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SG11: Signalling requirements, protocols, test specifications and combating counterfeit products

Executive summary of the SG11 meeting (Geneva, 18-27 July 2018)

ITU-T Study Group 11 meeting was held in Geneva, from 18-27 July 2018 and it was attended by 75 delegates from 30 countries. Along with face-to-face meetings, most sessions from various Questions or joint Questions meetings were supported by remote participation capabilities.

Parallel events:
1     Draft Recommendations for (TAP) Determination (Resolution 1)
#QWPDraft new/revised Rec. No.TitleFinal TDA.5 justification
1.15/113/11Q.5050 (Q.FW_CCF)Framework for solution to combat counterfeit ICT DevicesTD618/GEN-

2     Approved and Consented Recommendations (ITU-T A.8)
The following table shows the 'Consented' draft Recommendations.
#QWPDraft new/revised Rec. No.TitleFinal TDA.5 justification
1.Q2/111/11ITU-T Q.3641 (ex. Q.Interop_IMS_Rel_11)IMS references to Release 11 for communication between IMS and NGN Networks in order to support the end-to-end service interoperabilityTD604/GENTD525/GEN
2.Q2/111/11Q.850Usage of cause and location in the Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. 1 and the Signalling System No. 7 ISDN User PartTD605/GENTD616/GEN
3.Q4/111/11Q.3718 (ex. Q.SVDC)Signalling requirements of the Sew interface for Virtual Data CenterTD625/GEN-
4.Q4/111/11Q.3405 (ex. Q.IPv6ProBB)IPv6 protocol procedures for broadband servicesTD626/GENTD627/GEN
5.Q5/111/11Q.3717 (Q.BNG-IAP)Signalling requirements for automatic management of IP address pool by SDN technologies on BNGTD595/GEN-
6.Q7/112/11Q.5001 (Q.IEC-REQ)Signalling requirements and architecture of intelligent edge computingTD600/GEN-
7.  Q12/113/11ITU-T Q.4060 (ex. Q.Het_IoT_Gateway_Test)The structure of the testing of heterogeneous Internet of Things gateways in a laboratory environmentTD558/GEN-

3.     Supplements, Handbooks, Technical Papers, Guidelines and Corrigenda
3.1   Supplements
The following table shows the agreed Supplement

#QWPDraft new/revised Rec. No.TitleFinal TDA.5 justification
1.3/111/11Q.suppl.69 (ex. Q.suppl.VoLTE_ETS_Interconnection)

Supplement 69 to ITU-T Q-series Recommendations
Framework for interconnection between VoLTE-based network and other networks supporting emergency telecommunications service (ETS)


3.2    Guidelines
No Guidelines were approved at this meeting.

3.3    Handbooks
No Handbooks were approved at this meeting.

3.4    Technical Papers
No Technical Papers were approved at this meeting.

3.5    Corrigenda
The following table shows the agreed Corrigenda

#QWPDraft new/revised Rec. No.TitleFinal TDA.5 justification
1.Q2/111/11Corrigendum to the Appendix IV of the Recommendation ITU-T Q.1912.5Interworking between session initiation protocol (SIP) and bearer independent call control protocol or ISDN user partTD606/GEN-

4     SG11 Structure and Management

There were no changes to the structure of SG11.

5     Regional groups of SG11
The reports of the Regional groups of SG11 (SG11RG-AFR (R2) and SG11RG-EECAT (R2)) were presented and approved at the opening plenary.

6     Questions
There were no changes to the Questions texts at this meeting.

7     Liaison officers and Rapporteurs
It was decided that, due to other commitments, the Associate Rapporteur of Q12/11 Mr Kazunori Tanikawa (NEC Corporation, Japan) would step down. Mr Tanikawa was thanked for his work with SG11.
Also, at the opening plenary, Mr Rustam PIRMAGOMEDOV (Russia, SPbSUT) was proposed as a new Associate Rapporteur for Q9/11. It was accepted. It was also noted that Mr Kaoru KENYOSHI (Chairman of WP3/11) changed his affiliation to NICT (Japan).
The final list of Rapporteurs, Associate Rapporteurs and Acting Rapporteurs can be found in SG11-TD435-R2/GEN​.
There were no changes made to the list of Liaison Officers. The final list of Liaison Officers and representatives can be found in SG11-TD434/GEN.

