Executive summary of the WP2/11 and WP3/11 meetings (Geneva, 31 October 2018)
Working Party 2/11 (Control and management protocols for IMT-2020) and Working Party 3/11 (Conformance and interoperability testing, combating counterfeit ICT and mobile device theft) meetings were held in Geneva on 31 October 2018. The meetings were attended by 14 delegates from 4 countries. The meetings were preceded by SG11 Rapporteur group meetings of Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 14/11. Along with face-to-face meetings, most sessions from various Questions were supported by remote participation capabilities.
1 Approved and Consented Recommendations (ITU-T A.8) WP2/11 consented two Recommendations:
- ITU-T X.609.6 (ex. X.mp2p-cdsr)
“Managed P2P communications: Content distribution signalling requirements". The output document is available in
- ITU-T X.609.7 (ex. X.mp2p-cdpp)
“Managed P2P communications: Content distribution peer protocol". The output document is available in
WP3/11 consented one Recommendation:
- ITU-T Q.4042.1 (ex. Q.wa-iop)
“Cloud interoperability testing about web application – part 1: Interoperability testing between CSC and CSP". The output document is available in
2 Supplements, Handbooks, Technical Papers, Guidelines and Corrigenda2.1 Supplements
No Supplements were approved at this meeting.
2.2 Guidelines
No Guidelines were approved at this meeting.
2.3 HandbooksNo Handbooks were approved at this meeting.
Technical PapersNo Technical Papers were approved at this meeting
2.5 Corrigenda
No Corrigenda were approved at this meeting.
3 Reports of Rapporteurs meetings (Geneva, 22-31 October 2018)
WP2/11 and WP3/11 approved the following reports of the Rapporteur group meetings:
4 Reports of WP2/11 and WP3/11 The reports of the WP2/11 and WP3/11 are made available on R-series, as follows:
- Report of WP2/11 –
- Report of WP3/11 –
5 Highlights of WP2/11 and WP3/11 meetings
WP2/11WP2/11 finalized texts and finally consented two new draft ITU-T Recommendations dealing with Managed P2P communications. These new ITU-T Recommendations define content distribution signalling requirements (ITU-T X.609.6) and content distribution peer protocol (ITU-T X.609.7) respectively. Following this result, as a continuation of these activities, WP2/11 decided to start new work items under X.609.x-series, as follows:
- X.mp2p-ocmp: Managed P2P communications: Overlay content management protocol;
- X.mp2p-srds: Managed P2P communications: Signalling requirements for data streaming;
- X.mp2p-ldmp: Managed P2P communications: Management protocol for live data sources.
WP2/11 also agreed on the improved baseline text of ongoing work items (Q.NS-LCMP, Q.CE-APIMP) based on the outcomes of the SG11 RGM meeting (22-31 October 2018).
In addition, WP2/11 discussed the iLS received from FG-ML5G (Ref: FGML5G-LS04) which related to Recommendation ITU-T Q.5001 “Signalling requirements and architecture of intelligent edge computing" approved in October 2018. The detailed response was agreed by the WP2/11 meeting. It is available in the WP2/11 report (annex D of R16).
Finally, WP2/11 agreed to send out two outgoing LSs.
WP3/11 agreed the initial baseline text of the ongoing work item Guideline-TEST_UE/MS “Guideline for general test procedure and specification for measurements of the LTE, 3G/2G user Equipment/mobile stations (UE/MS)". The title of this work item was slightly changed following discussion taking place in Q10/11 RGM meeting (22-31 October 2018). During this meeting, it was highlighted that there is aneed to provide survey and analyse the relevant standardization works such as 3GPP and CTIA within the scope of this work item. The contributions were invited to the next SG11 meeting.
Also, WP3/11 finalized and consented the draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4042.1 (ex. Q.wa-iop) “Cloud interoperability testing about web application – part 1: Interoperability testing between CSC and CSP".
In addition, WP3/11 agreed on the improved baseline text of ongoing work items (Q.vs-iop-reqts and Q.vbng-iop-reqt) based on the outcomes of the SG11 RGM meeting (22-31 October 2018).
Finally, WP2/11 agreed to send out one outgoing LS.
6 Outgoing Liaison Statements
The following table shows the list of outgoing liaison statements.
