Executive summary of the SG11 meeting (Geneva, 16-25 October 2019)
ITU-T Study Group 11 meeting was held in Geneva, from 16 to 25 October 2019 and it was attended by 80 delegates from 30 countries. Along with face-to-face meetings, most sessions from various Questions or joint Questions meetings were supported by remote participation capabilities.
Parallel events:
ITU-T Study Group 13 meeting, 14-25 October 2019;
- ITU-T Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (ITU-T CASC) meeting, 18 October 2019;
Brainstorming session of ITU-T SG11 on SS7 vulnerabilities and their impact on different industries including digital financial services, 22 October 2019;
- Joint Coordination Activity on IMT2020 (JCA-IMT2020), Geneva, 17 October 2019;
- Focus Group on Technologies for Network 2030 (FG NET-2030) meeting, Geneva, 16-18 October 2019;
- Fifth ITU Workshop on Network 2030, 14-16 October 2019.
1 Draft Recommendations for (TAP) Determination (Resolution 1)
# |
Q |
WP |
Draft new/revised Rec. No. |
Title |
Final TD |
A.5 justification |
1. | 15/11 | 3/11
| Q.5051 (ex Q.FW_CSM)
| Framework for Combating the use of Stolen Mobile Devices
| -
2 Consented Recommendations (ITU-T A.8)
The following table shows the 'Consented' draft Recommendations.
# |
Q |
WP |
Draft new/revised Rec. No. |
Title |
Final TD |
A.5 justification |
| 2/11
| 1/11 | ITU-T Q.3644 (ex. Q.VoLTE-SAO-req)
| Requirements for signalling network analyses and optimization in VoLTE
SG11- TD985/GEN
| 5/11 | 1/11 | ITU-T Q.3719 (ex. Q.BNG-CFS)
| Signalling requirements for the separation of control plane and user plane in vBNG (Broadband Network Gateway)
| -
3. | 5/11 | 1/11 | ITU-T Q.3055 (ex. Q.HET-GW)
| Signalling protocol for Heterogeneous IoT gateways
4. | 7/11 | 2/11 | ITU-T Q.5002 (ex. Q.MEA-SRA)
| Signalling requirement and architecture for media service entity attachment
| -
5. | 8/11 | 2/11 | ITU-T X.609.8 (ex. X.mp2p-ldmp)
| Managed P2P communications: Management protocol for live data sources
| -
6. | 9/11 | 3/11 | ITU-T Q.3056
(ex. Q.SP-RT-NP)
| Signaling procedures of the probes to be used for remote testing of network parameters
| 13/11 | 3/11 | ITU-T Q.3916 (ex. Q.SQM)
| Signalling requirements and architecture for the Internet service quality monitoring system
Supplements, Handbooks, Technical Papers, Guidelines and Corrigenda
ITU-T SG11 agreed the Supplement below:
Final TD
| Supplement 71 to ITU-T Q-series Recommendations: Testing methodologies of Internet related performance measurements including e2e bit rate within the fixed and mobile operator's networks
| SG11-TD1046/GEN
3.2 Guidelines
ITU-T SG11 agreed the Guidelines below:
Final TD
| Revision of ITU-T Guideline on ITU-T CASC procedure to appoint ITU-T technical experts
3.3 Handbooks
No Handbooks were approved at this meeting.
3.4 Technical Papers / Technical Reports
ITU-T SG11 agreed the following Technical Report and Technical Paper:
Final TD
| ITU-T TR-SS7-DFS: SS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for digital financial services transactions
3.5 Corrigenda
No Corrigenda were approved at this meeting.
4 SG11 Structure and Management
There were no changes to the structure of SG11.
5 Questions
There were no changes to the Questions texts at this meeting.
6 Liaison officers and Rapporteurs
Mr Jianyin Zhang (China Mobile) was appointed as Q1/11 Associate rapporteur.