8     Action plan of ITU-T SG11 for the current Study Period (2017-2020)
During the first meeting of SG11 (February 2017), the SG11 Chairman presented the SG11 Action plan (SG11-TD173/GEN) which summarizes the strategy of the WPs for the current Study Period, according to the presentations given by the WPs Chairmen.
There were no changes in the action plan at this SG11 meeting (18-27 July 2017), the SG11 Chairman encouraged the WPs Chairmen to provide updates to the action plan at the next SG11 meeting (March 2019).

9     Q.Series/Y.series of two ITU-T Recommendations approved by ITU-T SG20
According to ITU-T SG20 request (SG20-LS73), during opening plenary, ITU-T SG11 agreed to assign numbers from Q.series for two Recommendations approved by ITU-T SG20 as follows:​The relevant Liaison Statement was sent to ITU-T SG20.

10     Conformity Assessment Steering Committee
The sixth meeting of the ITU-T Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (CASC) took place during ITU-T SG11 meeting on 20 July 2018.
IEC presented the draft Operational Document (OD) named "ICT Laboratory Recognition Service on ITU–T Recommendations" that is intended to be set up as a standalone service based on the IECEE CB scheme (SG11-C200). This document was prepared by IECEE TF as a concept and it specifies the requirements and processes of the ICT Laboratory Recognition Service based on ITU–T Recommendations. It was noted that the IECEE OD is in line with the ITU TL recognition procedure specified in the relevant Guideline on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" agreed by ITU-T SG11 in 2015.
The CASC decided to seek approval of the conceptual, draft, OD in IECEE first and then CASC will develop its own guideline which would refer to the OD accordingly to ensure the protection of IEC intellectual property.
Finally, CASC noted that to facilitate a joint process for assessment and recognition of laboratories between ITU and IECEE, the established TL recognition procedure will provide the Testing Laboratories with some unique key advantages. As two truly international organisations covering a large scope of products and services, ITU and IECEE support laboratories to have a harmonized process, which includes the scope of testing of both organisations. Such a harmonized process would allow laboratories to receive recognition from both organisations based on a single assessment per location. For large testing organizations as well as small test laboratories, this support an economical and optimized access to a larger testing portfolio based on their expertise and competence.
The OD is supposed to be adopted by IECEE CMC in 2019. The next ITU-T CASC meeting is scheduled on 8 March 2019 (planned).More details are available in CASC's report, in SG11-TD635/GEN.

11     SDN and 5G/IMT-2020 related issues
ITU-T SG11 decided to set up new subcategories for recommendations dealing with signalling requirements for IMT-2020, as follows:
​The first Recommendation on AI – ITU-T Q.5001 "Signalling requirements and architecture of intelligent edge computing" was consented at the closing plenary of ITU-T SG11. This recommendation starts numbering in these new series. ITU-T SG11 noted that TSB received an IPR statement for this new Recommendation.

Also, ITU-T SG11 agreed to start several new work items related to IMT-2020, as follows:​Also, ITU-T SG11 continues working on SDN activities. During this meeting, ITU-T SG11 consented two new Recommendations on this matter, as follows:​Finally, ITU-T SG11 achieved a good progress on the current work items, as follows:

​More information on these activities is available in the WP1/11 and WP2/11 reports accordingly (SG11-TD576/GEN, SG11-TD577/GEN).

12     Signalling issues
ITU-T SG11 updated two existing Recommendations and consented one new Recommendation, as follows:​SG11 also started several new work items on signalling requirements such as:​and achieved good progress on the current work items, as follows:More information on these activities is available in the WP1/11 and WP2/11 reports accordingly (SG11-TD576/GEN, SG11-TD577/GEN).

13     SS7 security
SG11 meeting discussed number of contributions addressed to SS7 issues. Among them were contributions proposed to revise ITU-T Q.731.3.
According to the discussion, the working number and the title of this work item had been changed to Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T Q.731.3 "STAGE 3 DESCRIPTION FOR NUMBER IDENTIFICATION SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES USING SIGNALLING SYSTEM No.7 – CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION PRESENTATION, Amendment 1 New functionalities to the calling line identification presentation".
The meeting also agreed to use AAP for the approval process of this work item. It was decided to consent this draft Recommendation at the next ITU-T SG11 meeting (March 2019).
More information on these activities is available in the WP1/11 and WP2/11 reports accordingly (SG11-TD576/GEN, SG11-TD577/GEN).

