ITU's 160 anniversary

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SG9 Workshop - Future Integrated Broadband Cable Networks

​​​Wuhan, China, 14 April 2019


Cable broadband network is one of the major and ubiquitous Internet access across the globe, and it is well suited to accommodate the increasing Internet use. The Recommendations/Specification/Standards from ITU-T/CableLabs/C-DOCSIS leverage the customer experience of the broadband and TV services through the Integrated Broadband Cable Network.

To realize the full potential of the multi-gigabit cable technology, operators need to consider how to make effective usage of their network for carrying television, voice, and other services. To do this, it needs to continuously monitor the growth of the broadband demand on their network and make further network deployments and spectrum optimizations for adjustments. For example, some means are changing television service from analog to digital transmission, optimizing video delivery techniques such as compression, installing fiber deeper in the network, adding new devices, or implementing a number of other techniques that improve the efficiency and broadband capacity.

Cable industry has defined many skeptics and continued to thrive for the past 20 years, because of its agility in adopting and innovating new technologies to meet the ever increasing appetite of bandwidth hungry requirements. The future prosperous of cable industry depends upon the next generation technologies. Therefore, it is very important to answer the following questions:
Experts from ITU-T SG9 will share their envision at the Future Integrated Broadband Cable Networks workshop.​