At the opening plenary, four Acting Rapporteurs were nominated for the duration of the meeting: Dan Xu (China Telecom) for Q6/11, Hyeong Ho Lee (Korea) for Q7/11, Shin-Gak (ETRI) for Q7/11 and Q8/11 and Kaoru Kenyoshi (NICT) for Q9/11.
Awad Ahmed Ali Hmed Mulah (NTC) was appointed as Acting chairman of ITU-T CASC.
The final list of Rapporteurs, Associate Rapporteurs and Acting Rapporteurs can be found in
The final list of Liaison Officers and representatives can be found in
7 Action plan of ITU-T SG11 for the current Study Period (2017-2020)
During the first meeting of ITU-T SG11 (February 2017) in the current study period, the SG11 Chairman presented the SG11 Action plan (
SG11-TD173/GEN) which summarizes the strategy of the WPs for the current Study Period, according to the presentations given by the WPs Chairmen.
There were no changes in the action plan at this SG11 meeting (16-25 October 2019). The SG11 Chairman encouraged the WPs Chairmen to provide updates to the action plan at the next SG11 meeting (March 2020), if any.
8 Conformity Assessment Steering Committee
The eighth meeting of the ITU-T Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (CASC) took place during ITU-T SG11 meeting on 18 October 2019.
Following the received contributions, CASC revised the existing Guideline “ITU-T CASC procedure to appoint ITU-T technical expert”. It was noted that during evaluation process of the appointment teams, which were set up in March 2019, it was realised that the ITU-T SGs are entrusted to appoint technical expert on ITU-T Recommendations under ITU-T SGs mandate. It means that ITU-T SGs can appoint ITU-T Technical expert without need of evaluation of Appointment Team. The proposed revision of the Guideline “ITU-T CASC procedure to appoint ITU-T technical expert” was highlighted in paragraph 9.1 of the Guideline, which was finally agreed at the SG11 closing plenary.
CASC appointed 11 technical experts proposed by ITU-T SG2, SG5 and SG16 and several individuals, who applied to be appointed as ITU-T technical experts, according to the outcomes of the assessment conducted by CASC’s appointment teams (
The detailed list of appointed experts is highlighted in the CASC report (
SG11-TD1020-R1). It was noted that the appointed ITU-T technical experts might be included in the IECEE assessment team to assess Testing Laboratories (TLs), which demand to be recognized as TLs with the competence on particular ITU-T Recommendations. All ITU-T SGs were invited to nominate their candidates on the relevant ITU-T Recommendations (within the mandate of the particular SG).
ITU-T SG16 requested CASC to set up a joint ITU/IEC certification schemes for several ICT technologies that have strong demand of the ICT market. Among them are:
- “safe listening” driven by SG16 in close collaboration with WHO;
- “video surveillance”;
- “Accessibility features in IPTV systems”.
According to the discussions held at the meeting, there is a market need that all relevant activities on TL recognition procedure, as well as certification schemes for such technologies, need to be put in place by mid 2020. It gives a possibility for all interested stakeholders to start TL recognition procedures and certify products by the end of 2020.
IECEE CMC WG33 was informed accordingly (
Additionally, further to the request from IECEE CMC WG33, CASC decided to disseminate a questionnaire on evaluation of market needs for joint ITU/IEC TL recognition procedure and certification schemes on ITU-T Recommendations. The aim of the questionnaire is to evaluate the market needs of the in-progress joint ITU/IEC work to establish a peer assessment laboratory service (testing laboratory recognition procedure) and the joint conformity assessment program (joint ITU/IEC certification schemes) on ITU-T Recommendations. Such an analysis would help
IECEE CMC WG33 to understand the volume of the ICT market for establishing such new services.
All interested parties, including non-ITU members, are invited to complete the questionnaire (
https://www.research.net/r/SG11-ITU-IEC-TL) by 16 January 2020 at the latest. More details are available in
TSB Circular 208. At a later stage, CASC will incorporate all outcomes and keep IECEE CMC WG33 posted.
The next CASC e-meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held on mid of January 2020. The final date will be announced on due course.
The next CASC physical meeting will take place in Geneva on 6 March 2020.