14     VoLTE/ViLTE interconnection
Following the approval of two new Recommendations ITU-T Q.3640 and ITU-T Q.3953 at the last meeting, ITU-T SG11 continues working on VoLTE/ViLTE issues.
At this meeting, ITU-T SG11 made the following decisions:
In addition, ITU-T SG11 achieved good progress on the following topics:​Finally, ITU-T SG11 started a new work items Q.Interop_IMS_Rel_12: IMS references to Release 12 for communication between IMS and NGN Networks in order to support the end-to-end service interoperability.

Following discussion of the request received from TSAG, ITU-T SG11 informed TSAG about SG11 achievements on VoLTE/ViLTE issues, indicating approved Recommendations, new work items and planned Workshop on the relevant subject.
More information on these activities is available in the WP1/11 report (SG11-TD576/GEN).

15     Testing specifications, monitoring and implementation of ITU C&I Programme
According to inputs received from ITU-T SGs, ITU-T SG11 updated the reference table of ITU-T Recommendations suitable for C&I testing. The information was updated on the ITU C&I Portal accordingly (see
At this meeting, ITU-T SG11 consented a new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4060: The structure of the testing of heterogeneous Internet of Things gateways in a laboratory environment. Following this outcome, the new subcategory was open, as follows: Q.4060-Q.4099: Testing specifications for IMT-2020 and IoT.
In addition, ITU-T SG11 achieved progress on the following ongoing work items:​With regards to monitoring issues, ITU-T SG11 achieved a good progress on Q.SQM: Signalling requirements and architecture for the Internet service quality monitoring system.

Also, ITU-T SG11 started several new work items on testing, as follows:

​Finally, following discussion at the last ITU-T SG11 meeting in November 2017 and according to the received contributions, ITU-T SG11 started a new guideline for general test procedure and specification for measurements of the LTE, 3G/2G user Equipment/mobile stations (UE/MS).
More information on these activities is available in the WP3/11 report (SG11-TD578/GEN).

16     Internet related performance measurements
ITU-T SG11 Q9/11 participants were informed about status of ETSI TC INT work on the same activity which is available in draft standard ETSI TC 103 427. There were no discussion over the draft ITU-T Q.3961 as it was put on hold at the last ITU-T SG11 meeting and there were no contributions addressed to this work item at this particular meeting.
During the ITU-T SG11 meeting, it was decided to organize a workshop during the next SG11 Meeting in March 2019, which will be collocated with ETSI TC INT, where SG12 will be invited to participate. The scope of the workshop will be benchmarking testing. ITU-T SG11 envisages that benchmarking testing is one of the components of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3961, which will be part of this workshop discussion. Following the discussion that will take place at the workshop, ITU-T SG11 experts will be available to join, if necessary, the ITU-T SG12 meeting in May 2019 in order to exchange opinions and discuss the progress of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3961.
The relevant reply was sent to ITU-T SG12. More information on these activities is available in the WP3/11 report (SG11-TD578/GEN).

17     Collaboration with ETSI TC INT
SG11 continues collaborating with ETSI TC INT through current joint activities and some new areas. Among current joint activities are:​The next joint e-meeting of Q9/11 and ETSI TC INT is scheduled on December 2018. All details are available on the SG11 web page.

18     Combating counterfeit ICT and mobile device theft
At this meeting, ITU-T SG11 determined new Recommendation ITU-T Q.5050 "Framework for solution to combat counterfeit ICT Devices" for approval using TAP procedure according to Resolution 1 (WTSA-16).
ITU-T SG11 achieved progress on the following ongoing work items:​The actions plans for implementation for the WTSA-16 Res. 96 and 97 were revised with the latest activities. The output document can be found on the TD620/GEN.

More information on these activities is available in the WP3/11 report (SG11-TD578/GEN).

