ITU's 160 anniversary

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SG11: Signalling requirements, protocols, test specifications and combating counterfeit products

Executive summary of the SG11 meeting (Geneva, 8-17 November 2017)

Study Group 11 meeting was held in Geneva, from 8-17 November 2017 and was attended by 96 delegates from 32 countries. Along with face-to-face meetings, most sessions from various Questions or joint Questions meetings were supported by remote participation capabilities.

Parallel events:

1     Approved and Consented Recommendations (ITU-T A.8)
The following table shows the ‘Consented’ draft Recommendations.​

# Q. WP Draft new/revised Rec. No. Title Final TD A.5 justification
1.                   2/111/11Q.1912.5 (revised)Interworking between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Bearer Independent Call Control protocol or ISDN User Part TD376-R1/GEN TD287/GEN
2.                   2/111/11Q.3640 (ex. Q.30xx_VoLTE_Interconnection_FW)Framework of interconnection of VoLTE/ViLTE-based networks TD377/GEN TD288/GEN
3.                   4/111/11Q.3740 (ex. Q.SCO)Signalling Requirements for SDN and NFV based Central Office services TD395/GEN---
4.                   4/111/11Q.3716 (ex. Q.PVMapping)Signalling Requirements for Mapping between Physical and Virtual Networks TD394/GEN---
5.                   5/111/11Q.3715 (ex. Q.BNG-DBoD)Signalling requirements for dynamic bandwidth adjustment on demand on broadband network gateway implemented by software defined networking technologies TD368-R1/GEN---
6.                   7/112/11Q.3714 (ex. Q.SAN-MIM)Signalling requirements of SDN-based access networks with media independent management capabilities TD356/GEN---
7.                   8/112/11X.609.4 (ex. X.mp2p-mspp)Managed P2P communications: Multimedia streaming peer protocol TD392/GEN TD403/GEN
8.                   8/112/11X.609.5 (ex. X.mp2p-msomp)Managed P2P communications: Multimedia streaming overlay management protocol TD393/GEN TD390/GEN
9.                   11/113/11Q.4016 (revised)Testing specification of call establishment procedures based on SIP/SDP and ITU-T H.248 for a real-time fax over IP service TD386-R1/GEN---
10.               11/113/11Q.3940 (revised)NGN/IMS interconnection tests between network operators at the IMS 'Ic' interface and NGN NNI / SIP-I TD385-R1/GEN---
11.               11/113/11Q.3953 (ex. Q.VoLTE_INT_TEST)VoLTE/ViLTE interconnection testing for interworking and roaming scenarios TD408/GEN TD409/GEN
12.               12/113/11Q.3952 (ex. Q.39_IoT_MN_test)The architecture and facilities of Model network for IoT testing TD324/GEN---
13.               13/113/11Q.3914 (ex. Q.CCP)Set of parameters of cloud computing for monitoring TD367-R1/GEN---
14.               14/113/11Q.4041.1 (ex. Q.infra-iop)Cloud computing infrastructure capabilities interoperability testing – part 1: Interoperability testing between CSC and CSP TD361-R1/GEN---

2     Supplements, Handbooks, Technical Papers, Guidelines and Corrigenda
2.1  Supplements
No Supplements were approved at this meeting.

2.2  Guidelines
No Guidelines were approved at this meeting.

2.3  Handbooks
No Handbooks were approved at this meeting.

2.4  Technical Papers
No Technical Papers were approved at this meeting.

2.5  Corrigenda
No Corrigenda were approved at this meeting.

3     SG11 Structure and Management
There were no changes to the structure of SG11.

Further to a communication from ENACOM, Argentina, Mr Mario Frigerio had to step down as Vice-chairman of SG11 and Mr Jose Hirschson Alvarez Prado also from ENACOM, Argentina was proposed to replace Mr Mario Frigerio.
The SG11 opening plenary approved Mr Jose Hirschson Alvarez Prado as SG11 Vice-chairman.
The meeting thanked Mr Frigerio and welcomed Mr Hirschson Alvarez Prado.

4     Regional groups of SG11
The reports of the Regional groups of SG11 (SG11RG-AFR and SG11RG-EECAT) were presented and approved at the opening plenary. Following the discussion of the contributions proposing some changes to the Terms of References, the revised ToR of both groups were approved at the opening plenary of SG11.
The revised ToR for SG11RG-AFR and SG11RG-EECAT are available in SG11-TD312/GEN and SG11-TD313/GEN accordingly.