More details are available in the ITU-T CASC report, as contained in
9 5G/IMT-2020 and AI-related issues
ITU-T SG11 consented new draft Recommendations ITU-T Q.5002 (ex. Q.MEA-SRA) “Signalling requirement and architecture for media service entity attachment” and ITU-T X.609.8 (ex. X.mp2p-ldmp) “Managed P2P communications: Management protocol for live data sources”.
TSB received an IPR declaration related to the implementation of draft Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-ocmp (
SG11 achieved progress on the following draft Recommendations:
- ITU-T Q.INS-PM: Protocol for managing intelligent network slicing with AI-assisted analysis in IMT-2020 network;
- ITU-T Q.D2D-EECP: Energy efficient D2D communication protocol for IMT 2020 network;
- ITU-T Q.IEC-PRO: Protocols for microservices based intelligent edge computing;
- Revision of ITU-T X.609.5: Managed P2P communications: Overlay network management protocol;
- ITU-T X.mp2p-ocmp: Managed P2P communications: Overlay content management protocol;
- ITU-T X.HP2P-Arch: Hybrid P2P communications: Functional architecture.
Additionally, three new work items on 5G and AI-related protocols/signalling requirements were initiated at this meeting:
- ITU-T Q.IMT2020-PIAS “Protocol for providing intelligent analysis services in IMT-2020 network” which specifies architecture for supporting intelligent analysis services in IMT-2020 network, and intelligent analysis services offered by Data Analysis Function (DAF) including load balancing, network functions fault location and advance warning, device on/off analysis, mobility analysis, etc. It includes signalling flows for network functions (NFs) event exposure to DAF and DAF analytics exposure to NFs, message format, and security considerations (SG11-TD995/GEN);
- ITU-T Q.WLAN5G-REQ “Signalling requirements of WLAN access network for interworking with 5G network” which describes signalling architecture, signalling requirements and signalling protocol procedures for WLAN access network to interwork with 5G network, focusing on the interworking procedures between Layer 2 and Layer 3 for providing end-to-end QoS (SG11-TD971/GEN);
- ITU-T X.HP2P-pp “Hybrid P2P communications: Peer protocol”, which describes peer protocol for tree-based overlay network in hybrid P2P architecture (SG11-TD1038/GEN).
Note: the tree-based overlay network is useful for fast distribution of small data, and the mesh-based overlay network is more applicable for distribution of relatively larger sized data.
More information about these results is available in the WP2/11 report (SG11-TD1065/GEN).
10 Signalling issues
SG11 consented two new draft Recommendations, as follows:
- ITU-T Q.3719 (ex. Q.BNG-CFS) “Signalling requirements for the separation of control plane and user plane in vBNG (Broadband Network Gateway)”;
- ITU-T Q.3055 (ex.Q.HET-GW) “Signalling protocol for Heterogeneous IoT gateways”.
SG11 also started a new work item: ITU-T Q.SFPtr “Signalling requirements for Service Function Paths Load Balancing Traceroute in SFC”, which describes the signalling requirements for service function paths load balancing traceroute (SG11-TD1001/GEN).
More information about these results is available in the WP1/11 report (SG11-TD1063-R1/GEN).
11 Security issues of SS7 and other protocols
SG11 organized a “Brainstorming session on SS7 vulnerabilities and the impact on different industries including digital financial services” (Geneva, 22 October 2019). The objective of the event was to discuss the potential way forward to enhance the security mechanisms of existing protocols and its adoption rate among telecom operators in order to defend all stakeholders such as Telco operators, banks, operators of financial services, regulators and individual clients from related attacks.
Among the outcomes of the Brainstorming wrap-up sessions are (see
- Integrate the lessons learned from the lack of adoption of TCAPSec into draft Q.SR-Trust;
- Devise market economics that will drive the implementation of draft Q.SR-Trust;
- Start a work item on drafting requirements for a secure signalling architecture that will enable operators to offer OTT services to public interest services;
- Draft a requirement for a SIP-ISUP interworking function to mitigate CLI spoofing by providing origination data to the ISUP IAM request;
- Add digital signature (adopt draft Q.SR-Trust) to ISUP to create attribution of spoofed calls to telcos.