19     Workshop "Global approaches on combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices", 23 July 2018.
ITU-T SG11 organized a Workshop on "Global approaches on combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices" which took place in Geneva on 23 July 2018.
One of the aims of the Workshop was to focus on concerns raised by ITU Member States during Council-18 on tampering with unique telecommunication device identifiers used in ICT devices such as IMEI.
The objectives of the Workshop were:
​Two demo-zones were deployed at the Workshop to demonstrate technical solutions on combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices, which basic concepts were presented during the Workshop, as follows:​The event was attended by 68 participants from 32 Countries. More details are available on Workshop's web page. The outcomes of the Workshop can also be found in SG11-TD 560/GEN.
Following the results of the Workshop, ITU-T SG11 decided to request TSB Director to inform Council on the following:
"Following summary records of ITU Council-17 (C17/124, clauses 3.5-3.10) and ITU-T Council-18 (C18/107, clause 2) on tampering and duplication of IMEI identifiers used in mobile devices, ITU-T SG11 would like to inform ITU Council about outcomes of discussion that took place at the ITU Workshop on Global approaches on combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices on this matter. The Workshop was held in Geneva on 23 July 2018 during ITU-T SG11 meeting (18-27 July 2018).
During Workshop, it was noted that the reliability of ICT identifiers are still a key important issue for most of countries. The key issues highlighted by the speakers are available in SG11-TD560/GEN.
According to outcomes of the wrap-up session, participants of the Workshop agreed with some key actions which aim to increase reliability of existing ICT identifiers.
ITU-T SG11 is encouraged to:
The presentations, video of the demo zones, interviews, newslog, photo and full list of actions agreed at the Workshop including the overview of the current situation are available in the outcomes posted on the Workshop's web page.

Finally, ITU-T SG11 would like to encourage all interested stakeholders (government, operators, device manufacturers, distributors, retailers) to join ITU-T SG11 for discussions on the approach to address cloning and tampering of existing identifiers, combat counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices."

20     Outgoing Liaison Statements
The following table shows the list of the twenty four agreed outgoing liaison statements. See SG11-TD432-R1/GEN.

#Q (s)For:To:TitleReference
11/11IITU-T Study Group 2; GSMALS/o/r on the progress of signalling architecture of distributed ENUM networking for IMS (reply to SG2-LS46 and GSMA - PACKET#97 Doc 202 -E) [to ITU-T SG2 and GSMA]TD581/GEN
22/11I3GPPLS/o/r on revised Recommendation ITU-T Q.850 (reply to 3GPP TSG SA3 - C3-183507) [to 3GPP]TD610/GEN
33/11IITU-D Q5/2LS/o/r on disaster relief use cases (reply to ITU-D SG02-C101 -E) [to ITU-D Q5/2]TD631/GEN
44/11ISG13, JCA-IMT2020LS/o on recent SDN-related developments in Q4/SG11: one consented draft Recommendation and one new draft Recommendation [to ITU-T SG13, JCA-IMT2020]TD629/GEN
54/11IIETFLS/o on recent IPv6 related development in Q4/SG11: one consented draft Recommendation [to IETF]TD630/GEN
66/11AITU-T Q20/13, Q21/13LS/o on ongoing work items of Q6/11 which related to SG13TD612/GEN
77/11IITU-T FG-DPM, ITU-T FG-ML5GLS/o on New Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.5001(ex. Q.IEC-REQ) "Signalling requirements and architecture of intelligent edge computing" [to ITU-T FG-DPM, ITU-T FG-ML5G]TD633/GEN
LS/o/r on current status of the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3961 (reply to SG12-LS57)TD598/GEN
914/11IITU-T Study Group 13LS/o/r to SG13 on invitation to review Cloud Computing Standardization Roadmap and provide missing or updated information (reply to SG13 - LS 43 -E)  [to ITU-T SG13]TD586/GEN
1014/11IETSI ISG NFVLS/o/r to ETSI on new work item Interop testing virtual switch (reply to ETSIISGNFV-NFV(18)000156r1 -E) [to ETSI ISG NFV]TD587/GEN
1114/11IITU-T SG13, ETSI ISG NFVLS/o on new work item on "Interoperability testing requirements of virtual BNG"[to ITU-T SG13, ETSI ISG NFV]TD588/GEN
1215/11AITU-D Q4/2LS/o/r on progress and collaboration on the combat of counterfeit and mobile device theft (reply to ITU-D Q4/2 - Document 2/108-E -E) [to ITU-D Q4/2]TD622/GEN
1315/11IITU-T Study Group 12LS/o/r Response to SG12-LS49 -E regarding studies on the impacts of counterfeit and non-compliant devices on the QoS/QoE of Mobile Networks  (reply to SG12-LS49) [to ITU-T SG12]TD623/GEN
14All/11IITU-T SG20LS/o/r on New Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.oneM2M.TF "oneM2M- Testing framework" and New Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.oneM2M.InteropTest "oneM2M- Interoperability Testing" (reply to  SG20 - LS 73 -E) [to ITU-T SG20]TD637/GEN
1511/11IAll ITU-T SGsLS/o on reference table to be used for Conformance and Interoperability testing [to all ITU-T SGs]TD638/GEN
16All/11AJCA-IMT2020LS/o/r on invitation to update the information in the IMT2020 roadmap (reply to  JCA-IMT2020-LS03) [to JCA-IMT2020]TD639/GEN
171/11ITSAGLS/o/r on "Hot Topics" (reply to TSAG - LS 10 -E) [to TSAG]TD640/GEN
18All/11ITSAG; ITU-R SG1LS/o/r on ITU inter-Sector coordination (reply to TSAG - LS 11 -E) [to TSAG; ITU-R SG1]TD641/GEN
19All/11IITU-D SG1; ITU-D SG2; TSAGLS/o/r on matching of ITU-D SG1 and SG2 Questions of interest to ITU-T Study Groups (reply to ITU-D SG2-C102) [to ITU-D SG1; ITU-D SG2; TSAG]TD642/GEN
20All/11ASCVLS/o/r on definition for broadband access (reply to SCV-LS15-E) [to SCV]TD643/GEN
21All/11ASCVLS/o on new ITU-T SG11 terms and definitions [to SCV]TD644/GEN
All SGs
LS/o/r on appointment of ITU technical experts (reply to SG2 - LS 36) [from CASC]TD609/GEN
23CASCISG16LS/o/r on a Technical Paper on the Continua (PCHA) Conformity Assessment Scheme and the test laboratory recognition procedure (reply to SG16-LS83) [to ITU-T SG16]TD603/GEN
24CASCAIECLS/o on ICT Laboratory Recognition Service on ITU-T Recommendations [to IEC]TD634-R1/GEN