5     Questions
There were no changes to the Questions texts at this meeting. 

6     Liaison officers and Rapporteurs
SG11 approved the appointment of the new Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs as follows:

​Due to absence of some rapporteurs it was decided to appoint acting rapporteurs for this particular meeting. The final list of Rapporteurs, Associate Rapporteurs and Acting Rapporteurs can be found in SG11-TD186-R2/GEN.

SG11 approved the appointment of new liaison officers and representatives as follows: ​The final list of Liaison Officers and representatives can be found in SG11-TD185-R1/GEN.

7     Action plan of ITU-T SG11 for the new Study Period (2017-2020)
During the first meeting of SG11 (February 2017), the SG11 Chairman presented the SG11 Action plan (SG11-TD173/GEN) which summarizes the strategy of the WPs for the current Study Period, according to the presentations given by the WPs Chairmen.
At the SG11 meeting (8-17 November 2017), the SG11 Chairman encouraged the WPs Chairmen to provide updates to the action plan at the next SG11 meeting (July 2018).

8     SDN and 5G/IMT-2020 related issues
SG11 finalized set of new ITU-T Recommendations dealing with SDN and other 5G related technologies. Among them were: ​All of the above new Recommendations were consented at the closing plenary of SG11 meeting (17 November 2017).
SG11 also advanced the ongoing work item Q.NS-LCMP “Protocol for network slice lifecycle management” and agreed to start several new work items on IMT-2020, as follows: ​More information on these activities is available in the WP1/11 and WP2/11 reports accordingly (SG11-TD346-R1/GEN, SG11-TD347-R1/GEN).

9     Signalling issues
SG11 consented the revised Recommendation ITU-T Q.1912.5 "Interworking between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Bearer Independent Call Control protocol or ISDN User Part" and advanced ITU-T Q.3405 "IPv6 protocol procedures for broadband services".

SG11 also agreed to start a new work item Q.ETN-DS "Signalling architecture of the fast deployment emergency telecommunication network to be used in a natural disaster" which aim is to describe the functional elements, services and signaling architecture of emergency telecommunication network which can be rapidly deployed in a country affected by a natural disaster.

10     SS7 security
SG11 meeting discussed number of contributions addressed to SS7 issues. Among them were proposals to revise ITU-T Q.731.3 and create new signaling procedures to be applied on SS7 stack.
With regards to Q.731.3, following the discussion, delegates reached consensus on the following procedure for generic number: In the local exchange, Generic number parameter indicating "additional calling party number" with the screening indicator "user provided, not verified" shall not be sent without service agreement.
Following the discussion of the proposed new work items, meeting agreed that verification of the identification of network entities (also the calling party number) is a very important method to achieve greater safety and security for network. At current stage, study on the requirements and architecture for interconnection between trustable network entities is needed. In this regards, it was agreed to start a new work item Q.SR-Trust "Signalling requirements and architecture for interconnection between trustable network entities".
More details are available in WP1/11 report and Q2/11 report accordingly (SG11-TD346-R1/GEN, SG11-TD332/GEN).

11     VoLTE/ViLTE interconnection
Following two years of study, SG11 consented two new ITU-T Recommendations dealing with VoLTE/ViLTE interconnection, as follows:

​Following this result, SG11 agreed to start a new work item Q.DEN_IMS “Signalling architecture of distributed ENUM networking for IMS” which will define the signalling architecture of distributed ENUM networking in support of IMS interconnection. Even though this new work item will focus on signalling aspect, it was decided to start this new work item with an approval process of TAP.
SG11 also made progress on ongoing work item Q.suppl.Multi_Device_ETS “Signalling requirements for VoLTE-based network and GSM/UMTS network supporting Multi-device emergency telecommunications service” and agreed to start several new work items on VoLTE/ViLTE matters, as follows: ​The details are available in WP1/11 and WP3/11 reports accordingly (SG11-TD346-R1/GEN, SG11-TD348/GEN).