SG11 achieved progress on the ongoing draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.SR-Trust “Signalling requirements and architecture for interconnection between trustable network entities” which defines the signalling architecture and requirement for interconnection between trustable network entities in support of existing and emerging networks.
Also, following SG11 Brainstorming session on SS7 vulnerabilities (22 October 2019), SG11 will consider a possibility to start new work items dealing with framework of signalling certification centres to be used for interconnection between trustable network entities based on the ongoing SG11 work item Q.SR-Trust. SG11 informed 3GPP TSG SA3, SG2, SG17 and GSMA FASG DESS respectively (
Finally, SG11 agreed the Technical report ITU-T TR-SS7-DFS “SS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for digital financial services transactions”.
More details to be found in the WP1/11 report (
12 VoLTE/ViLTE-related issues
SG11 agreed that the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3643 (ex. Q.DEN_IMS) "Signalling architecture of distributed ENUM networking for IMS" was mature enough to be determined, however, due to inputs contained in the LS from SG2 (SG11-TD950/GEN), SG11 decided to postpone the determination to the next SG11 meeting in March 2020. The relevant outgoing LS was sent to SG2 (SG11-LS104).
SG11 consented new draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3644 (ex. Q.VoLTE-SAO-req) “Requirements for signalling network analyses and optimization in VoLTE”.
In addition, ITU-T SG11 started the new work item ITU-T Q.VoLTE-SAO-FP “Framework and protocols for signalling network analyses and optimization in VoLTE”, which defines the framework of signalling network analyses and optimization for VoLTE network, specifies the interfaces and protocols between signalling network analyses and optimization system and VoLTE network, specifies the service procedures of signalling network analyses and optimization, and specifies the AI-assisted functions and security issues of the proposed system (SG11-TD1032/GEN).
More information about these results is available in the WP1/11 report (SG11-TD1063-R1/GEN).
13 Testing specifications, monitoring and implementation of ITU C&I ProgrammeITU-T SG11 consented new draft Recommendations: ITU-T Q.3056 (ex. Q.SP-RT-NP) “Signalling procedures of the probes to be used for remote testing of network parameters” and ITU-T Q.3916 (ex. Q.SQM) “Signalling requirements and architecture for the Internet service quality monitoring system”.
Furthermore, SG11 agreed ITU-T TP-TEST-UE-MS (ex. Guideline-TEST_UE/MS) “Guideline for general test procedure and specification for measurements of the LTE, 3G/2G user Equipment/mobile stations (UE/MS) for over-the-air performance testing”.
SG11 has made progress on the following draft Recommendations:
- ITU-T Q.39_FW_Test_ID_IoT: The framework of testing of identification systems used in IoT;
- ITU-T Q.FW_IoT/Test: Framework for IoT Testing;
ITU-T Q.vbng-iop-reqts: Interoperability testing requirements of virtual Broadband Network Gateway.
SG11 also started a new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.vs-iop-ts “Test suite for interoperability testing of virtual switch”, which contains test cases specifying the objective, procedure and expected results (
Finally, ITU-T SG11 updated the reference list of ITU-T Recommendations suitable for conformity/interoperability assessment (
More information about these results is available in the WP3/11 report (
14 Internet related performance measurements
According to received contribution and outcomes of Q9/11 discussions, SG11 has decided to convert the current draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3961 to non-normative Supplement 71 to ITU-T Q-series of Recommendations “Testing methodologies of Internet related performance measurements including e2e bit rate within the fixed and mobile operator’s networks”, which was finally agreed at the SG11 closing plenary on 25 October 2019.