21     Approved new work items
The following table shows the list of the thirteen new work items. See SG11-TD559-R1/GEN.
N.QWork item (Draft Recs)StatusTitleEditorTimingRef.
1.Q2/11Q.Interop_IMS_Rel_12NewIMS references to Release 12 for communication between IMS and NGN Networks in order to support the end-to-end service interoperabilityMartin Brand, A1 Telekom Austria
Gerhard Ott, Deutsche Telekom
2.Q2/11Revised ITU-T Q.850Rev.Usage of cause and location in the Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. 1 and the Signalling System No. 7 ISDN user partMartin Brand, A1 Telekom Austria
Gerhard Ott, Deutsche Telekom
3.Q2/11Corrigendum to the Appendix IV of the Recommendation ITU-T Q.1912.5NewInterworking between session initiation protocol (SIP) and bearer independent call control protocol or ISDN user partMartin Brand, A1 Telekom Austria
Gerhard Ott, Deutsche Telekom
4.Q4/11Q.SFDNewSignalling requirements for Service Function's discoveryCancan Huang,China Telecom,
Huanan Chen, China Telecom,
5.Q5/11Q.BNG-PACNewProcedures for vBNG acceleration with programmable acceleration cardHaining Wang, China Telecom,
Bo Lei, China Telecom,
Aipeng Guo, China Unicom,
Junfeng Ma, CAICT of MIIT,
6.Q5/11Q.HET-GWNewSignalling protocol for Heterogeneous IoT gatewaysAlexey Borodin, Rostelecom, Russian Federation,
Ruslan Kirichek,SPbSUT, Russian Federation
Rustam Pirmagomedov, SPbSUT, Russian Federation
Victor Grishchenko,Rostelecom, Russian Federation,
7.6/11Q.IMT2020-PFWNewProtocol Framework for IMT-2020Aleksey Borodin,
Ruslan Kirichek,
Rustam Pirmagomedov
8.8/11X.mp2p-cdsrNewRecommendation ITU‑T X.mp2p-cdsr, " Managed P2P communications : Content distribution signalling requirements "Wook Hyun
Chankyou Lee
9.8/11X609.5 /Amd.1NewAmendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T X.609.5/Amd.1, "Overlay management protocol for content distribution"Chankyou Lee
Shin-Gak KANG
10.Q10/11Guideline-TEST_UE/MSNewGuideline for general test procedure and specification for measurements of the LTE, 3G/2G user Equipment/mobile stations (UE/MS)Awad Ahmed Ali Hmed Mulah
Uwe Baeder
(Rohde&Schwarz, Germany)
11.Q10/11Q.SDN-OFTNewThe compatibility testing of SDN-based equipment using different versions of OpenFlow protocol   Alexey Borodin,
Ruslan Kirichek,
Rustam Pirmagomedov,
Artem Volkov, E-mail:
12.Q10/11Q.TP_ARNewTesting procedures of Augmented Reality applicationsRuslan KIRICHEK,
13.Q14/11Q.vbng-iop-reqtsNewInteroperability testing requirements of virtual Broadband Network GatewayXia GONG, China Telecom, gongxia@gsta.comQ3-2020SG11-TD585/GEN