12     Fifth meeting of the ITU-T Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (CASC)
SG11 approved the revised Terms of Reference (ToR) of CASC, which were aligned with WTSA-16 Resolution 2 and Resolution 76 referring to joint ITU/IEC certification scheme.
CASC discussed the collaboration approach with IECEE TF in order to establishing joint certification scheme. It was agreed that the Chairman will contact the representatives of IEC asking them to provide their inputs to the ongoing CASC’s guidelines for consideration at the next CASC meeting.
CASC also updated list of focal points of ITU-T SGs to CASC according to received inputs from ITU-T SGs.
The CASC agreed that it will meet again during the next meeting of SG11 (20 July 2018) (TBC). Also, it was agreed that CASC will use its mailing list as a useful tool to facilitate discussion between its members to progress the work of CASC. It also can be used for exchanging some inputs and ideas related to the ongoing work items, which might become contributions to the next CASC meeting.
The meeting report can be found in SG11-TD329/GEN. More details are available on the ITU-T CASC web page.

13     Implementation of ITU C&I Programme
According to inputs received from ITU-T SGs, ITU-T SG11 updated the reference table of ITU-T Recommendations suitable for C&I testing. The information was updated on the ITU C&I Portal accordingly (see

14     Internet related performance measurements
SG11 discussed the draft ITU-T Q.3961 "Testing methodologies of Internet related performance measurements including e2e bit rate within the fixed and mobile operator's networks". In spite of achieved progress and bearing in mind the received LS from SG12, SG11 decided to put draft ITU-T Q.3961 on hold for the time being. The SG11 will return to the draft ITU-T Q.3961 as soon as the relevant standard appears in other Standardization Bodies.
The meeting report can be found in SG11-TD339/GEN.

15         Collaboration with ETSI TC INT
SG11 continues collaborating with ETSI TC INT through current joint activities and some new areas. Among current joint activities are: ​The next joint meeting of Q9/11, Q11/11 and ETSI TC INT is scheduled to take place in Prague (hosted by University of Prague) from 20-22 March 2018. All details are available on the SG11 web page.

16     Combating counterfeit ICT and mobile device theft
SG11 made progress on the ongoing work items: More details of the discussion are available in the WP3/11 report (SG11-TD348/GEN).

17     International Telecommunication Regulation (ITR)
SG11 discussed the incoming Liaison Statement from TSAG requesting background information on the implementation of the 2012 International Telecommunication Regulations (TSAG-LS 8). Following the response to the TSAG request, which was sent by SG11 Chairman in September 2017, SG11 decided to reply to the incoming Liaison Statement providing additional information (SG11-LS20). The response includes information below.
Concerning the relevant ITU-T Recommendations and the role of SG11 has in implementing the 2012 ITRs, the SG11 meeting agreed the following: SG11 also decided to reflect this information in the report of SG11 for the TSB Director’s consideration.

18     IoT testing
SG11 consented new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3952 “The architecture and facilities of Model network for IoT testing”. Several draft new Recommendations were advanced during this SG11 meeting.
All details are available in the meeting report SG11-TD342/GEN

19     Workshop on "Control plane of IMT-2020 and emerging networks. Current issues and the way forward" (15 November 2017)
SG11 organized a Workshop on "Control plane of IMT-2020 and emerging networks. Current issues and the way forward" which took place in Geneva on 15 November 2017. The goal of the workshop was to identify current issues on signalling protocols for emerging networks, including interconnection, worldwide practices and perspectives on the implementation of 5G/IMT-2020/emerging networks and potential new areas for standardization on control plane of the 5G/IMT-2020/emerging networks.
Among the results of the workshop were some suggestions to SG11 as a lead group on signaling and protocols: The event was attended by 82 participants from 28 Countries. All presentations including outcomes of the Workshop are available on the event’s web page at:

20    Outgoing Liaison Statements
The following table shows the list of the nineteen agreed outgoing liaison statements. See SG11-TD183-R2/GEN.
# Q (s) For: To: Title Reference
1All/11ASCV-CCVLS/o/r on definition for broadband access (reply to SCV LS13) TD315-R1/GEN
2All/11AFG-DPMLS/o/r on the first meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG-DPM) (reply to FG-DPM-LS003) TD417/GEN
3All/11ITSAGLS/o/r on Open Source (reply to TSAG-LS004) TD418-R1/GEN
4All/11IITU-T SG5LS/o/r on LSs related to EMC/EMF (reply to SG5-LS024, SG5-LS-22) TD419/GEN
5All/11ITSAGLS/o/r on stale work items and SG Reports on lead study group activities (reply to TSAG-LS006) TD420/GEN
61/11IITU-T SG2, GSMALS/o on initiating a new work item on signalling architecture of distributed ENUM networking for IMS TD383- R1/GEN
72/11IITU-T SG2LS/o on new work item Q.SR-Trust "Signalling requirements and architecture for interconnection between trustable network entities" TD380/GEN
84/11IITU-T SG13,
LS/o on recent SDN-related developments in SG11: Four consented draft Recommendations TD400-R1/GEN
9All/11AJCA-IMT2020LS/o/r on invitation to update the information in the IMT2020 roadmap (reply to JCA-IMT2020) TD300/GEN
106, 7, 8/11AJTC 1/SC 6/WG 7LS/o/r on collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 6/WG 7 (reply to SC6_WG7_N111) TD389/GEN
119/11IITU-T SG12, TSAGLS/o on current status of the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3961 TD388/GEN
1211/11IAll ITU-T SGsLS/o on Implementation of ITU C&I Programme TD373/GEN
1311/11IITU-D Q4/2LS/o/r on ongoing collaboration (reply to ITU-D Q4/2-SG2RGQ/250) TD411/GEN
1412/11IITU-T SG17LS/o/r on JCA-IdM (reply to SG17 - LS 15) TD325/GEN
1512/11IITU-T SG20LS/o on ITU-T Q.3952 "The architecture and facilities of Model network for IoT testing" TD326/GEN
1614/11IITU T SG13LS/o/r on progress of ITU-T Y.3516 (ex Y.CCIC-arch) "Cloud computing - Functional architecture of inter-cloud computing" (reply to SG13-LS028) TD363-R2/GEN
1714/11IITU-T SG13LS/o/r on invitation to review Cloud Computing Standardization Roadmap and provide missing or updated information (reply to SG13-LS019) TD364-R2/GEN
1815/11IITU-T SG20LS/o/r on work on the combat of counterfeit ICT devices and mobile device theft (reply to SG20-LS009) TD414-R1/GEN
19All/11ATSAG, All ITU-T SGsLS/o/r on request for background information on the implementation of the 2012 International Telecommunication Regulations – additional information (reply to TSAG-LS008) TD422/GEN

21     Approved new work items
The following table shows the list of the thirteen new work items. See SG11-TD410-R1/GEN.
N. Q Work item (Draft Recs) Status Title Editor Timing Ref.
1Q1/11Q.DEN_IMSNewSignalling architecture of distributed ENUM networking for IMS Xiaojie Zhu(Judy)
Nangxiang Shi
Jinlan Ma


2019-07 SG11-TD382/GEN
2Q2/11Q.SR-TrustNewSignalling requirements and architecture for interconnection between trustable network entitiesMinrui Shi
Sergei Puzankov, Rostelecom
2019-11 SG11-TD374/GEN
3Q2/11Q.VoLTE-SAO-reqNewRequirements for signalling network analyses and optimization in VoLTE Nanxiang Shi Jinlan Ma Cheng Li


2019-02 SG11-TD375/GEN
4Q3/11Q.ETN-DSNewSignalling architecture of the fast deployment emergency telecommunication network to be used in a natural disaster Aleksey Borodin
Ruslan Kirichek
Rustam Pirmagomedov


2019-02 SG11-TD355/GEN
5Q3/11Q.suppl.Multi_Device_ETSNewSignalling requirements for VoLTE-based network and GSMUMTS network supporting Multi-device emergency telecommunications service Muyin Liu 
Jinlan Ma Jianyin Zhang
Miao Xue      
2019-10 SG11-TD354/GEN
6Q6/11Q.CE-APIMPNewProtocol for managing capability exposure APIs in IMT-2020 network Hui Cai,
Lu Lu, Haining Wang, Shin-Gak Kang
2019-12 SG11-TD351/GEN
7Q6/11Q.D2D-EECPNewEnergy efficient D2D communication protocol for IMT 2020 network Aleksey Borodin
Ruslan Kirichek
Rustam Pirmagomedov