All involved parties have been informed accordingly (
15 Combating counterfeit ICT and mobile device theft
At this meeting, SG11 decided to change the approval procedure for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.FW_CSM from AAP to TAP. As a result, SG11 finalized and finally determined draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.5051 (ex. Q.FW_CSM) “Framework for Combating the use of Stolen Mobile Devices” to apply the Traditional Approval Procedure as described in Section 9 of WTSA Resolution 1 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) (see
The draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.5051 “Framework for Combating the use of Stolen Mobile Devices” contains the reference framework and requirements that should be considered when deploying solutions to combat the use of stolen Mobile Devices.
SG11 intends to approve this draft Recommendation following Member States consultation (see
TSB Circular 205) at the next SG11 meeting in Geneva, 4-13 March 2020.
SG11 continues the work on draft Recommendation ITU-T TR-RLB-IMEI "Reliability of IMEI”, which describes the common concept of IMEI, including its format, allocation procedure and security issues. In addition, the report will provide information about existing vulnerabilities in terms of IMEI reprogramming and proposes some preventive measures along with possible solutions to cope with the issue.
ITU-T TR-RLB-IMEI was initiated at the previous SG11 meeting as a consequence of the received contributions, ITU Council-18 decision (
C18/107) and the report prepared by TSB. At this meeting, SG11 agreed to submit a questionnaire on IMEI reliability. This survey will help to collect data on this matter to support the work item.
Following these outcomes, SG11 also decided to start a new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.BL-Audit “Audit interface for blacklisting IMEI” (
Also, following contributions submitted from Africa region, SG11 started two new work items:
- Technical Report (TR-FCM): Framework on combating counterfeit and stolen mobile devices in African region, which defines requirements for the deployment of a harmonised system to combat the circulation and use of counterfeit/stolen mobile devices in the African region. It will contain implementation guidelines;
- Technical Report (TR-GAA): Common guidelines for conformity assessment in African Region in order to assist in the combat counterfeit ICT devices, which defines the common requirements and guidelines for African Region to assess conformity of ICT devices in order to assist in the combat counterfeit ICT devices.
SG11 achieved progress on draft Technical Report ITU-T TR-BP_CF "Guidelines on Best Practice and Solutions for Combating Counterfeit ICT Devices".
More information about these results is available in the WP3/11 report (SG11-TD1073-R2/GEN).
16 ITU
Brainstorming session on SS7 vulnerabilities and the impact on different industries including digital financial services, Geneva, 22 October 2019
Brainstorming session on SS7 vulnerabilities took place on 22 October 2019 during SG11 meeting. The event was organized following market demand due to complains received from multiple customers of banks and Telco operators related to different attacks such as spoofing telephone numbers (i.e. annoying advertisement phone calls), hijacking bank assets via illegal usage of e-banking systems, location tracking, intercept calls and messages among others. All of these attacks are possible due to gaps in existing signalling protocols used in Telco (SS7, DIAMETER, etc.). These originate from legacy networks based on Signalling System Number 7 (SS7), which was developed by ITU 30 years ago. At that time, the SS7 stack was developed on the way to be used in the dedicated standalone network provided limit number of services. Currently, all SS7 based networks and their successors (DIAMETER, SIGTRAN, etc.) have become a platform for Digital Financial Services. As a result, hackers have used the gaps of such protocols to take-over of banks assets.
The event was based on interactive session where all participated stakeholders were able to express their views on the current issues and indicated the way forward.
During Brainstorming session, SG11 was encouraged to continue activities on security of signaling protocols in collaboration with SG17 and SG2 respectively.
Highlights of the discussions:
Caller ID spoofing
The main issue is VoIP telephony providers which are not licensed or regulated that connect to the telecom world via SIP trunking or PRI connections and spoof CLI (virtual numbers);
Since these VoIP telephony service providers “piggyback” on other telco GTs, there is no current method to detect and block the spoofed calls;
- The leading method today is private/enterprise PBX solutions that run software to detect and block spoofed calls based on proprietary logic.
- The previous attempt to create an authentication layer for TCAP (TCAPSec-TS29.204/TS33.204) needs to be studied and the lessons learned from it’s lack of adoption integrated into Q.SR-Trust.
New standardization areas
- Try and create new standards that will enable operators to create growth engines, otherwise they may be thinned down like ISPs (the telecom infrastructure will be considered an untrusted infrastructure like the internet);
The main issue in creating the signaling infrastructure for secure OTT services that operators can offer is the limitation to their own subscribers, since the OTT applications (financial, ridesharing, food-delivery, etc.) will want an aggregated service for all of their users regardless of operator affiliation.
Adoption rate of signaling security
- We need to create market driven incentives for operators to implement signaling security. The demand for more security must generate ROI for the operator, otherwise it will not be implemented widely. Relying on local legislation to enforce the implementation of signalling security will take many years (10+), and we need to move faster than that.
Two videos of the potential attacks are made available on the event’s web page:
The detailed outcomes of the workshop are available in
Preparation for WTSA-20
SG11 arranged several sessions on preparation for WTSA-20 in order to create proposals from the SG11 to WTSA-20 on the next study period, based on the inputs received from SG11 members. It was noted that SG11 must finalize their proposal of a list of Questions for next Study Period (2021-2024) in March 2020. The proposal will then be submitted to WTSA-20.
The meeting reviewed all the proposed revised Question texts, new Questions’ texts and text for the mandate of SG11 according to received contributions, based on the current list of Questions and SG11 mandate defined in
SG11-TD918/GEN and
SG11-TD919/GEN respectively.
SG11 produced a draft text of its Questions for the next study period and updated its title, mandate, points of guidance and lead roles (SG11-TD1069-R1/GEN).
Several proposals to set up new Questions for next Study Period (2021-2024) were part of the discussions, as follows:
- Combating counterfeit software on ICT devices and data theft;
Note: SG11 discussed a proposal to start a new Question based on received Contributions, but there was no consensus. The discussion will continue at the next SG11 meeting (March 2020).
- Integrated Space-terrestrial Network Signalling and Protocols in New IP Networking;
Note: it was noted that there is a need to reconsider this proposal over the next SG11 meeting (March 2020). To avoid any overlaps with the current ITU-R WP4B activities, SG11 requested ITU-R WP4B to identify its current work/activities on this subject matter, if any (SG11-LS116). - Protocols for the Control and Management of High Precision and Deterministic IP Network.
This draft text (SG11-TD1069-R1/GEN) should be taken as baseline for WTSA-20 preparatory discussions of the SG11 and should be discussed and finalized at next SG11 meeting (4-13 March 2020, Geneva, TBA).
18 Outgoing Liaison StatementsThe following table shows the list of the 21 agreed outgoing liaison statements, including two outgoing LSs (
SG11-TD947/GEN) agreed by the correspondence, which were noted at the SG11 opening plenary. See
# |
Q (s) |
For: |
To: |
Title |
Reference |
1 | 1/11 | I | ITU-T SG2 | LS on status of the draft Recommendation Q.DEN_IMS “Signalling architecture of distributed ENUM networking for IMS”
| 1/11 | A
| LS/r on status of the draft Recommendation Q.3643 (ex. Q.DEN_IMS) "Signalling architecture of distributed ENUM networking for IMS"
3 | 2/11 | I
| ITU-T SG17, GSMA FASG DESS, 3GPP SA3 | LS on status of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.SR-Trust “Signalling requirements and architecture for interconnection between trustable network entities”
4 | 3/11 | I
| ITU-D SG2 (Q5/2) | LS/r on disaster relief use cases
5 | 4/11 | I
| IETF SFC | LS on recent SFC related developments in Q4/11: new draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.SFPtr “Signalling requirements for Service Function Paths Load Balancing Traceroute in SFC”
6 | 5/11 | I
| ITU-T SG13, JCA-IMT2020