22     Work plan for interim Working Party and Rapporteur meetings
The following represents the interim meetings plan as agreed at the ITU-T SG11 Plenary (Geneva, 27 July 2018). Also in SG11-TD433-R2/GEN.

22.1    Working parties
Working Party 2/11 and Working Party 3/11 meetings will be held on 31 October 2018.

22.2    Rapporteur groups
The following interim Rapporteurs' groups meetings are agreed by SG11 Plenary (Geneva, 27 July 2018).
QuestionDatesPlace / HostTerms of referenceContact
Q14/115 – 6 September 2018E-meetingProgress Q.wa-iopNan Chen
Q8/1117 -21 September
E-meetingProgress X.mp2p-cdsr, X.mp2p-cdpp.
Consider new work proposals.
Juyoung Park
Q4/1118-20 September 2018Beijing, China/China UnicomProgress the on-going work items Q.SD-WAN, Q.SCC, Q.SD-DCI, Q.SFD, Q.SMO
Discuss new work item introduced by contributions
Review the work program and modify the Action Plan
But not limited to.

Ying Cheng
Q15/112-4 October 2018E-meetingTo revise the Q.FW_CSM
To revise TR-BP_CF
To revise new contributions received.
João Zanon
Q1/1122-31 October 2018GenevaProgress ongoing work items
Consider any other new work items
But not limited to.
Huan Deng
Q2/1122-31 October 2018Geneva

Discuss ongoing work items;
Consider new work items
But not limited to.

Cheng Li
Q3/1122-31 October 2018GenevaProgress ongoing work items
Consider any other new work items
Xiaojie Zhu
Q4/1122-31 October 2018GenevaProgress the on-going work items Q.SD-WAN, Q.SCC, Q.SD-DCI, Q.SFD, Q.SMO
Discuss new work item introduced by contributions
Review the work program and modify the Action Plan
But not limited to.
Ying Cheng
Q5/1122-31 October 2018GenevaProgress ongoing work items
To consider any new work items
But not limited to.
Aipeng Guo
Q6/1122-31 October 2018GenevaProgress all Q6/11 on-going work items and new work proposalsHaining WANG
Q7/1122-31 October 2018GenevaProgress all Q7/11 on-going work items and new work proposalsJongmin Lee
Kwihoon Kim
Q8/1122-31 October 2018GenevaProgress all Q8/11 on-going work items and new work proposalsJuyoung Park
Q10/1122-31 October 2018GenevaDiscuss contributions for the work items under Q10/11
Possible new work items.
Kaoru Kenyoshi
Q12/1122–26 October 2018GenevaProgress on ongoing work items
Consent Q.FW_IoT/Test
Open new work items.
Q14/1122-31 October 2018GenevaConsent  Q.wa-iop
Progress Q.vs-iop-reqts, Q.vbng-iop-reqts
Discuss new work item introduced by contributions
Review the work program
But are not limited to.
Nan Chen
Q9/114 December 2018E-meetingOngoing work itemsMartin Brand

23     Regional Groups' meetings
SG11 was informed about plans of Regional Groups' for 2019. However, dates and venue are not confirmed yet. The detailed information will be circulated through the relevant mailing lists and reflected on the Regional Groups web pages.

24     Promotion of ITU-T SG11 work
At the closing plenary of ITU-T SG11, it was proposed to organize several Workshops in 2019, as follows:The announcements will follow.

25     Next Study Group 11 meeting
The next SG11 meeting is scheduled to take place in March 2019. The dates and venue will be confirmed.