2019-12 SG11-TD352/GEN
8Q7/11Q.QMP-TCANewQoS management protocol for time constraint applications over SDNAleksey Borodin
Ruslan Kirichek Rustam Pirmagomedov
2019-02 SG11-TD360/GEN
9Q9/11Q.SP-RT-NPNewSignalling procedures of the probes to be used for remote testing of network parametersAleksey Borodin
Ruslan Kirichek Vyacheslav Kulik
2018 SG11-TD384/GEN
10Q10/11Q.SDN-CTNewFramework of SDN controller testingAleksey Borodin
Ruslan Kirichek
Rustam Pirmagomedov
Ammar Muthanna
20191Q SG11-TD401/GEN
11Q11/11Q.TI-TESTNewFramework of model network for Tactile Internet testingAleksey Borodin
Ruslan Kirichek
Rustam Pirmagomedov
2019 SG11-TD387/GEN
12Q13/11Q.SQMNewSignalling requirements and architecture for the Internet service quality monitoring systemYongsheng Liu
12-2019 SG11-TD366/GEN
13Q13/11Q.BNGPNewSet of parameters of vBNG for monitoringBo Lei Yongsheng Liu
12-2019 SG11-TD365/GEN

22     Work plan for interim Working Party and Rapporteur meetings
The following represents the interim meetings plan as agreed at SG11 Plenary (Geneva, 17 November 2017). Also in SG11-TD184-R1/GEN.

22.1  Working parties
No Working Party meeting will be held before the next SG11 meeting.
22.2  Rapporteur groups
The following interim Rapporteurs’ groups meetings are agreed by SG11 Plenary (Geneva, 17 November 2017).

Question Dates Place / Host Terms of reference Contact
Q4/11January 22-24 2018
9:00-11:00 (Geneva time)
e-meeting Progress the on-going work items of Q4/11
But not limited to.
Ying CHENG, China Unicom
Q1/119-18 April 2018Geneva To progress ongoing work items
To consider any new work items
But not limited to.
Q2/119-18 April 2018GenevaDiscuss ongoing work items
Consider any new work items
But not limited to
Cheng LI,
Q3/119-18 April 2018Geneva Progress ongoing work items
Consider any other new work items
Xiaojie ZHU,
Q4/119-18 April 2018Geneva Progress the on-going work items of Q4/11
Discuss new work item introduced by contributions
Review the work program and modify the Action Plan
But not limited to.
Ying CHENG, China Unicom
Q5/119-18 April ,2018Geneva Progress ongoing work items
To consider any new work items
But not limited to.
Aipeng GUO
Q6/119-18 April 2018Geneva Progress all Q6/11 on-going work items and new work proposals Haining WANG
Q7/1119~23 Feb. 2018e-meetingProgress all Q7/11 on-going work items and new work proposals Jongmin LEE
Q7/119-18 April 2018GenevaProgress all Q7/11 on-going work items and new work proposalsJongmin LEE
Q7/1128 May ~ 1 June 2018e-meetingProgress all Q7/11 on-going work items and new work proposals Jongmin LEE
Q8/119-18 April 2018Geneva Progress all Q8/11 on-going work items and new work proposals Juyoung Park
Joint Q9/11 -ETSI TC INT20-22 March 2018Prague/University of PragueDiscuss Q.SP-RT-NP together with Q13/11
Discuss iLSs and prepare oLSs
Consider proposal to start new work items.
Martin BRAND,

TSB/ITU Secretariat:
ETSI Secretariat:
Helene Schmidt
ETSI announcement
Joint Q11/11 -ETSI TC INT20-22 March 2018Prague/ University of Prague Discuss progress on the ongoing work items;
Discuss iLSs and prepare oLSs;
Consider proposal to start new work items.
Martin BRAND,
TSB/ITU Secretariat:

ETSI Secretariat:
Helene Schmidt
ETSI announcement
Q12/11 11, 12 April 2018Geneva Progress on ongoing work items;
Open new work items.

TSB/ITU Secretariat:
Q14/119-18 April 2018Geneva Progress Q.wa-iop
Discuss new work item introduced by contributions
Review the work program
But are not limited to.

TSB/ITU Secretariat:
Q15/119-18 April 2018e-meeting Discuss current Q15/11 work items, in particular Q.FW_CSM. João Alexandre Moncaio ZANON

TSB/ITU Secretariat:

23     Regional Groups’ meetings
SG11 was informed about plans of Regional Groups’ for 2018. However, dates and venue are not confirmed yet. The detailed information will be circulated through the relevant mailing lists and reflected on the Regional Groups web pages.

24     Promotion of SG11 work
At the closing plenary of SG11, it was proposed to organize ITU Workshop “Combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices” during next SG11 meeting in July 2018. The announcement will follow.

25     Next Study Group 11 meeting
The next SG11 meeting is scheduled to take place from 18-27 July 2018. The dates and venue will be confirmed.