| LS on recent SDN-related developments in Q5/11: consented new draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3719 (ex Q.BNG-CFS) “Signalling requirements for the separation of control plane and user plane in vBNG”
7 | 7/11 | I
| ITU-T SG16
| LS on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.5002 (ex Q.MEA-SRA) “Signalling requirement and architecture for media service entity attachment”
8 | 9/11 | I
| LS on agreement of new Supplement 71 to ITU-T Q-series Recommendations “Testing methodologies of Internet related performance measurements including e2e bit rate within the fixed and mobile operator’s networks”
9 | 11/11 | I
| All ITU-T SGs | LS/r on reference table to be used for Conformance and Interoperability testing
10 | 13/11 | I
| ITU-T SG12, RIPE NCC | LS on consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3916 (ex Q.SQM) "Signalling requirements and architecture for the Internet service quality monitoring system"
11 | 15/11 | I | APT ASTAP | LS/r in collaboration on the combat of counterfeit and stolen ICT devices
12 | 15/11 | I | ITU-T SG5 | LS/r on collaboration with ITU-T SG5 on the combat of Counterfeit ICT devices
13 | All/11 | I
| LS/r on WTSA-20 preparations
14 | All/11 | A
| JCA-IMT2020 | LS/r on invitation to update the information in the IMT2020 roadmap
15 | All/11 | A
| LS on new Question "Integrated Space-terrestrial Network Signalling and Protocols in New IP Networking" of SG11 for the next Study Period (2021-2024)
16 | All/11 | A
| LS/r on approval of new terms and definitions
17 | CASC
| I
| ITU-T SG2, SG5, SG16 and all ITU-T SGs
| LS on appointment of ITU-T technical experts
18 | CASC
| I | ITU-T SG16
| LS/r on a Technical Paper on the Continua (PCHA) Conformity Assessment Scheme and the test laboratory recognition procedure
19 | CASC
| A
| LS/r on Questionnaire to members of ITU-T CASC issues by IECEE CMC WG 33 ITU requirements
20 | CASC | I
| ITU-T SG16
| LS/r on call for focal points to ITU-T CASC and candidates ITU-T Recommendations for joint ITU/IEC certification scheme on accessibility Recommendations
21 | CASC | A
| All ITU-T SGs
| LS on questionnaire on evaluation of market needs for joint ITU/IEC TL recognition procedure and certification schemes on ITU-T Recommendations
19 Approved new work items
19.1 New work items initiated during ITU-T SG11 meeting (Geneva, 16-25 October 2019)
The following table shows the list of the ten new work items. See SG11-TD930-R1/GEN.
19.2 Work items initiated during the interim Rapporteur groups meeting, held in June-October 2019
The table below shows the work items initiated during the interim Rapporteur meetings, held between June 2019 and October 2019 and approved at the ITU-T SG11 opening plenary:
N. |
Q |
Work item (Draft Recs) |
Title |
Editors |
Timing |
Ref. |
| 15/11
| Addressing ICT mobile devices with duplicate unique identifiers
| Mohammad Raheel Kamal, Joao Zanon
| 2021-Q1
SG11 TD1051/GEN
20 Work plan for interim Working Party and Rapporteur meetings
The following represents the interim meetings plan as agreed at the ITU-T SG11 Plenary (Geneva, 25 October 2019). Also in
20.1 Rapporteur groups
The following interim Rapporteurs' groups meetings are agreed by SG11 Plenary (Geneva, 25 October 2019).
21 Regional Groups' meetings
Reports of SG11 Regional Groups:
- SG11RG-EECAT (Saint Petersburg, 21-22 May 2019):
- SG11RG-AFR (Tunis, 30 September - 2 October 2019):
SG11 was informed about plans of Regional Groups' for 2020:
The detailed information will be circulated through the relevant mailing lists and reflected on the Regional Groups web pages.
22 Promotion of ITU-T SG11 work
At the closing plenary of ITU-T SG11, it was proposed to organize the following Workshops in 2020, as follows:
- Second talk on protocols vulnerabilities, July 2020 (planned);
- First Virtual Summit on Combating Counterfeit and stolen ICT devices, March or April 2020 (planned).
The exact title of the Workshops and further details will follow.
23 Next Study Group 11 meeting
The next SG11 meeting is planned to take place in Geneva from 4 to 13 March 2020. The dates and venue will be confirmed.