
- LS/o on Recommendation ITU-T Q.4063 "The framework of testing of identification systems used in Internet of things" [to ITU-R WP5A, ITU-R WP5C, ITU-R WP5D] (TD54/WP3);
- LS/o on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.5053 "Mobile device access list audit interface" [to ITU-T Study Group 17, ITU-T Study Group 2] (TD60/WP3);
LS/o on collaboration on APIs for interoperable testbed federations [to IEEE TWG of IEEE FNI] (
- No new work item was approved;
- Approved meeting reports of interim RGM meeting of Q9/11 and Q15/11;
- Considered draft the meeting report of WP3/11.
6 Outgoing Liaison StatementsThe following table shows the list of outgoing liaison statements.
# |
Q |
For: |
To: |
Title |
Reference |
| 9/11
| I
| LS/o on collaboration on APIs for interoperable testbed federations
| SG11-LS171
| 10/11
| A
| LS/o on QSTP-TEST-UE-MS "Guideline for general test procedure and specification for measurements of the LTE, 3G/2G user equipment/mobile stations (UE/MS) for over-the-air performance testing"
| SG11-LS168
| 12/11
| A
| LS/o on Recommendation ITU-T Q.4063 "The framework of testing of identification systems used in Internet of things"
| SG11-LS169
7 Approved new work items
8 Future meetings and next Study Group 11 meeting
8.1 Interim WP3/11 meetings
8.2 Interim Rapporteur groups meetings
WP3/11 will organize the following interim Rapporteur group meetings:
| Date
| Place / Host
| Terms of reference
| Contact
| Email reflector
Q9/11 joint with ETSI TC INT
| 10-12 February 2021
| e-meeting | - Review input documents - Revise Q.API4TB and Q.PR-MF - Joint workshop with IEEE (TBD)
| martin.brand@a1.at
| t17sg11q9@lists.itu.int
Note: details will be posted on the ITU-T SG11 Rapporteur Group meetings website: https://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/net/ITU-T/lists/rgm.aspx?Group=11&type=interim.
8.3 WP/Question meeting during next SG11 meeting
WP3/11 and its Questions meetings are planned to take place on 17-26 March 2021 (TBC). The objectives for the meeting are highlighted below:
| |
tsbsg11@itu.int |
| - Discuss input contributions;
- Review the incoming liaisons and other relevant documents;
- Progress ongoing Work items.
| tsbsg11@itu.int
| - Discuss contributions addressed to improve ongoing work items;
- Discuss iLSs and prepare oLSs;
- Consider proposal to start new work items.
tsbsg11@itu.int |
| - To progress the Recommendation ITU-T Q.TI-TEST "Framework of model network for Tactile Internet testing".
| tsbsg11@itu.int
| - Discuss the new work item proposal introduced by contribution;
- Review the related iLSs and prepare the oLS if needed;
- But not limited to.
| tsbsg11@itu.int
| - Consider other new work items;
Review iLSs.
tsbsg11@itu.int |
| - Progress draft Q.vbng-iop-ts;
- Progress draft Q.vs-iop-ts;
- Progress draft Q.BaaS-iop-reqts;
- Progress other on-going work item;
- Discuss new work item introduced by contributions if any;
- But are not limited to.
| tsbsg11@itu.int
9 List of Rapporteurs, Associate Rapporteurs and Liaison OfficersThere were no changes since last SG11 meeting (July 2020).