# |
Document |
Questions |
WP |
To |
For |
Title |
1 |
SG11-TD34/WP2 | Q6/11 | WP2/11 | SG13 | Action | LS/r on information for Use Cases and Migration (IMT-2020) (reply to SG13-LS 77-E) |
2 |
SG11-TD36-R1/WP2 | Q7/11 | WP2/11
| ITU-T FG ML5G | Information | LS/r on new draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.5001 (ex. Q.IEC-REQ) “Signalling requirements and architecture of intelligent edge computing" (reply to FG ML5G-LS04) |
3 |
SG11-TD5-R1/WP3 | Q14/11 | WP3/11 | ETSI ISG NFV; TSAG | Information | LS/r on LSs related to new work item Interop testing requirements of virtual BNG (reply to ETSI ISG NFV (NFV(18)000214) |
7 Approved new work items
The following table shows the new approved work items.
Q |
Work item (Draft Recs) |
Status |
Editor |
Timing |
Ref. |
1 | Q8/11 | X.mp2p-ocmp | New | Managed P2P communications: Overlay content management protocol | Wook HYUN Changkyu LEE | 4Q 2020 |
SG11-TD41/WP2 |
2 | Q8/11 | X.mp2p-srds | New | Managed P2P communications: Signalling requirements for data streaming | Changkyu LEE Wook HYUN | 4Q 2020 |
SG11-TD42/WP2 |
3 | Q8/11 | X.mp2p-ldmp | New | Managed P2P communications: Management protocol for live data sources | Juyoung PARK Changkyu LEE | 4Q 2020 |
SG11-TD43/WP2 |
8 Future meetings and next Study Group 11 meeting8.1 Rapporteur groupsNo interim Rapporteurs' groups meetings will be held before the next meeting of SG11, Geneva, 6-15 March 2019 (to be announced).
8.2 Next SG11 meeting
The next SG11 meeting is scheduled to take place in Geneva, 6-15 March 2019 (to be announced).
The objectives for the meeting are highlighted below:
Question/WP |
Objectives |
| - Consent ITU-T Q.NS-LCMP - Consent ITU-T Q.NS-LCMP - Approve all outcomes of WP2/11 meeting Collaboration on WP2/11 related issues with other groups
| - Progress all Q6/11 on-going work items - Consider new work proposals Collaboration on Q6/11 related issues with other groups
Q7/11 | - Progress all Q7/11 on-going work items - Consider new work proposals - Collaboration on Q7/11 related issues with other groups
| - Progress all Q8/11 on-going work items - Consider new work proposals Collaboration on Q8/11 related issues with other groups
WP3/11 | To consent: - Q.SP-RT-NP (Q9) - Q.SDN-CT (Q10) - Q.4013.1 v.1_SI_IBCF_TS_Part1 (Q11) - Q.4013.2 v.1_SI_IBCF_TS_Part2 (Q11) - Q.4014.2 v.1_SI_IAD_TS_Part2 (ex Q.39_SI_IAD_TS_Part2 v.1 [3GPP Release 10]) (Q11)
| - Discuss progress on existing work items - Discuss iLSs and prepare oLSs - Consider proposal to start new work items |
Q10/11 | - Discuss contributions addressed to improve ongoing work items - Discuss iLSs and prepare oLSs - Consider proposal to start new work items |
Q11/11 | - Progress of draft Recommendation Q.TI-TEST - Progress of draft Recommendation Q.4013.1 v.1_SI_IBCF_TS_Part1 - Progress of draft Recommendation Q.4013.2 v.1_SI_IBCF_TS_Part2 - Progress of draft Recommendation Q.4014.2 v.1_SI_IAD_TS_Part2 (ex Q.39_SI_IAD_TS_Part2 v.1) |
Q12/11 | - Progress on ongoing work items - Consent work items - Open new work items |
Q13/11 | - Progress work items Q.BNGP and Q.SQM - Discuss new work item |
Q14/11 | - Progress Q.vs-iop-reqts, Q.vbng-iop-reqts - Discuss new work item introduced by contributions - Review the work program - But are not limited to. |
- To revise possible comments to Q.5050 (ex. Q.FW_CCF), if any. - To advance the other work-items based on contribution to be received. - To advance on the discussion on the combat of counterfeit and stolen ICT devices, based on contributions to be received
9 Liaison officers and Rapporteurs
No changes were made to the list of liaison officers or the list of Rapporteurs.
The list of Rapporteurs and Associate rapporteurs can be found at:
The list of liaison officers can be found at: